More Priests that can do raise dead/ressurection
Right now, it seems mostly everyone ends up in the Tymoran temple as there seems to be very little other places to get a raise.
Could we get more variety and availability, please?
- Chauntean Shrine on Calantar's Way
- Malar Shrine In Clover Market
- Lathander Shrine in Collinwood
- Selune temple in Immersea (its suppose to be one but not sure it works?)
- Some evil god somewhere for ebol people? (since Tilverton is Kaboomed)
@TheMinionOfArabel said in More Priests that can do raise dead/ressurection:
Some evil god somewhere for ebol people? (since Tilverton is Kaboomed)
Sewers should still offer it
Mother Lleddew of Selune's (in Immersea) should raise dead now (idk what happened to her previously)can look at adding more when i get a chance
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