Module Changes
- Wildwalkers retired as a faction
- South Gates updated to reflect recent events
- Druid groves updates to reflect recent events
- Minor updates to Tilverton and Eveningstar reflecting player efforts
- Some bug fixes, suggestions, and quality of life improvements
Version V8268:
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected also an issue with Familiars information not available for Sorcerers/Wizards inside the Character Creation/Level up windows
Fishing System:
- Began work on upgrading the Skinning Knife to allow players to fillet fish captured with the new Fishing System. This once done will replace the need for Fish monger tables
- Load Screen hints we completely disabled on CoA
- Removed the WW Prestige Chest from
Arabel, Outskirts: Calantar's Road
which means you cannot get additional PP for that faction - Left the NPC Rosemary for now so players can expend their existing WW PP - We will remove her fully in a week
- Added Palid Mask Guard outside the House of Ash base
- Tilverton updated to reflect recent IG events
- Fungal house quest revamped and moved as of recent events
- Caravans are back in Tilverton
- Griffon Hill updated to reflect recent events
- Shrine of the Red Knight moved to Slingdyke, WIP
- CARES updated in the King's Forest to reflect recent events
- Underground areas given some tweaks
- Tilverton updated with thematic spawns, note dangerous!
- Tilverton caravan bug should be resolved
- Halfhap has moved back to Tilverton
- Gnolls Peak decorated
- New shrine of Siamorphe in Immersea, Southern Border
- Eveningstar has improved and many orange trees have been planted after celebrating Greengrass!
- Griffon Hill updated with new CARES
- Red Knight and Tempus have their own respective stores
8275 - strife magic
8276 - puffy bug fixes
8277-8281 more strife magic
8282 - puffy bug fixes and palette cleanup
8283 - deth magic
8284-8289 more strife magic
8290 - echo bug fixes & stuffAdded missing bone recipe: Beast Helm
Added scribing inks to the shops
unmarked some craftable items as stolen since they arent
adjusted crafting xp gained via enchanting to match with other forms of crafting (needed to replace old enchanting oil in recipes with new stuff) (typo in recipe)
removed prestige points from player-crafted bone charms
removed prestige points from bird feathers (it's not very prestigious to have killed a bird), small bones, and animal meat
edited the weights of animal pelts -
New plot faction set ups
Fishing cleaning tables removed -
Version 8297:
As we continue to give this old game a much needed facelift, we have updated our portrait package today to introduce new portraits, which include:
- 80 Creature
- 11 NPC
- 16 Placeables
- 10 Dwarven Males
- 6 Elven Females
- 9 Elven Males
- 1 Gnomish Female
- 4 Half Elven Females
- 1 Half Orc Male
- 4 Halfling Females
- 4 Halfling Males
- 20 Human Females
- 34 Human Males
Version 8299:
We continue to give this old game the much needed facelift and this time we tackle other game resources. We have updated our hakpak with the following(Which can be used by our builders):
- 21 new Bag icons
- 72 new Gem/Runestone icons
- 322 new Miscellaneous Small/Large/Medium Icons
- 250 new Music tracks
Version 8306:
In the spirit of our continued effort to give this old game a proper facelift, we are rolling out a new personal favorite QoL feature for players called the "Players Toolbar":
Alot of credit goes to the amazing @TheMinionOfArabel for providing us with these customized and very specific icons.
What is It?
The player toolbar will sit comfortably at the top of your screen in the middle and will replace some of your currently used dot commands completely:
It currently has the following options(From left to right):
(1) Opening your character description modification window(Replacing
command):(2) Rolling a dice(Replacing the old
command):(3) Recall Henchmen(Replacing the old
command):This button will be disabled until you actually have summons/companions/familiars with you and will
(4) Sneak through doors(Replacing the old
command):This button will be disabled until you actually go into stealth mode, as its a prerequisite of attempting this sneak
(5) Toggling Walk State:
This is a completely new command that will allow you to set your avatar to always walk without having to click shift or activating detect mode. Keep in mind that this will persist through resets!
(6) Toggle NPC Subdual Mode(Replacing the old
.toggle npcsubdue
command):This allows you to toggle the NPC subdual. Keep in mind that it does not persists through resets.
Whats Next?
Once we make sure all is well, we are going to completely deprecate the old dot commands covered in this toolbar
We intend to add more capabilities to this feature such as:
- XP gain toggle
- Quickslot switching
- Advanced Emotes Manager
- Hood/Backpack/Scabbard toggles
- Subdual Settings
- Looting
- Language Selection
- Settings section to let you choose what options your toolbar will display
Please check out the new feature and give us your feedback! If you have more you want to see covered in the next version!
- Warm Waterfall has been changed into a 4-10 quest, with new lore and features
- Tempest Valley have had some additional lore nodes added to them
- Braerwinter now takes recruits via the NPC
- Eveningstar has been updated, with a functional inn and now new donation chest
- Some bug fixes implemented
Version 8308:
Tweaks around the Players' Toolbar
94 More Portraits added:
- 5 Dwarven Males
- 1 Elven Female
- 13 Half Orc Males
- 25 Human Females
- 8 Human Males
- 42 NPC Only Portraits
Added more small Misc item appearances for builders
Version 8311:
- Additional 103 music tracks added to improve the ambiance across the game world
- Cleaned up most of the silly selectable heads(You know which ones I mean) so the experience will be less silly
- Fixed some exploits that were recently reported in weapon/armor crafting
Made recycling recipe levels = the level to make the item being recycled
Recycling "mangled" metals now requires 3 mangled metals to make 1 ingot (instead of a 1-to-1 return which essentially gave players an endless supply of metals/xp)
removed xp gain from recycling ingots/items (you're already getting free ingots from it and from what you crafted to recycle so it was double-dipping)
Recycling weapons & armor now has different returns on ingots. It used to be 1/2 of the ingots required to make the item, now it is as follows
recipe 1-2 ingots, return = 1 ingot
recipe 3 ingots, return = 1d2 ingots
recipe 4 ingots, return = 2 ingots
recipe 5 ingots, return = 1d3 ingots
recipe 6 ingots, return = 3 ingots
recipe 7 ingots, return = 1d4 ingots
recipe 8 ingots, return = 4 ingots
recipe 10 ingots, return = 1d6 ingots
added falchions to recycling recipes
added copper armors to recycling recipes
added gold purchased items (padding, rivots) to bracers recipes
made it so you lose your mold on a failed attempt at weapon crafting
made it so you lose 1/2 of the rivots on weapons that require them for a failed roll
increased costs of rivots
copper 10 to 15
bronze 15 to 20
iron 20 to 40
platinum 25 to 60
mithril 30 to 70
Just a reminder that if something seems "too good to be true" it probably needs to be reported to a DM and not exploited for gain.
- Fixed some exploits that were recently reported in weapon/armor crafting
Version 8313:
Additional Hak Work:
Completed removal of all silly heads
Added completely 78 new heads:
- +1 Dwarf Male Head
- +6 Dwarf Female Heads
- +2 Elf Female Heads
- +4 Half Orc Male Heads
- +3 Half Orc Female Heads
- +1 Halfling Male Head
- +2 Halfling Female Heads
- +28 Human Male Heads
- +31 Human Female Heads
Attempted fix of the Glowing Rat issues(Potion Quest Rat)
Version 8314:
New Content:
Added more new heads:
- +24 Human Male Heads
- +11 Elven Female Heads
- +1 Dwarf Male Head
- +1 Gnome Male Head
Bug Fixes:
More crafting edits
- Edited molds for weapons to match their weapon type (except tiny, they use small molds)
- Added recipes for short spears (copper, bronze, iron, silver, titatium)
- Added short spears to recycling script
- Fixed stats on some crafted weapons that got skipped last time we did updates/edits
- Updated halberd recipes to require longstaves
- Updated Eveningstar with new NPCs, stores and lore features
- Some Storm Horns areas updates with better CARES layout, more lore and plot features and added decoration
- New hak added with courtesy to Strife
- NPC rumours are now different depending on where the NPCs are found, a few NPCs will now speak to subraces/ugly people
- NPC rumours can no longer be spammed via one NPC
- Music updated for all Storm Horns areas
- Lore added across all Storm Horns areas
- CARES reworked in the Storm Horns areas
- Decoration and features added to all Storm Horns areas
Version 8330:
Complete reskin of animals from the following families, in an effort to give this ol' game a facelift(+Adding some new appearances):
- Swine
- Bears
- Canine
- Feline
For example:
- Work on project trinity(Over the last few versions) towards POC. More details soon
- CARES in the Storm Horns has been updated with new creatures, rearranged groups and some rebalancing
- Orc sub-species can now be disarmed