Make Belladonna plantable
As Belladonna is used in a few alchemical recipes including starter poison It would be nice if it was plantable as currently if you need it you have to hope it spawns somewhere
Perhaps let it grow a seed too as just the currently pickable part
99% sure you can get a seeds from the flower
I've found bushes in the wilds that only give Belladonna that is just use power belladonna
It doesn't spawn seeds or have the special power for them
i'll leave this for @Strife-and-Discord
Will look at it when I have time with the mod.
This is a bug and should be fixed for new Belladonna found as of version 20240912 Strife 8563.
Please confirm once its live.
S Strife and Discord moved this topic from Suggestions on
E Echo moved this topic from Bug Reports on
Confirmed fixed