A Book Written Twice/Tiefling w/special background
I'd like to submit an app. I realize it's a little longer than usual, but I hope that's okay
Tiefling (+2 intelligence/charisma, -5 fire resist, +2 hide/bluff, 1/day darkness)
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A Book Written Twice/Tiefling w/special background1). Tiefling/Wizard/LE/Salista FallenBridge
2). Tiefling subrace with special background and/or war theme summoning book
3). Create a cult of the Red Knight by using combat puzzles and pvp encounters to build said cult, train to take on larger threats and most likely instigate a war between Eveningstar and Tilverton by using RK-like doctrines and such to bring both powers to heel under the Crown.
Failing that, attempt (hilariously) to subjugate both powers or destroy them as a proof of her own capabilities as a leader.
This would all be done in measured doses to ensure people are having fun. Using real world examples of subterfuge and such to get into places and do fun things-- like getting in good with one or both sides (through proxies and other PC’s) and using that knowledge as fodder for plots.This group would involve other people, I’ve already lined up a few, so we’d probably change things up as we got rolling, but that is the general outline of the main goal. Prove superiority and domination through strategy and craft.
4). A Book Written Twice
I’m still playing Misa Leonalloud, but I’m also seeing that I spend a lot of time doing the same activities and miss out on a lot of what’s going on, which isn’t bad, but I’m getting kind of bored and a little frustrated with how things are playing out. Some of the players in our PC faction are taking breaks or are dissatisfied for various reasons.I love Misa, but every time I turn around characters she’s made friends with have disappeared. Their plots have gone nowhere, or it’s too far outside of what makes sense for her to engage in. My own attempts at starting plots have met with pretty consistent failure, too, which isn’t helping.
This would be me doing something new and outside of my comfort zone. I don’t expect the character to last long, and I can dip in to Misa from time to time to unwind, but I think someone with a very narrow focus that constantly engages other characters (in not-necessarily-helpful ways) might freshen things up.
My expected feat spread will be something like: SF Conjuration, Empowered Spell, Extended Spell, Craft Wand, SF Abjuration, SF Enchantment or SF Illusion.
Special Background desired:
Link to Thay, War theme summoning tome. Wings.
I’m asking for wings in order to really play up the surreal and ‘other’ nature of her background as a Thayan experiment of a wizard creating the best general they could. As the progeny of a Pit Fiend, it’d give her something to really leverage for intimidation and just general alien-ness. Most of my spare points will be going into intimidation and persuasion to mimic the Monster Manual’s take on what a Pit Fiend is and does; they’re leaders, deceptive and focused, but with a supreme sense of presence.
I have it in my mind that this tiefling was a product of a Thayan Red Wizard who wanted to breed a leader for their own personal ambitions; they made a pact with a pit fiend who impregnated one of the Wizard’s slaves. Obviously this resulted in a Cambian, but no less domineering than a traditional Pit Fiend would be. Another breeding took place with the Cambian and a tiefling wizard from another House forming a joint venture, with the idea to maintain as much of the purity of her bloodline as possible. Salista was trained in the traditional arts of war, allowed and encouraged her gifts to thrive.
This didn’t exactly go as planned when the tiefling used their charm and wits to outdo her creator and leave the ‘service’ of the house. She knew well her great ‘grandfather’ and the gifts she was given, since the Fiend had forsaw this exact outcome, she bided her time and sent her master to him when the time felt right, leaving Thay to find a patron country worthy of her gifts and/or a throne of her own. She is still considered property by the Thayan government, but her former owner is dead. I’m not sure what that’d play into, but it could be an easy tool to leverage against her.
- no wings, this is what we tell everyone
- distant ancestry to pit fiend is fine, but background may just be a legend
- tiefling thayan with summon book is fine by me
- No wings
- She should retire Misa (or at least make it so that she is not giving out crafted gear if the PC isnt her main)
- Not sure where the war theme fits with this, other than it's probably the strongest one. Nothing in this says "War theme" to me.
- Has to be Conjuration specialist (not just spell focus) for the War Theme
- There is no explanation about why the War Theme is appropriate
- War Theme needs to be nerfed before we give it out to another player.
- Makes more sense to offer the Infernal Theme if the player comes up with a viable reason
- Fairly sure the Infernal Theme would need to be reviewed before it is granted as well to make sure it is worth the IC consequences of using it.
- No to wings
- What is the player's expectation for "link to Thay"
A big question for me is will the player accept push back/conflict/expectations given recent convos about their rl situation?
@echo said in A Book Written Twice/Tiefling w/special background:
- No wings
- She should retire Misa (or at least make it so that she is not giving out crafted gear if the PC isnt her main)
- Not sure where the war theme fits with this, other than it's probably the strongest one. Nothing in this says "War theme" to me.
She absolutely would need to retire Misa imo.
- Application PCs (even the light ones) need to be the main
- PC has run its course anyhow I think.
- We don't want a pocket crafter logging in "because it was slow so I thought I'd just play around" giving out stuff.
Yeah infernal would make more sense, and she should really retire Misa if she wanna try something new
I'll talk to the player and help flesh this out
I'm pretty sure they want the war theme to represent their connection to the Red Knight, so it actually does kind of make sense to me. That said I've never been a big fan of the OP war summons.
I also am not familiar with the player at all. The goals actually do seem kinda cool but it sounds like there's concern with how they handle pushback which they absolutely would with a concept like this.
Why do we hate wings? Just curious.
@man-in-the-mist said in A Book Written Twice/Tiefling w/special background:
Why do we hate wings? Just curious.
Less about hate, and more about our subraces being /distant/ descendants from their weirdo race, meaning small features are fine but major ones like wings no. Also, we cannot support flying for PCs :)
Regarding the War Theme, application needs more than I am a lay follower of a deity with the war domain. What is the story part of it? Holding Derp to the same standard I held myself when I asked for it.
Don’t necessarily hate on wings but they are an OMG look at me thing. We don’t do wings on dragon touched and they have a stronger case for them on creation than tiefling imo. They are something that we have handed out with the RDD PrC for Draco etc but on creation when you’ve earned nothing, nope.
As prof said,
Wings are RDD EIG
War theme is a concept in itself, not a theme per say. I would see more in her concept than this generic “I’m from Thay.” Because I could make the same argument about any theme. “I’m from thay, I want fire theme. I’m from thay, I want shadow theme.”
Fine with the concept though. Sounds fun. She could easily earn the above with IG actions.
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