Changes to the module
Adjusted transitions and accessibility to ramps in SW city area. Moved Gilmor's tower to easier-to-reach side of the same building.
Arabel SW to SE transition fixed
Fixed transition to Malar shrine
Fixed the Hullack Occasio Tree -
As of Bowser 4265:
- A path to House Ebonhawk's farmlands have opened up just outside of the entrance to the Hullack.
- Sir Altowin Silverhorn has moved into his new Villa in Southwest Arabel.
As of Bowser 4268:
- Added to the Ebonhawk Farmlands. They now have a player area with basic storage. (Will get to Silverhorn soon)
- Revised quest loot for the following tables: Haunted Painting, Sewer Goblins, Swamp Barbs, Fishy Spiders, Shaman's Mask, Fey Extended, Toy Shop, Warehouse. (Look for more changes coming soon.)
- Opened a portal inside the Dwarven Embassy to the Thunderholme docks. All Thunderholme content should still be accessible. (Will be revising that quest loot in the coming days.)
- Some Snowsilver mining dwarves have become occupied with some contract in the Moonshaes at the refugee camp.
As of Bowser 4269:
- Adjusted Haunted painting final encounter. Should be functioning as intended now and more difficult. Added 3 chests in addition to the final encounter.
- Adjusted Loot tables for Cold to the Bone, Frosties, and the other quest in Thunderholme in the cave (Name escapes me).
- Fixed issues with Ebonhawk interior trans.
Professor v4291
- Ebonhawk Manor added
- Various Quests tweaked
Skulduggery 2924
- Loot level increased in the Module base Low table, On Frin's Basement and on Pest control to bring more items in Line with or slightly better than The Starter store.
Cumulative up to Professor v4929
- CoA Quest List [WiP]
- Added Scummy Wizard to Arabel Sewers
- Adjusted the Burning Skeleton Chieftain/removed Aura of Fire
- Added IC and OOC warning to Ashby/Gypsy Healer Optional
Loot tables are WiP @Skulduggery
Various other stuff and more to come!
Professor v4932
Adjusted Missing Merchant Quest
- Removed Aura of Fear from Abominations
This is still supposed to be tough and the Abominations are still very frightening so be prepared.
Professor 4975
Setting updates to reflect IC events.
Professor 4977
I have added:
Wand of Improved Disjunction (Dispel Magic cl10) to some shops [will be expensive] and hard quests
Wand of Improved Lesser Disjunction (Lesser Dispel Magic cl5) to some shops [will be expensive] and hard quests. These may also show up on other quests as part of general loot.
Potion of Dispelling (Lesser Dispel Magic cl5) to some shops [will be expensive] and hard quests. These may also show up on other quests as part of general loot.
I will be reviewing and tweaking this as we go.