Skeleton Warrior undisarmable
Area name: Eveningstar: Ancient Watchtower
Issue Location: Inside the quest
Quest Name: Ancient Watchtower
Server Version: 8374Issue Description: The Skeleton Warriors found inside this quest area are not disarmed upon a successful disarm hit.
@Swifty-Willownall said in Skeleton Warrior undisarmable:
The Skeleton Warriors
I dont recall these spawning.. where did they spawn?
They're a mob that spawned in the Ancient Watchtower quest, alongside ghosts and blood wraiths.
We did the quest as a 2 man party, level 7 human fighter and level 8 dwarf fighter.
A few spawned in the first room, and then a few more sporadically down the stairs as we went. It was mostly ghosts though. As far as I know, they've always been a part of this quest.
These are vanilla NWN Skeleton Warriors and by default those are marked as not disarmable. If we would allow it, we would need to make a copy of those.
Redid the entire encounter range of ancient watchtower with CoA undead only, live 8400
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