Beholder Threat: Beholder License
I mean, the point is they probably aren’t beholderspawn and it’s a precaution. To be fair, bringing them into a populated area at all is a really bad idea. Though the barracks is right across the street. Maybe this whole bringing them in the city is a bad plan period. Maybe we find a way to test their blood before they come in? You precept can do that right?
The only place we could use, would be the old research outpost in the Helmlands. We have the personnel for the task, but not the funding.
-Blood Dragon, Scion Naresh Sabzvari
Where does this stand? Have we considered making the license fees cover the cost of the testing? Can the Precept come up with testing that does not require containment and can be done outside the gates?
Samples and funding is our current problem, we can't safely dissect these creatures in the walls and we don't have the funding for building anything we'd make, but I've an idea that may work. We use hounds or any other applicable beast to detect the bulbs implanted, or differences in their blood.
The Precept does not deal in mundane beasts, but I see no reason I can't train something similar and of a magical nature to do the same. We'd still need samples, but it's certainly a lower cost option to magical equipment.
-Blood Dragon, Scion Naresh Sabzvari
With the approval of the Council of Twelve
I would like to issue this license to the Precept Arcanum, with the caveat that a member of a C.E. Blythes organization be also allowed to perform examinations.
-J. Rawen
Example of License agreement:
"Any wishing to participate in expeditions in Beholder territory must be documented by the Palace with the records forwarded to the Sanctum or vice versa.
Holders of the license waive the right to refuse examination and searches when returning from excursions into Beholder territory or at the discretion of the Precept Arcanum or Greywatch.
Those returning from expeditions to combat Beholders will be quarantined in the Greywatch Barracks until they are examined for tampering by a Precept member or Mossmere arcanist, or Gartha Approved persons if no Precept member is available.
Any that forego the license will be held accountable for damages and loss of life performed by Clones or Thralls produced by them as will those that bypass or attempt to bypass quarantine and examinations.
Any attempting to bypass quarantine or examination will be fined 2,500 gold and be detained as stated in line three.
Beholder territory defined as Forest of Eyes, Helmlands and extensive caverns below both locations."
As representative of Gatha, I wish to express my gratitude to this license nomination. For further research, I propose we arrange a formal fieldtrip to the Helmlands and the sights of Beholders, allowing us to gather further data.
E.C. Blythe
(how about this time? )
//I -think- I can make that!//
@sadgruffman 6am for me, not likely to happen