Module Changes
7317 (fargle)
- vinemine spell fixed
- owlbear boss fixed
7318 (echo)
- updated conversations for several quests (thanks @Acemvi)
- New monsters added (plant-based) to palette and CARES
- Haunted Halls - minor edits, typos fixed
- Owlbear Quest - redrew encounter triggers, fixed hidden doors (maybe), fixed mining placeables not spawning
- updated celestial summoning theme
- Split the Under Passages into multiple areas, since the area was getting too big
- Updates the CARES in the Under Passages
- Added a new Under Passage between Haunted Halls and Eveningstar
- Moved some Eveningstar NPCs to allow easier sneak arounds
- Moved smith anvils in the Workshop to avoid PCs getting stuck
- Maybe fixed the bug of normal subraces being treated badly
- Maybe fixed the Stormhorn Base key bug
- New merchants available in Immersea, Tilverton, Bospir, and Arabel
- Mother Tethos in Eveningstar has new items
- new elemental monsters on quests that involve those
Bugs fixed Implemented -
Fixed croc wildshape v
73357336, maybe -
Fixed Tymora Store
Combined Dragon Trail, Foothills and Dragon Trail, Drakewood areas into one area
Recombined East Way, Crossroads and East Way, Masoners Bridge into one area
Fixed Oaken small shield recipe typo -
recombined the 2 areas between Outskirts High Road and Eveningstar
New spawns and fewer mushroom placeables in the Fungus house quest.
Updated/new spawns in potion shop quest.
Bug Fixes: -
Bugs Fixed:- Broken transition to Bospir
Quest Updates:
- Added to quest loot table for Trashed Potion Shop (4-6)
- Fungus House quest updated to reflect suggestions/discussion, minor modifications to hopefully improve the experience
New creatures added in certain underground areas. Please report if they are too OP/weak.
Updates to Shamrock Garden quest to tie it better to the Precept Arcanum. Please advise of any issues. The area will be rebuilt Soon[tm] but for now the questgiver, her dialogue, the person you find and her dialogue have been updated. -
Quest Updates
Shamrock Garden
- new quest giver
- new boss
- connected to Precept Arcanum
Fungus House
- new lore
- new boss
- redesigned map
Downtown Thug
- new map layout
- 1 in 3 chance of different "flavor" of encounters/bosses
- lore added in dialogue for the 3 bosses for local cults (Black Chalice, Sickly Oak, Waiting Terror)
Haunted Mansion
- fixed lore-containing placeables that were being destroyed on quest reset
- fixed DC on hidden doors
- added consumables to loot table
Darendaal's Ring
- fixed lore-containing placeables that were being destroyed on quest reset
- Added more loot waypoints
New Quest Added
Fungus-Filled Cave (ake, Fungus House, Part 2)
Quest Updates
Sticky Situation
- Two "flavors" with new bosses and new spawns
- New loot and more waypoints for loot to spawn
Heroic Plumers
- New monsters
Old Tomb
- Updated questgiver dialogue to tie in to HotM
- New spawns to fight
- New/more loot options!
New Quests:
Dana's House
Arabel Alleys & Rooftop - a "blast from the past"
Boss Monster Spawning
Happy Hunting in:
King's Forest, Nelnueve's rest
King's Forest, Obyn's Thicket
King's Forest, Starwater Wood
Dragon Trail, Drakewood forest
Redwoods, Backwoods
Redwoods, Redspring MeadowNPC for plot:
Bounty Hunters now pay for certain items from creatures.
Happy Hunting. -
Water Pipes quest
re-added the new oozes. lost changes from previous version somehow
fixed boss spawn for rat group
Sticky Situation quest
removed brown pudding (had missed 1 on previous pass)
Starwater Walk
Fix attempted on "Kimberly's" dialogue
Shamrock Garden
Rotting Goblin Tribe
Fixed convo for Albert (Necro Goblins quest giver). He still had template answers in his options. [[Party says goodbye]] etc
Made the "quick exit" in the kobold nest easier to find/see.
Adjusted Fahzul the Animator's spells to be more Necromancy than conjuration/illusion
Added new monster: Zombie Goblin
Made the quest 6-9 by increasing # of spawns and their difficultyWolf Infested Farm
Minor changes to Wolf Infested Farm quest based on Quest Team feedback
Other Fixes
Fixed "From Green to Blue"
Lesser Cloak of Arachnida
Castle of True Sun
Added Prestige Points to quest loot that I skipped on the last pass through.
More bounty items from more "boss" creatures added
Fixed Wolf Infested Farms
Fix attempted at Ray of Frost GSF vfx
Another attempt at falchion/deafening clang (and other spells)
Another attempt at Harvest Reports
Made Zombie Goblins undead race
Imported Cadiz's redecorated Shamrock Garden and Owlbear Lair areas (they look so much better!)
Added décor to Sticky Building quest area, fixed floating placeables
- Added more cool rogue-like stuff to the rogue shop
- Fixed the "Shady Fellow" in Tilverton - he had mage shop instead of rogue shop
Brewery/"Save the Beer" quest
- Edited loot to have more Prestige Points (anything that was 1 became 10).
- Removed Dwarven/Elven embassy requirements from any items that had them.
- Added more "brews" (potions/alcohols) to loot table
- Added Prestige Point items to loot table
"Silence of the Lambs" quest
- Fixed questgiver dialogue - still had template options
- Undead sheep - replaced Aasimar voiceset with Deer. Sheep isnt an option (baa!)
- Increased number of spawns
- Replaced bioware default undead with coa undead on some of the encounters
Lord Darendaal's Ring
- Edited Questgiver and Boss dialogue to make a little more sense
- fixed typo in Lady Annarra's statue description
- edited spawnpoints for encounters since nothing was spawning in the first few rooms
"Flagon Held High" quest
- Based on this suggestion thread, I remade the mercs (Bioware default) and made them Neutral Evil so PfE will work.
- Redid all the encounters
Barrenstone quest
- adjustments to Goblin Chieftan
- minor adjustments to loot table
Slum Lord Quest
- minor update to the quest system. please report any issues
- Imported some "sewer" themed people
- reduced the chance of spiders in caves
- increased the chance of kobolds
- swapped out some spiders for other versions
Experimental Chamber quest
- Reworded questgiver NPC dialogue for grammar
- moved boss spawn point slightly to prevent him from spawning behind the chest and being stuck
- imported Cadiz's redecorated area
Flagon Held High
- Lowered the DC of the detect and disarm of some of the traps.
- Resized some traps so they didnt end up on the walls
- Changed the 3 "human merc" variants from cleric 2, cleric 5, cleric 7 to rogue 2, fighter 4, fighter 5. Made them LE so PfE will be of use now
Barrenstone quest
- imported Cadiz's redecorated area
Ants Quest
- Updated NPC dialogue.
- Removed "lock" chance on "pile of stones" loot waypoints in ants quests because locked stones is just dumb.
- Increased 3 waypoints from 25% to 50%.
Downtown Thug quest
- Imported Cadiz's redecorated quest area
You can now travel via caravan wagon among Arabel, Tilverton, and Irondrake Rock. More areas may be added later.
- Buy a ticket from the Caravan Master. Currently they are 150g, but a ticket is good for the whole party. Prices may be adjusted as we go.
- Enter the "Wagoneer's tent" and speak to the Wagoneer.
- Tell the Wagoneer where you want to go - he'll usher you into the wagon
- Ride to your destination - hold on, it gets bumpy!
- Arrive at your destination.
- Watch out for bandits! (coming Soon[tm])
- Adjustments to Dhedluk quest
- removed Bolt, Acid (monster ability) from Green Ooze, Large. replaced with acid bullets
- Imported Cadiz's reworked Old Tomb area
- Edited "Glowing Skeleton" from Graveyard Ops
- imported Cadiz's Darendaal crypt
- fixed Deafening Clang bug with Falchions
- Removed poison arrows from Bandit Trackers and Bandit Wardens
- Fixed Starwater Walk quest issue
Alright, gem dust should be stacking now, with new icons. Some herbs have also been updated, as well as uh oils? and juices.
Oh, right sugar and salt too.
Note, I have not updated all instances for herbs. So some will spawn first herb with nonstack, please bug report these.