[SET] Lavish/Motuoto/EarthGenasi
//Hey guys.. Having trouble turning my posts into poles?//
Motuoto Ett’oel.
Earth Genasi.
Neutral Evil.My intention for the character is to represent the wildlands in Arabels growing political scene. I want to pursue a Guardian of the Hullack-style story arch with the character, whether or not that is still a Special Position and also, selfishly, I want to explore the server - so intend to spend much of my time in the wilds.
Natures’ cycle is that what is dead nourishes and enriches the soil. Motuoto will interpret that to himself, as an Earth Genasi he believes by bathing in the remains of stricken enemies he will be nourished and enhanced by it, absorbing their prowess. In that respect, the character will be a twisted guardian of the Hullack - one that seeks to commune with the Spirits and undertakes dark rituals.
Intends to RP as;
Aloof, superior, "otherworldly" and incorporate the Earth Genasi bit in pseudo-necromantic rituals as per the blurb. -
This sounds fucking awesome. I vote yes.
I also vote yes.
@lord_acererak said in Lavish/Motuoto/EarthGenasi:
I also vote yes.
Doesn't he have a Greywatch character? I'm all for playing what you want but.....
Whatever, yes
@prof-misclick never seen him play as far as I know
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