Downtown quest does not scale
Module version 8311 Strife
Quest name Downtown
Quests giver Juline Colt
ZQA: Arabel, Downtown
Level range: 4-6
Party requirements 1-10
Number of people that did the quest: 4
Party composition with levels lv6 Fighter, lv5 Ranger, lv4 Ranger, lv4 Bard
Quest turn in gp and xp 301 XP, 150 per headThere is no further spawns and all mobs were not really any challenge whatsoever.
- Perhaps some more mobs when visiting with more people might be desirable?
You can blame the NwN encounter system for this probably...
See, the game calculates the number of enemies based on the challenge rating of the creature. This CR, through a formula, determines the max number of creatures spawned.
A fairly new character has little gear, so, the max number of spawns on this quest is quite low, to prevent a fully kitted player who will cause a massive shitstorm of spawns to appear solo.
@SpiffyMeister i find it endlessly hilarious that my lv4 rogue got 3 dudes and my party only one 🤣
I will look at adjusting spawns next time I do module work
The thugs who spawn on this quest have Sneak Attack. Even two thugs with sneak attack do serious work on a low-level and low-AC character like a monk or rogue.
I'd really suggest making it so only one thug spawns with Sneak Attack and that there's some other enemy that can spawn with it. With their Sneak Attacks and two of them against a rogue or monk, they're hitting for 33% damage about 50% of the time.
Also, just a humble suggestion - but with the druid path, replace the Direrats with some other urban animals. Not sure what you have, but I did see squirrels, skunks, ravens, maybe opossums? Odds are high, you just finish a quest with direrats, seeing them again, bleh. ;)
removed sneak attack
added more animal options
added another possible spawn to human group
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