[SET] Foley/Goragorak/wereboar
1). halforc/druid/TN/4/Goragorak
3). A general outline of goals, plans, or storylines to pursue
A.Bring conflict(or enjoyment) with any nature related PCs by claiming a grove as the new grove of the boar
B.Most likely encounter conflict city adventurers by being 1.a druid 2. a wereboar 3.a halforc. (adventurers are pretty racist honestly)
C.Help push the White Horde plot because they will affect the balance and his grove.
In general Goragorak will be a brutish No Back-down wereboar doing what he thinks is right for the balance and for the Boar. Leading hunts be it against animals or people.
Seeking 'Artifacts of the Boar', or just being obnoxiously pushy.4). If you're not applying on your normal log-in or handle, what accounts have you played under? N/A
I have informed him that there is already another wereboar druid around with a similar concept.
FoleyToday at 12:14
wwait the other one is a druid wereboar?
Makes more interesting interactions -
@Puffy said in Foley/Goragorak/wereboar:
I have informed him that there is already another wereboar druid around with a similar concept.
You outed another player's concept?
I'm indifferent on the app. It's still "Open Enrollment" time anyway.
@Echo said in Foley/Goragorak/wereboar:
You outed another player's concept?
Didn't mention who the player was. Since we have several druids active that should be fine?
Also, it's kinda on a public: https://nodebb.cityofarabel.com/topic/51950/a-sending-rings-out-through-the-city -
Oh! lol didnt
seeremember that I saw that post. -
I’ll vote yes on this only because it is open enrolment and it will tie in with the Druid/corruption thing underway.
Not a great app, but honestly, right now with the current playerbase, I'd just say.... open season basically, whatever's fun and get's people logging in more often is 100% priority IMO.
Has this PC been set up?
FYI for everyone
- Lycans are template not subrace.
.subrace add template templatename
- werewolf
- Lycans are template not subrace.
Manually adjusted the stats to get the 30 points to add up. Should be fine now. If there are any other issues I'd suggest a full remake.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on