Wrath of a Hateful Child
Wrath of a Hateful Child (7-10)
Party Size: 2-10
Quest Giver: Hateful Spectre of a Child, located in Redwood, BackwoodHey, when I designed this quest, Protection from Evil provided blanket mind immunity to spells, and thus, I felt safe allowing the vast swarms of ghouls to apply DC 17 on hit stun effects that last 1d4 turns. Secondly, the blooded wraiths have DC 16 onhit fear, which need to be removed.
There is a backspawn at the start of the quest that needs to be tweaked to only yspawn 1-2 creatures, instead of 1-8.
The quest is considerably overtuned at the moment and needs its spawn cap dropped, or the swarm of ghouls replaced with a stronger variant of undead that don't stun.
The potion cabinet, also, spawns no potions.
There is a piece of loot called a 'skull of the dark sun' which is not thematic to the quest, it needs to be a 'skull scepter of orcus' or something.
Confirmed, the potion cabinent only had gold in it.
@SpiffyMeister said in Wrath of a Hateful Child:
The potion cabinet, also, spawns no potions.
Problem in how the loot in this specific area was set. The Potion Stash is designed as high level loot, but no one set any high level loot table chest in the area. So in that case it goes to look for potions in the Module loot table, but since there are none there as well it just gives gold instead.
Something to consider when reworking the quest.
adjusted spawns
fixed loot waypoints (hopefully) -
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