Module Changes
Bug Fixes:
- Adjusted the Hunter's Thirst Spell script to allow players to cast on items in their inventory and not have to swap hands and then cast
Trinity Flora Related Changes:
- Added additional safety measures to avoid database corruption
- Added support for builders to limit planting zones to specific flora category or specific plants
Toolbar Changes:
- Modified the Diceroll tool(For both DMs and Players) to have the skills appear in an ascending alphabetical order. Please let me know if there are any issues there
- Added a new button to the Player toolbar - XP toggle
Survival System - Campfires:
Tinder and Oil Flask items were removed from all stores. Code yet remains so if you still have these items you can use them until they are used up, but then you wont be able to get new ones.
The new survival system introduces 2 new ways to light campfires, which are both dependent on your
skill:- Twigs - You can grab twigs from trees(Oak, Hickory and Mahogany) and use one twig on another to generate a campfire. This is considered less expensive but also requires more survival skill
- Flint Stone - You can buy those at stores and they give you easier access to firestarting. You will need to use them however on a burning material(Twigs, Branches, etc). Flint stone is more expensive but requires less survival skill to succeed with
Trinity Flora Related Changes:
Added the following missing flowers/seed pods so that these plants can also be planted by players:
- Peppermint Flower
- Sage Flower
- Witch Hazel Flower
**If you see anything else missing let me know
Asset Changes:
- Added 88 new small item appearances (Courtesy of @Puffy ) to be used by builders to give more variety to items
- Added 60 new avian creatures for builders and DMs to use(Predator and others)
- Added new appearances for Orcs
New Skill Focus Feats Introduced:
Thanks to the amazing @TheMinionOfArabel we are rolling out additional support to the new skills we recently added - Skill focus feats.
All new skills now have their relevant skill focus feat for you to choose from.
- Bone Charm appearances updated
- Mountain Orc Appearances updated
- New Hell Beast added
- New Zombie Hound Added
- Tempest Valley now possible to camp in
- Updated the planting zones in urban areas to urban
- Reduced the amount of planting zones in most urban areas to encourage more planting in the wild
- Reduced the amount of spawning plants inside urban areas to encourage more harvesting in the wild
- Fixed the planting zone in Immersea
- Hullack Forest lighing given more contrast, still dark bring a torch/light, confirmed it is easier to see with good bright light!
- Removed some old left over plants/placeables from the old system
- Fixed Dragon's Trail, Hillmarch and Slingdyke flora spawn rate
- Updated Hullack Areas to avoid crashes for MAC/Android users
- Made a missing Tempest Valley map point accessible
- New quest WIP in the King's Forest, coming soon!
Wyvernwater quest work
Wyverwater dungeons work
Travel set up to the islands
monster edits
bug fixes
Bug fixes
Made Wyvernwater areas more profitable (more loot options, more chests available)
Toned down some of the pirates
new monsters added
fixed varibles on fishing spots- will work on quest loot/rewards SoonTM
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected discrepancy between planting zone terrains and their map notes(I.E A planting zone was set as Urban terrain but still showed as Plains in the Mini-map)
Trinity System Related Changed - Flora:
- Added support for a new terrain type to be used by builders - Orchard
- Made all Non-corrupted Mushrooms to act as seed pods and you can now extract spores from them for planting
- Adjusted the weight of all spores and seeds to not exceed or be equal to their pod seeds
- Adjusted some of the feedback messages to be more grammatically correct
- Corrected an issue with some plant seeds not appearing as a stack when you open the seed pod, but rather as individual items that can be stacked later
- Plants will regenerate their leaves/flowers/etc even if you pick the flowers but leave the leaves untouched - They will only regenerate their missing parts!
- Added a new logic for detecting wild flora:
- Utilizes a combination of Survival, Knowledge Nature and spot skills to make together flora detection. For every 5 combined ranks your range of spotting flora in the wild will increase by 1 meter
- Night time will now make it harder to spot flora in the wild unless closer, and things like Darkvision/Low-Light vision/Ultravision will either reduce the penalty or negate it fully
Ranger/Druid Related Changes:
Rangers and Druids should not longer see the ability to choose an Animal Companion in the creation/level-up screens, which was redundant and misleading for new players
Rangers should now get the Animal Companion feat at level 3 instead of 6. Additionally the feat will no longer be single use per day, but unlimited. These actions are prep work to move
dot commands to a dedicated UI
Asset Changes:
- Added 7 new creature portraits for builders to use
- Added 30 new misc item appearances to be used by builders for various things such as: Trinity, new Bard song appearances, new Barbarian rage appearances
Movement Skills System Changes(Swim/Jump/Balance/etc):
System was adjusted to account better for items that have those movement skills bonuses assigned to them, and must be equipped. Please let us know if you see any issues or if things are too good to be true.
Trinity System Related Changes:
- Added missing Skullcap flower so players can extract seeds to plant it
- Introduced additional key feature to resource nodes that will be revealed in future versions
- Added support for individual flora detection penalty(For better concealed flora) to be used by builders
- Began laying the groundwork for Rare/Bounty Flora to spawn using this system(Rare spore/Fungus, Rose Skull, etc)
Removed old plant placeables from Hullack Forest Webbed Maze
Lowered % chance of aggro on wyvernwater isles fishing spots8518
fixed sewer treasure map trigger
Pelts added: black boar, gray wolf
pelt weights adjusted (several)
pelt prestige adjusted (a few)
edits to thunder wolf - should be able to skin it now instead of inventory drop
prep work for future Trinity: Fauna -
Version 8527:
Trinity Related:
Trinity: Fauna:
Development work for phase 1 of Trinity-Fauna has been completed and will now move into implementation phase by builders. This will focus on slowly migrating all our Animals to work with Trinity, and all their drops will be managed by the system. This will also solve issues like Earth Drakes using their scales etc.
Trinity: Flora:
Development work for adding rare Flora to be served via Trinity(Skull Rose, etc) has been completed and we are now moving into testing phase before we implement it.
Asset Changes:
- Added new creature appearances for builders to use
- Added additional portraits to be used by new creatures
- Added additional small misc item appearances to be used by builders
Bounty System Refactoring:
- Bounty system has been refactored to be more dynamic and not require builders to hardcode items in the code, when adding new items
- System will now also give builders the ability to have specialty/unique Bounty Hunters.
- Entire experience is much more 2024 so give it a try. Its a surprise :)
**As everything new please report any bugs/exploits/too good to be true things
- fixed some broken stuff in wyvernwater isles exploration areas
- Fixed a similar conversation issue with the Abandoned Lighthouse quest
- fixed pressure plate puzzle in starfall isle cave
- fixed lever puzzle issue in shadowmire isle cave
- fixed Pharris (ship guy) convo. he still had 150g instead of 100g in his dialogue
Version 8537:
Asset Changes:
- Added new NUI buttons/assets for continued work on new UI creation
- Added Spell and Scroll icons for custom spells, so they no longer use old spell icons:
Many thanks as always to the amazing @TheMinionOfArabel for her contribution!
Trinity Flora Related Work:
- Made adjustments to the Rare Flora mechanism prior to release. Still in testing
- Fixed issue of Sage plant missing its portrait
- Potion Bulk Items have been removed from prestige stores
- Eastern Marches slightly updated, new features coming soon
- Some loot tweaks for lowbies, if you find anything too good to be true, please make sure to report it!
- Wildwalkers store NPC removed
8543 & 8545 & 8546
- New bounties available: see the bounty hunters in the different settlements to see what they will pay you for.
- New harvesting on animal creatures - kind of a FOIG thing to see how it works
- Gorgons now give more scales
- Dinosaurs and Earth Drakes and others should no longer use their bounty items
- more creatures have pelts that can be turned in for bounties or PP
- adjusted location of one of the map points in kingdom of ice, it was in an inaccessible part of the map
- scaled the size of storm eagle down some
- added "harvestable" parts to a lot of non-animal creatures (humanoids) - still have a lot to do
- removed feathers from raven/owl/falcon inventory - prevents duplicated drops
- adjusted % chance for goblin ears & skulls
- troll blood & kobold teeth should now be harvestable
- adjusted pp/gp reward for kobold teeth, goblin ears, ogre heads
- updated boar, black boar skin appearances
- new ogres/ogrillions added to ogre quest for more variety (hopefully better scaling)
- adjusted % chance for ogre heads
- fixed some bugs with bounty items (troll's blood, gray wolf pelts, Fire Beetle's belly, ox pelt, earth drake scales)
- fixed bone charms
- apple, cherry, orange, pear trees can now be planted in "orchard" zones
- orcs have been added to harvestable creatures
- frost orcs and mountain orcs have their own special heads that are worth different amounts than 'normal' orcs
- strong spear orcs now have better chance to drop heads than before
- Fixed spades appearance
- Double checked the language nodes in the Storm Horns
- Added some new creatures for more variation
- Created some new thematic creatures
- Minor fix to Maela's Monsters quest, rebalance confirmed successful!
- Some new lore added in places
- Storm Horns CARES reviewed and revamped
- Some more decoration added to some Storm Horns areas
- Ants quests loot and monsters reviewed, some new secrets added
- The Delzuld and Braerwinter have had their estates updated to reflect recent player driven efforts