[Set]Petey/ Finn Ventus/Special background(Misrim)
Name: Finn Ventus
Race: Air Genasi
Alignment: LE
Class: Ranger
Finn Ventus is a bit of a thrill-seeker, and something of a hedonist. He collects hobbies as pastime in of itself, oftentimes picking up a new skill with great interest, becoming just proficient enough in it to be considered competent, and quickly losing interest before moving on to the next. He has dabbled in things as grandiose as sailing, dueling, and competitive archery, as well as more innocuous things such as gardening and woodcarving- thus far the only hobby he has developed a true love for is the hunt- specifically that of magical beasts and other such exotic fare.
Likewise his sharp intellect is utilized for simple nature magic, and more importantly for the political dance between the various powers in the kingdom. While competent at this, his brash arrogance sometimes acts as a foil to his “superior mind.”
I like to think that a person such as this would attract the attention of Obyn, and perhaps consider himself a friend to Obyn, true or not. Enough to act in his interests and infiltrate House Misrim.
It would be simple enough for him to infiltrate Misrim through acts of competence and sheer bravado. I can do this in-character, in-game, though it may be more expedient for him to start in House Misrim as a forgone conclusion, in case I can't catch the active players of the faction online.
To prime House Misrim for Obyn's eventual return to Arabel as it's rightful ruler.
To pre-emptively eliminate Obyn's most powerful enemies.
One such way he would pursue the above is by creating dossiers on the many players in Arabel's politics, (PCs and NPCs alike,) which he would use to organize his movements against them. He would also send copies to Obyn so he could utilize them as he sees fit.
To ramp up tensions between House Misrim and the Crimson Guard, in hopes of weakening and possibly eliminating the latter, while potentially weakening specific members of House Misrim who would oppose Obyn.
Eliminate members of House Misrim who would oppose Obyn either politically or violently.
Earn the Assassin Prestige Class by hunting the most dangerous game of all. Man.
Petey was looking for a concept and this fits in with one of the subplots I want to do for the White Horde.
@Prof-Misclick said in Petey/ Finn Ventus/Special background(Misrim):
Petey was looking for a concept and this fits in with one of the subplots I want to do for the White Horde.
Sounds great!
Petey's awesome. I hoped he'd have become a DM quite some time ago.
@Zool He was a Storyteller until RL/birth of his child derailed it.
confirmation -
Calling this approved.
[9:58 PM] UrFavBoi: I got three twelve hour shifts ahead of me so I'll probably be MIA for three days, but after that, 4 day weekend to get started.
Gave Petey two modified silver Kukris with +2 AB vs Shapeshifters added on.
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