Putting a bounty on the Murrain?
No proof he's a wererat my end. But murder and human sacrafice is murder and human sacrafice. Put the bounty on him as a man, we judge him as a rat if clean cut evidence is given.
Is it murder though?
Surely we should call them to trial to ascertain any guilt before issuing a bounty for them dead.
We know that this Meg was a certainly a traitor to them, Who sent her to spy on them is as of yet unknown.
But regardless they likely took an oath to Talona to serve them through the Murrain, And they broke this oath to their god.
Torm, A god many would consider goodly is clear cut on this, A traitor must be punished with death.
It seems to me they found a traitor amongst them and performed some druidic rite to appease the pagan spirits of the lands that some seek the favour of.
Pierre "The Butcher" Cambrian
A woman by the name of Elora Everly from Arabel was murdered, gutted, and sent down the river. We at Eveningstar tried to intervene and save her but were unfortunately not able to do so, and even lost one of our Dawnknights in the process. The Murrain are guilty.
Shut up Pierre.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
I think there been enough arguing. Right now there are four men out there who feel there goddess gives them right to murder at will and do it on the Kings lands. If they want to argue that in court, they can, but I foresee them killing again and again if we let this slide.
Clerk put the bounty up.
Pierre I advise you put up something similar in Tilverton and dismiss them as mercenaries.
Advice taken and denied
We do not take orders from a failed paladin who tries to dodge a duel and acts with clear and obvious bias in all matters regarding Tilverton
Pierre "Butcher" Cambrian
Lord Tyr seems to think otherwise. ... on that note are you still of the mind that 'excuting' children is somehow just?
Since this topic has been discussed and already voted on, I'll be moving it to the archives soon.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
It is not settled yet
New testimony proves Toussaint the False tried to bribe Hans to act against my Duke
Hans testifies that he met with him and Toussaint offered to ensure there was no bounties on the Murrain if they kidnapped two serfs from my Dukes lands and took them to Eveningstar for "safety"
This entire investigation should be classed as invalid for the flawed investigation and bias against the most esteemed Duke Misrim
Pierre "The Butcher" Cambrian
If you have any issues with councilor Julien, open a new file. Or rather, don't, because this council doesn't have time to settle disputes between Tilverton and mister Toussaint, that has nothing to do with this case.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
//Someone write a -clear- list of names and crimes, its hard to make it out from all the discussions. Meant to be put up 2 RL days ago, so its just OOC that the bounty isnt up yet
@puffy // they sent me something this morning, I haven’t been at my computer since. I’ll pm it to the team for someone to post
@lord_acererak said in Putting a bounty on the Murrain?:
@puffy // they sent me something this morning, I haven’t been at my computer since. I’ll pm it to the team for someone to post
//Done and dusted :)
Who wrote those posters? and when they get fired, can I pick up some of their hours? I want to get one of those new Mithril tipped quills, this titanium tipped one keeps melting and burning all my parchments, I got an electric shock of it the other day.
-A Clerk.
[a copy of the poster is delivered to the Council of Twelve]
WANTED -The Murrain
By the decree of the Council of Twelve and the city of Arabel, those belonging to the group known as the Murrain are hereby banished from the city, and are to be treated as wanted criminals. For the acts of Murder, Armed Assault, Kidnapping, Blasphemy, associating with and harboring criminals, and other magical crimes. To be brought dead or alive before the Councils of Arabel, People's Palace, King's Plaza, Arabel.767f02b1-a3ed-451e-986b-63677444d781-image.png
Murder, Armed Assault, Kidnapping, Blasphemy, associating with and harboring criminals, and other magical crimes.
Jim Kross "Old Jim"
Adam Whitlock
Jenny Whitlock
Slurg the Orc
Hans the Swordsman
It has come to my attention that several listed names were not even privy to the event in question. the Royal Family has received word of this injustice and demands satisfaction. Clerk Steinhouser is to be banished from the kingdom. The Council of Twelve has 24 hrs to site crimes for each individual who is to be Wanted. These posters have been removed until this is resolved.
A clear list of who is responsible, why they are responsible, what laws they broke, and especially important whether this person is Wanted Dead or Alive, or is to be Exiled from the Kingdom.
-Dame Saga Drakesbane
[clerk Steinhouser is captured by the Arabel Militia and shoved into a sack, then put on the next boat out of Immersea.]
[clerk Boris is seen consoling Steinhousers grieving wife.]
For my personal account Dame,
Before I was knocked out at the event, I saw at least three, though there could have been more. The one known as Hans and the Orc for certain, and a third that attacked us with lightning magic, so probably an arcane user of some kind.
These three at the very least should be wanted dead or alive, criminals entirely guilty of the murder of miss Elora Everly.
My original suggestion, since some of the names of the assailants are unknown, was to have all of the Murrain be exiled for harboring these other criminals. However, if they turned in the guilty parties, then the exile would be dropped from the rest of them.
And honestly, if we only went after the three involved, are we alright with the rest of them still hanging around together, helping these criminals? They're a group of crazy Talona worshippers. Exiled or not, of course they're going to work together. If one were to go out and try to bring these criminals to justice, and the other Murrain tried to stop it, they would be accomplices to these criminals anyways. This would just save a lot of time.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
[a frustrated-looking half-orc woman dressed in the armor of the Precept is seen sifting through the file and gathering a list of things. Any clerks bothering her is given a silent, yet intimidating glare before she returns to her task]
The facts so far, from the gathered information in this file:
- This happened on the High Road, near the estate of House Darendaal, which is Arabellan lands. Therefore, Arabel's law is applied.
- Elora Everly was sacrificed (And yes, this is Murder. The woman was killed against her will.)
- Everlyn Stillwater was slain
- The Halfling Meg was killed for warning Eveningstar
Just for the case of the one Elora Everly, those involved are guilty of:
- Capital: Murder (Jim)
- Serious: Armed Assault (All)
- Serious: Magical Crimes (as her death was a ritualistic one, this may apply. Clerks, do confirm, please.) (Jim)
- Serious: Kidnapping (All)
Those involved in the whole affaire:
- Slurg the Orc
- Hans the Swordsman
- Tenebris the Druid (lycanthrope status to be confirmed)
- Jim Kross (Alias "Old Jim") (responsible for the sacrifice of the woman)
Possibly involved but not confirmed:
- Adam Whitlock
Missing information:
- Who killed Everlyn Stillwater
- Who killed the Halfling Meg
Sort out what is missing or set the bounty on those confirmed of their involvement with the charges fitting their crimes.
- True Bloodhound Ydira
Miss Ydiria,
We could indeed throw the book at them, but it'd just be easier to just apply all the Murrain involved with murder (and party to it). No need to needlessly waste ink and paper with crimes that all ultimately ended in that.
Secondly, I'd argue the murder of Stillwater ought to be dropped, as she was an enemy combatant- the House of the Morning's only real complaint is that it took place in Arabellan land- LITERALLY RIGHT NEXT TO THEIR BORDER, so the confusion is understandable and if we hold them to this standard, our local corrupt Tyrran Paladin will complain we don't hold others to the same standard later.
So it's really just the Murder of Meg and Elora- both of whom were nobodies of no real import and no one cared about, so I'd recommend a small bounty of 500 gold each.
- Clerk Robertson
Wasn't Elora also a member of the house of the morning, still a novice maybe but still connected.
Perhaps the mercenaries got confused and thought she was involved too.
Then there's Meg who was an oath breaker and seems to be have simply been killed too. Not sacrificed.
Are we going to say traitors shouldn't be killed now.
Really it looks like rowdy mercenaries getting a bit out of hand which they have been chastised for.
Pierre "The Butcher" Cambrian
Councilor Amherst, I find it would be best for the Greywatch to sort out the remaining details of this case. It fall within your purview, and I am certain you are eager to see justice done.
True Bloodhound Ydira