[Set] VOSS/Loghain Blackmore/Tiefling+Starter Equipment App
Voss/Loghain Blackmore/Tiefling + Item
1). Race/Class/Alignment/Level/Name of Character
Tiefling(human)/Rogue,ranger,fighter/Lawful Evil/Loghain Blackmore2). What specific perk(s) (subrace, faction, etc)
Applying for tiefling subrace, background and item. Details on the item(contract) below the background section.3a). Background/storyline
Loghain's great grandfather signed a contract with Mammon the King of Greed for 100,000 gold in exchange for power. Before the payment could be made Mammon's minions stole every coin from his vault, leaving him unable to fulfil the bargain. The fine print of the contract stated that if he was unable to pay, his soul would be forfeit, and the debt would be passed down to his children.Every new generation unable to pay would have their souls owned, and add another 100,000 gold interest on top of the existing debt.
Loghain is the fourth generation to inherit the deal bringing the owed total to 400,000 gold pieces.
3b). Contract details
I'd like an item representing my character's inherited contract with Mammon. What form this item takes I'll leave up to the DMs. But I'd like to use it for players to be able to sell their soul to me, in whatever deal they agree to.If I can get some to sell their soul to me this way, I will in turn sell it to Mammon to bring down my debt, the amount this strikes off my debt is up to DM discretion.
4). Subrace RP
My character's infernal bloodline is inherited due to the contract. As Mammon owns his soul and those of his family he is bound to obey devils outranking him. Thus his lawful nature is more of a curse to him, creating a duality between what is nature tells him to do and the freedom he seeks personally.Outwardly the character will appear mostly human, but with serpentine tongue and eyes that glow golden.
5). Build Insight
Rogue levels to represent being a cutthroat, investing in skills like bluff and intimidate.
Ranger for tracking and bounty hunting.
Fighter to take martial training and to represent his life as a mercenary.I plan to app for Blackguard in the future, which might replace fighter.
6). Additional notes
I don't really know how hard or easy gold is to get these days, so the values are all just suggestions by me. If the DMs would like to change them that's cool. -
recommending this pact;
Pact(s): Any
Benefactor: Any
Invocation Level: AcolyteYour pact allows you to draw on the preternatural presence of your benefactor, augmenting your own.
[[+10 to Bluff, Intimidate, Persuade for 24 hours.]]
Warlock pacts should be eig, not given on creation. I'm fine with his family owing a big debt and him having a cool paper item, but he should be unaware how much and to who. 4th gen is too close, better keeping it vague. I would say the dmless cave of wickedness dungeon is a perfect way for him to awaken his dormant family powers. Plus that way he can get players involved
I know I voted yes, but after I went to bed last night it occurred to me
I dont think a devil's pact (even it is an archdevil) can carry from a person to their descendant.
Someone verify this for me? -
Voted yes but no item
- not the pact at creation BUT something smaller as token to represent the story
- infernal language token?
- ring that he MUST wear that gives -1 will + 1 AC and +2 to the skills from the indicated pact? Ring gets replaced with pact eventually.
- something else?
- he can EiG the pact (and with this clear a concept and idea should be pretty easy) but I’d like some player involvement along the way.
@Echo there are generational curses/pacts in nwn sometimes attributed to a bloodline, but it does depend on the pact/language used. Sometimes its a physical item or mark when the person comes of age, or is head of a house.
Yes, he should need to EiG a pact, that's true.
What prof is proposing makes sense.
I think hes trying to resolve the pact, if he does we could reward that with the full pact power as he has made up for his families portion of the pact, and the devil had to give him his portion.
Change my vote to yes without the pact -
Confirmation for
- Subrace - Yes
- Pact Power - No
- Infernal Language - Yes
- Non-Drop/Cursed Ring -
-1 will, + 1 AC , +2 Bluff/Intimidate/Persuade
24 hours
Final thoughts, please -
@echo said in VOSS/Loghain Blackmore/Tiefling+Starter Equipment App:
Confirmation for
- Subrace - Yes
- Pact Power - No
- Infernal Language - Yes
- Non-Drop/Cursed Ring -
-1 will, + 1 AC , +2 Bluff/Intimidate/Persuade
24 hours
Final thoughts, pleaseSure
@puffy im making loot now, ill make his.
Made but not delivered yet. -
Tiefling subrace applied, character name Loghain Blackmore
Cursed ring is no drop, informed player he his technically cursed if someone is doing some sort of divination, and the ring cannot be removed by conventional means.
given VFX 373 (human male gold) as Mammon-tieflings have golden eyes.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on