Strange Undead
Yes this is he.
Arlee Caspian admitted to aiding Nihlos Carver and Dario Darkmore in the murder of Dawnknight Aritian.
He confessed and requested redemption.
I will give more information when I am able, though for now, we have offered him the task in bringing the murderer Nihlos to justice.
-Dawnknight Appleberry
All councilors should be watching Arlee carefully then, the Dawnknight has gifted him with a chance of redemption and it should not be taken lightly.
If he is bringing Nihlos to justice, should we not announce Nihlos as a wanted man though?Luckbringer Ottilie
Arlee seem to have already sided with the darkness and given up on his supposed redemption, according to the Dawnknight. I thereby suggest the following bounties be announced.
Arlee Caspian, wanted for murder, defiling of the dead
Nihlos Carver, wanted for murder, defiling of the dead, necromancy, menace of societyLuckbringer Ottilie
For the murder and sacrifice of Aritian, the Order of Aster, Nihlos wanted for the below:
What would they presume as sentence for the crimes below? Wanted for public execution? a bounty of 5,000 - 15,000 coins?
Murder of a Knight of Arabel, the Councilor:
-Murder- Causing, directly or through carelessness, the death of any Arabellan citizen or foreign diplomat.Worshiping the aspect of Death, and not the Deity Cyric.
-Worship of Indecent- All worship the following entities is Forbidden in the name of public decency and the preservation of the free people's way of life: Aberrations, Devils and Demons.Sacrilege on he House of Death:
-Sacrilege- Blaspheming the rituals of an Approved Deity's clergy.Arlee for the following crimes:
Arlee has confessed this. He should be fined an amount of coins that will go to the reward of Nihlos Carver, the Deaths Head.
-Kidnapping- Taking an individual against their will, for any purpose, without consent or Warrant for Capture issued by the Councils.
-Armed Assault- Using any means to inflict excessive physical or magical violence on an unwilling individual. An individual killed and returned by magical means or miracle is to be treated as Armed Assault, unless the individual is a brave hero of the revolution or officiate in service of the CouncilsOsco, how many coins can the Council offer as reward?
-Dawnknight Appleberry
@SadGruffman said in Strange Undead:
unless the individual is a brave hero of the revolution or officiate in service of the Councils
Aritian was a member of the Council, as such the crime should be more severe.
Luckbringer Ottilie
To what end? Do we kill a man who begs forgiveness, and claims to wish for redemption?
Or do we have him prove these are more than just words by offering him a chance? He must aid in Nihlos' deliverance of be taken along side him.
-Dawnknight Appleberry
As I understood it, you heard a sending claiming he already sided with the darkness. Perhaps I misunderstood this? Either way, we could give him a week to give us proof that he is trying, a chance of redemption, but it has to be with something to show. It gives him a sense of purpose, a chance of proving himself, but also prove that the Council is not letting criminals walk free based of promises.
Nihlos Carver, wanted dead or alive, for murder, worship of indecent, sacrilege, defiling of the dead
Arlee Caspian, granted the chance of redemption with the task to bring Nihlos Carver to justice, must present proof of his attempts to the council within the next ten days. Failure to do so, will leave him wanted alive for his crimes, which will then be published.
Luckbringer Ottilie
A sending was heard after. Thought it could have been Nihlos trying to pull some foolishness from the air. I wouldnt condemn a man based on that alone.
I agree to the terms you state. That will do just fine.
-Dawnknight Appleberry
@Fizzgig said in Strange Undead:
Nihlos Carver, wanted dead or alive, for murder, worship of indecent, sacrilege, defiling of the dead
Arlee Caspian, granted the chance of redemption with the task to bring Nihlos Carver to justice, must present proof of his attempts to the council within the next ten days. Failure to do so, will leave him wanted alive for his crimes, which will then be published.Then let us publish this, unless anyone else objects.
Luckbringer Ottilie
I have 20 thousand gold of my own that I can offer for the bounty on them. That's total gold, not each person.
Osco -
Asbaron has become active once more as myself, Dextar and Sir Appleberry, dwelled into his ancient ruins together with Grurec, Celinda, and Muric. The shadowy undead were numerous, and we heard various echoes speaking of Lathander being false and the "True Sun" true heritage. We were unable to explore the whole ruin, however it is to my hope that our newer adventurers will investigate this further themselves.
Luckbringer Ottilie
Who is Asbaron?
-Therene -
Asbaron is of the Three Kings. He claims to have ruled long ago and served Amaunator. Though unconfirmed, we believe he has in some way betrayed Amaunator, as he raises numerous undead creations whenever he is near.
Asbaron hunts a woman named Ariania, a "child of the Night who feasts on the blood of the living" and suspected Vampire. She is also called the "Child of Maluradek" and was championed by a druid some time ago, the "Brother of the Wyvernwood."
He is known as the Keeper of the Caul. I recommend looking up the word "Caul" in your nearest common-tongue dictionary.
This is a long tale, Fang Therene. the Great Druid Nanthleenee has passed on the full story. This Vampire gave a talisman to the druid of the Wyvernwood. She claimed to have once been of the Crimson Legion, so I suspect you may be able to learn far more than we every have.
However, from what I understand, Asbaron, a betrayer of the Light, wishes to fill the lands with despair. Ariania, this vampire, wishes to stop him.
This empire is as old as that of Anauria, and existed far in the Stonelands. If you seek answers, find the place deep within the sands which Lathander refuses to look.
-Sir Nicholas,
Dawnknight of Eveningstar
Order of Aster -
Young Dawn,
Our Brother of the Wyvernwood did not -champion- a foul undead! He will choose his words more carefully and not insult the Oath. No, a brother sought to cure the woman with the Caul. Undeath is foul and the Oath seeks to destroy such foul things. Yet a Brother thought there was perhaps hope to save the creature. Foolish sentiment but who are we to crush his hopes at finding another way to end undeath?
A Caul is said to be from the Birth of Lathander. And it wished for a Brother of Wyvernwood to do something. He had seen it. We do not know what a Caul wanted. But a Brother thought it could save the vampire girl. He left some time ago to the sands to learn more. We have not heard of him since.
But he is correct in saying the vampire girl seeks to stop the old undead. Undeath fighting undeath. It is most strange.
- Redwoods
Asbaron, the Keeper of the Caul wishes to consume the ashes of this Vampire, claiming she is a daughter of Maluradek. Your wildwalker was closer than any of us to this - and seemed to have figured out something none of us are able to. He chose to help the vampire, and in doing so, took her side in this endeavor.
It is my belief, based on Asbarons own words, that Asbaron betrayed Amaunator when he became the keeper of the Caul. Whatever he's doing, it is not of the New Dawn, nor the Old Sun. Neither would suffer the undead, and neither would create such.
There are statues of the Old Sun deep within his crypt, they are altered, however, and are set aflame by crimson fire. This further gives evidence to what I've stated.
In any case, without the Vampire, he cannot succeed in his plans. I would suggest we offer absolution to this creature by seeking out its true form, and destroying it.
-Sir Nicholas,
Dawnknight of Eveningstar,
Order of Aster -
We may have had a breakthrough in this. You will have to follow Grurecs report on the "Treasure Hunt" from earlier to know full details of the situation. Great Druid Nanthleenee, your Brother of the Wyvernwood may indeed be aiding this Ariania "Child of Maluradek". We may now know how and why.
In our exit from the Forgotten caves we came across a man, drained of all life and blood with an ecstatic and blissful smile on his face. He had only a bottle of strange smelling liquor. Smell was sweet alluring and revolting all at once. After exiting the tunnel and burning the corpse of the man, we saw a figure covered in a clothing colored of coal and crimson. It is possible that this was Ariania herself. She slinked back into the night like a shadow and we could not pursue her.
The potions had a particular effect on Miss Ottilie after she had smelled the liquor. She seemed "high on life", and more "brazen" in public with there desires. It is possible that if drunk this liquor could force her to seek out Ariania and be under her control. The same could have been the case with Brother of the Wyvernwood Miss Nanthleenee. I will try to research this liquor more, but Ariania has made her appearance to us. It is possible she is being brazen, or wants something from us. Either is cause for concern.
Dextar Jes'tar