Suggestions Needed: Bone Items
Bone charms
Bone dagger
Bone clubWhat else?
What stats should they have?
What materials should be required?
How difficult should it be?Use the format below PLEASE!!
Item Name/Type Recipe Level Bones # & Size (Lg, Sm) Mat. B Mat. C Mat. D Stats Bone Club 1 1 large 2 rat leather +1 ab vs animal/beast Spiked Bone Club 4 1 large 2 rat leather 2 iron spikes +1 ab vs animal/beast, Piercing 1 dmg -
Item Name/Type Recipe Level Bones # & Size (Lg, Sm) Mat. B Mat. C Mat. D Stats Composite Short Bow 5 1 large 1 Plank of Hickory 1 fish glue 1 shortbow string +1 mighty, +1 ab vs animal/beast, +1 spot Composite Long Bow 5 2 large 2 Plank of Hickory 2 fish glue 1 longbow strong +1 mighty, +1 ab vs animal/beast, +1 spot Tuigan Composite Short Bow 8 1 large 1 Plank of Mahogany 1 fish glue 1 shortbow string +2 mighty, +1 ab vs animal/beast, +1 spot Tuigan Composite Long Bow 8 2 large 2 Plank of Mahogany 2 fish glue 1 longbow strong +1 mighty, +1 ab vs animal/beast, +2 spot Fish Glue 1 1 fish bone? 1 bucket of water used for crafting Bone Arrows (20) 6 2 large Shafts for Arrows (20) 2 Feather from a Raven negative energy 2 damage Bone Spear 6 1 large 1 Oak Shaft +2 Negative Energy Damage, Massive Critical 1d4 Bone Flute 10 1 large 1 Enchanting Oil 1 Feather from an Owl 5 charges Gust of wind Bone Sickle 3 1 large 1 Hickory Shaft +1 ab vs animal/beast, Piercing 1 dmg Bone Beads 14 4 small 1 enchanting oil 2 enchanted onyx +1 AC (Natural), 10% immunity negative energy, +2 concentration/intimidate/taunt, bonus spellslot sorcerer 1/2 Bone Brooch 14 1 small 4 juniper berries 1 Enchanted Onyx 1 Enchanted Sapphire 3 charges negative energy protection -
Bone spear(s)
Item Name/Type Recipe Level Bones # & Size (Lg, Sm) Mat. B Mat. C Mat. D Stats Bone Spear 5 1 large 2 small 2 rat leather Some sweet gem some cool kind of wood +1 ab vs animal +2 vsundead +1 negative damage +2 negative damage vs undead -
Wouldn't negative damage vs undead heal them?
@shaggroth_ You would think right?
But no it doesn't, seems like damage from weapons was likely coded early on and so doesn't have as much nuance as damage from spells.
It's kind of a good job it doesn't though, otherwise we'd have to be REALLY careful about negative energy weapons, as they could be a potential source of infinite healing for necromancers animations.
Bone crafting stations should now be available. Full writeup coming soon.
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