Angry Raging Goblin Quest, Haunted Halls
At the entrance of the quest, there's three doors. The doors leading to the long hallways/wings of the quest need to have a waypint that spawns a spiked barricade in front of them.
This will-
prevent the encounters meant for the HALLWAYS from flooding into the start of the quest and overwhelming the party inside.
Keep the hallways challenging instead of being cake walks.
This under bug reports as currently, the quest isn't behaving as intended. I should know, I made it.
fix attempted v8621
test and advise -
E Echo moved this topic from Bug Reports on
Tested the quest after reset. We didn't see any barricades, but there were a pair of chests awkwardly placed in front of the doors.
will try again tomorrow -
ok should really be fixed this time
Barricades did NOT spawn.
[Deletes the quest]
Fixed attempted again in version
20241212 Strife 8632
. Please confirm once its live. -
S Strife and Discord moved this topic from Closed Bugs on
fix confirmed
E Echo moved this topic from Bug Reports on
S Strife and Discord locked this topic on