[Set]Cpt_Elrad/Arlayna Silverleaf/Elven Envoy
Alright so, hear me out. This player has been pushing the elven agenda and been a quiet concept getting involved in a lot of things. Yes, they are not your traditional mover/shaker but they are trying their best and has a really interesting storyline they are pushing for (Wanting a new elven kingdom, hello hullack!)
Now, I honestly think they have done a good job in being an elven public figure, going a little out of their comfort zone and also try to be more plot pushing than they have in the past. A little of a Darlene case I guess, I think thus she should be rewarded for her efforts and have the Ambassador support her in seeking to claim the Hullack for elves.
She's also involving more quiet/background players who traditionally don't get involved in the major storylines of the server. So I think it would be nice to give her a platform to work from.
Given this is a pivotal role for Elves, I think the Elves wouldnt be so quick to name someone to represent them.
I think in this case the Ambassador should call in the various Elves of the realm for a discussion(In person) to hear from them what they think and who should represent them.That is my take on it and its what Elves are more likely to do.
Seems overly complicated and not very fun :) We need to consider that supporting less loud concept is very important, and honestly it should not be more complicated than our other envoy positions that don't require this.
Again if we want an actual Elf representation, thats how it should be done.
I will abstain from voting, because of this. -
Envoy is not ambassador. It is application or earn IG like rank 2-3 in the other factions.
Elf = Rank 1
Envoy = Rank 2-3
Ambassador = Rank 4Yes?
not being a traditional mover/shaker myself, I agree with Puffy. Quieter concepts arent bad because they move slowly. We don't all like to crash and burn or rule the world, or win CoA overnight. Some of us do not have that temperament or perhaps the confidence to be the loud one you can't miss. And it reflects on our concepts.
I've only encountered the character a few times but so far, I like what I see. And as mentioned, Envoy is not Ambassador. You're not the representatives of the elves, you're their underlings. You work for the ambassadors.
@Echo said in Cpt_Elrad/Arlayna Silverleaf/Elven Envoy:
Elf = Rank 1
Envoy = Rank 2-3
Ambassador = Rank 4Yes?
Putting this on approved since Strife is abstaining
Set, gave her polar bear leathers, polar bear cloak and iron helmet. Plus 2k to edit the outfit to her liking, as well as the traditional ribbon of privilege and 50gp wage. Slightly less powerful than Prof's planned outfit, but she can earn stronger gear through other means if she so desires. These are specially named ;)
Wants to pick up the pc again now when people are ig. Fine by me
No from me.
- 6 months is far too long to pick up a character from.
- Embassies are basically non relevant.
- I have zero interest in racial politics and foreign relations/negotiations right now.
There are plenty of new storylines and things happening IG right now. He can make a new PC and join with one of those groups.
New PC would be preferred, I am with prof here.
@SpiffyMeister said in [Set]Cpt_Elrad/Arlayna Silverleaf/Elven Envoy:
New PC would be preferred, I am with prof here.
Agree after profs reasons
+1 to what Professor said
Aright it's a no then
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on