[No/Denied likely forever due to IC actions]Sunman\DaWarboss / Lilah Miirym / Crimson Rank 3
- Paladin of some draconic god and given what just happened to the Guard with some other religion nutjob I am not convinced Saga would be down with this.
- It's an easy EiG promotion though and he has been doing some stuff though mostly just following the lead other others in either questing or exploring.
- On the fence so interested in input from the team
I think the other one, the tiefling, is a better option for Rank 3, but that's my opinion.
However since Lilah is now supposedly taking the lead on the Horde stuff, I would like to see what she does before voting. -
I agree. Delilah is a great character. Not sure if the player wants the responsiblity/stress of a promotion. CandyCorn and Sunman/DaWarboss/Candyman are basically attached at the hip. It's a good idea to just let it play out ICly for awhile longer. See what the player actually does with this new Council etc.
Voted: No.
He's a paladin which is one strike against him (like a cleric) for getting promoted.. And he's said and done some stupid things ICly/not used his head like a leader should.
Plus, aren't blue dragons lawful evil in nature? I mean, I guess alignment doesn't matter (much) these days for subraces but I think it's a bit silly.
@SpiffyMeister said in Sunman\DaWarboss / Lilah Miirym / Crimson Rank 3:
Plus, aren't blue dragons lawful evil in nature? I mean, I guess alignment doesn't matter (much) these days for subraces but I think it's a bit silly.
Oh. I forgot about that. Completely agree.
- A paladin of a dragon god.
- Has not acted the role of a leader
- There are others more qualified
Voting no.
As an FYI, the PC stormed out of the Temple of Tempus when Jastyne was promoting Delilah with some snarky and disrespectful comments. Since it might be CandyMan reacting OOC I didn't press the matter but any chance he had of being promoted in that faction are done now. We'll see how Deliah (CandyCorn) handles this ICly.
@Prof-Misclick said in [No/Denied likely forever due to IC actions]Sunman\DaWarboss / Lilah Miirym / Crimson Rank 3:
As an FYI, the PC stormed out of the Temple of Tempus when Jastyne was promoting Delilah with some snarky and disrespectful comments. Since it might be CandyMan reacting OOC I didn't press the matter but any chance he had of being promoted in that faction are done now. We'll see how Deliah (CandyCorn) handles this ICly.
Yeah.... sounds like an OOC reaction being played out in game. The player doesn't seem happy with much at all.
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