Changes to the module
- Bresk available in the House of the Dead
- Mino quest available in Eveningstar, Phoenix and Unicorn
- Helmlands cavern quest available in the Estate of House Winter in Eveningstar
- Wyvernwater Isles are no longer accessible
- Moonshae complete and will be launched in a few days!
- Minor tweaks to House Hawklin
- More lore added to the server
- Some bug fixes
v4180 Bug Smashing
- Fixed Mitchifer's convo/gold taking
- Fixed the Sea Snake in Kraliqh's estate.
- Fixed Kelothorisi's convo
- Fixed Kelo's hut door exit.
- Fixed Storm Shield
- Moved spawnpoints for mods out of line of sight for the bedine camp but if they wander this will still be an issue.
- Added end xp to the LizardFolk Cavern quest
- Fixed kobold dragonblood appearances. (maybe)
- Fixed the tail model on the greater wererat. (Maybe.)
- Added end xp to Alana's Ogres
- Maybe fixed the issue of Alana not taking the sword from inventory at end of quest
- Maybe fixed issues with respawning at temples.
As of 4182:
- Orc Camp in Moonshaes fixed. Boss will now spawn. Loot should spawn now properly.
- Myron O'Connor's Quest is undergoing a overhaul. Please be patient and eat cookies.
- Doors in the Lizardfolk Quest are removed or made bashable. Thick-skulled morons...bring a rogue!
Whitelighting now works.
Fixed Temon's heal kits (again).
Map of Arabel issue resolved
Maybe fixed Kanthea's quest issues -
As of Spiffy 4193
A settlement rises in the accursed Isle...
Professor 4198
Fixed Nada to allow level 6-9
Increased the xp and gold accordingly
Should give xp and gold per party member now
Should give multiple items as reward.Please advise if not the case.
Make separate bug reports for additional quests that need looking at. Be specific as you can. Things to make note of.
- Incorrect/overly restrictive level range
- Reward too great or too small
- Overall challenge
- Thematic/fluff inconsistency etc
Happy gaming...
Professor 4200
Updated Nada to reflect new level range 6-9.
Changing difficulty of spawns and boss- WIP
Increased the likelihood of higher level loot
Fixed the skill check for persuade and intimidateThis might be either still easy or become overly difficult. Please report back. I plan to run an OOC test later if no one has gotten around to doing it.
@TheMinionOfArabel Thanks for the feedback.
Fixed typos
Removed unused NPCs/Monsters from storage areas
Removed several unused scripts
Edited scripts that still called on NWNX functions that are now included in EE (which may have been causing some of the lag)
Removed pre-loading spawns from quest areas
Fixed an exploit with healing kits and crafting.Shame on you if you abused this exploit!!
V212 after next reset
Nada has undergone a substantial modification. You have been warned. Please report issues
A certain Froidoc spawn has been replaced.
A couple other house keeping things dealt with.
Happy gaming.
Frin's now re-opened lvl 6-14.
Recommended lvl 6-9
Traps and treasure spawns have been adjusted/tweaked.Ran an OOC test with lvl 10 and lvl 12 so it's working. Need to run one with lvl 6-9s.
- All quests should now be level 6-14
- All quests should be party size 1 or 2 minimum to 8+ max
- Additional Soloable content FOIG
- Some quests have soft cap of lvl 9 and some lvl 12 so while higher levels can go on them they will not get xp.
- Many of these quests have not been tested for higher/lower levels so if you come across something, report it.
Happy Gaming.
v4223 did not save/upload properly. The above is now a WiP. Will advise once I redo all of this...
v4223 now live
- Please report back in separate threads suggestions and bugs needing to be addressed for the quests
- Some quality of life and internal stuff done for the militia tower.
As of Prof v4224 [Forgot to change name, doh]
- Transition restored between stonelands and haunted halls. No more walking forever!
- Multiple quest loot tables updated, with 50-60 pieces of loot buffed. Happy questing!
- Multiple new NPCs added for future events...
As of Bowser 4228 & Prof 4227
Fixed Frin Transtion...I think
Fixed Io Larch Transition
Looked and tweaked spawns for Gladstones
Change Appearance ID of Tiefling Woman (Ashby's 2 boss)Bowser
Multiple quest loot tables updated
as of Professor v4230
- Verified Stonelands' Manticore Cacti are functioning correctly. Issues can be traced to lag.
- Added warning to Mount Rausrawana.'s dangerous
- Adjusted one trap location in Mount Rausrawana to be more WYSIWYG
- Skuffy reduced strength of said trap in earlier version as well
- Fixed reversed transitions of Vaasa and Chult Portals
Big change as of 4255:
City has been broken into 4 areas. This will hopefully cut down the lag in the city. If this doesnt work I'll have to do a rebuild with an entirely different tileset.Note: Not sure if this will break the "Map of Arabel" but if it does, I'll fix it later.
Adjusted transitions and accessibility to ramps in SW city area. Moved Gilmor's tower to easier-to-reach side of the same building.
Arabel SW to SE transition fixed
Fixed transition to Malar shrine
Fixed the Hullack Occasio Tree -
As of Bowser 4265:
- A path to House Ebonhawk's farmlands have opened up just outside of the entrance to the Hullack.
- Sir Altowin Silverhorn has moved into his new Villa in Southwest Arabel.