Seeking Recipes: Suggestions for Leather/Cloth Crafting
The base system has only 1 cloak and 1 boots (both from winter wolves).
I am looking for suggestions of other types of leather/cloth items: Gloves, Cloaks, Boots, BeltsI need the following information:
Name of Item:
Needed Materials to Make Item:
Recommended Level of Recipe:
Description of Item:
Stats of Item: -
@Echo said in Seeking Recipes: Suggestions for Leather Crafting:
Name of Item: Malar Claws
Needed Materials to Make Item: Malar hides, spikes
Recommended Level of Recipe: max
Description of Item: These gloves of the beast god Malar are the perfect weapon for his followers or those that like to be up close, personal and covered in blood of the enemy.Stats of Item: 2 slashing damage, 1 ab, or wound on hit for a single round.
Name of Item: Bear cloak
Needed Materials to Make Item: Dire bear hide, leather.
Recommended Level of Recipe: 10
Description of Item: This thick bear hide is perfect for long treks in the cold mountains. It’s like being embraced by a big friendly bear.
Stats of Item: 5/cold dr, +1 ac, acts as a sleeping roll so can sleep like a ranger or Druid can
- Scout's belt
Needed materials to make: Bear hide
Suggested recipe level: 8
Description of item:
Adventuring is a dangerous business and one that requires sometimes a bit of cunning and quick hands, rather than just strength at arms. Dangerous traps in dungeons might crippled an adventurer and good locks in some deadite crypt might be a barrier to getting paid.
The scout's belt is aimed at the sort of adventurer who isn't just hack and slash with concealed pockets providing the belts user with a good number of tools to bypass traps and locks. The belt is also infused with magic to make its user more aware and an adventurer with this belt gains a heightened sense of perception.
Stats of item: Belt, +3 open lock, +3 disable device, +3 search, +2 spot and listen
//OOC: Designed for rogues or other classes that have taken rogue like skills such as ranger to make them that little bit better at dealing with dungeon threats that dont require greatswords to remove.
- Malar's Claws
Materials to make item: Dire tiger leather and dire tiger remains
Suggested recipe level: 15 (or highest)
Description of item:
These claws are made from the refined leather of a dire tiger and its removed nails carefully reattached to the gauntlet. Malar is a evil aligned nature god of the hunt and one that despises ranged weapons. These finely made claws let an adventurer get right up close and personal and savage opponents with a pair of well made claws.
Stats of item: Gauntlets, bonus feat improved unarmed strike, +1 ab, +d4 slashing damage
//OOC: Designed either for a monk so that they have their equivalent of a shiny sword (cant recall seeing a single monk weapon on any dungeon drop, someone correct me if I am wrong) also the point of giving improved unarmed feat is so that a class other than monk can effectively fight unarmed, really good for a chaotic character or a character playing the more fury side of a nature concept. Flavourful is the idea.
- Hunters Boots
Materials needed to make: Malar Panther leathers
Suggested item level: 10
Description of item: These boots are prized by expert hunters, infamous assassins or scouts aiming to remain unheard. They are made from the leather of a fabled malar panther and soften the footsteps of their user to a light hush on the winds.
Stats of item: Boots, move silently +5 ( or +10 considering what you do or dont consider op)
//OOC: Half of the kit a really good rogue or ranger needs to be good at sneaking. Feel rogues need some love at the moment in the gear lists.
- Hunters Cloak
Materials needed to make: Malar panther leather
Suggested item level: 10
Description of item:
The Malar Panther is considered one of the stealthiest hunters of the lands. A fearsome enemy seemingly able to appear from nowhere and lay waste to a unprepared adventurer. Part of the trick is that their furs have a weak natural magic that fools the eyes into not seeing the panther even when its there. A curious ranger found this out after making a cloak from one after a hunt and went on to become one of the most legendary rangers of his day, not least because his enemies never saw him coming......
Stats of the item: Cloak, +5 Hide (or +10 depending on what you see as op)
//OOC: The other half of the essential kit to play a good sneak. Again feel like this item is very much missing from the item lists at the moment.
@Echo Here are some item suggestions for you. I think at the moment rogue gear is basically what is missing, so came up with some ideas for you to plug the gap :)
Just want to clarify that having Improved Unarmed Strike feat on gloves is pointless, because the fact of having gloves equipped already disables AOO provoking. Perhaps Cleave would be better? It's thematic and adds some value to the gloves being used by non-monks.
Bumping this.
I want to start adding new recipes soon.
Give me some ideas for robes too -
Name of Item: Crimson Whip
Needed Materials to Make Item: Malar Panther Hide, as well as whatever the standard is for basic leather gear.
Recommended Level of Recipe: High. Making whips is historically difficult.
Description of Item: A tightly knotted whip of dark leather with red streaks. Wound into it's leather strips is the unholy hate of Malar.
Stats of Item: +1 AB vs elves. +1d8 negative energy dmg. -
So many MP hides required! :)
Some duelist stuff with +parry skill would be great since Zool fixed parry to be not useless!
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