Module Changes
Griffin Hill is quite deadly and a current work in progress. Beware.
- Updated Kings Forest Collinwood to spawn random CNR resources
- Updated Dhedluk CARES and triggers
- Maybe fixed
- More edits to the CARES to come, please keep the feedback coming!
- Griffon Hill updated to represent current events.
(Danger still present but given fair warning.) - Dialogue added to certain Tilverton Raven NPCs.
- Tilverton peasants no longer sound like bears.
- Griffon Hill updated to represent current events.
- King's Forest has been updates in all areas with new CARES layouts, note the areas are MUCH MORE dangerous now!
- Hillmarch has been updated to reflect recent events
- CARES updated in Hillmarch and the mines
- More crafting nodes will spawn, from 10 to 15
- More tin will spawn, from 1/17 chance to 3/17 chance
Version 8106:
- Added 112 new portraits of various races for selection on player creation
- Replaced the Spell/Scroll icons of the following CoA spells to new ones, that were created for us by the amazing @TheMinionOfArabel :
- City Walk has been updated to shorten quest time and make the quest more stream lined
- Palace has been updated to reflect recent IG events
- City signs have been updated
- Collinwood has been updated to reflect recent IG events, and to stop hostiles from being dragged into the area
- Bounty hunter has been added to Irondrake
- Eveningstar has been updated
- Blisterfoot has been updated
- Fishing spots improved
- Mountain Climbing and Immertrail have been rebalanced to the same powerlevel as Immerflow, and their rewards have been updated to reflect this
- Gemstones and ore have been rebalanced in their PP value
Tilverton updated to reflect recent actions/events
Slingdyke updated to reflect recent actions/events
Griffon Hill updated to reflect recent actions/events
New Storm Horns areas added
New quest added to Storm Horns
Small edits to Helmlands maps to accommodate new Storm Horns areas -
Faction forum categories are now only visible to players if they are a member
- Frog spawn has been lowered based of player feedback
- CARES tweaked to improve balance
- King's Abyss CARES tweaked for better spawn locations
- Deadwell CARES tweaked to reflect recent event, note the area is more dangerous
- New 7-10 quest, Fungal Ruins in Redwoods, Helmsborder
- Downtown Quest updated to reflect recent events IG
- Lucky coins cost tweaked in the Tymoran Store
- Tilverton decorated to reflect recent events
- Immersea, Southern Border updated to reflect recent events
- New caravan stop added to Immersea, Southern Border
- Slingdyke updated to reflect recent events
- Transition added between Smuggler's Route and the Northern Caverns
- Fungal Ruins now live
- Pirates of Wyvernwater now live
- Mountain Climbing Bug resolved
- Immersea, Southern Border updated to reflect IC events
- Arabel, Outskirts, High Road updated to reflect IC events
- Tilverton and Griffon Hill updated to reflect IC events
- Arabel city areas updated to reflect IC events
- Lizardfolk quest moved to Immersea Southern Border
- Temple of Cyric changed to shrine of the dead
- War veteran added to Faceless with lore info
- Waldemar has convo
- Memorials of recent events added
- Various bugs fixed
- Updates to the ECL 1 races to make a few of the less common requested ones more appealing.
- Updates to the ECL 1 races to make a few of the less common requested ones more appealing.
- Earth Drakes and Grey Renders have been updated, with both dangerous and slightly lesser versions
- White Does are now hostile as they were meant to be
- Hangman added to Bospir
- Prestige Chest added to the Murdered Manticore
- Prestige Factions updated
- New 4-6 quest in Clover Market, Remnants of the Precept
- Immersea updated to reflect recent events
- Pirates of Wyvernwater tweaked to allow a quicker route, whilst the optional areas offers more reward
- Sailor's Jeer updated
- Maybe fixed Precept's optional route
- Tweaks to Fungal Ruins
- West Gates updated
- Historic District updated
- Improvements made to Pirates of Wyvernwater, Fungal Ruins, and Remnants of the Precept
- Immersea, Bospir and Collinwood now have their own prestige stores
- Area NPC's well being will depend upon people regularly investing into them
- Coming soon: Specialist area thematic stores accessible via investing into these prestige stores
- Prestige store bugs resolved
- Exiles can now try to beat Arabel and earn a potion discount, its HARD for exiles to beat, but it is an IG representation of their efforts to undermine trade and smuggling stuff. If they work hard enough, they can beat the city and earn a discount for their efforts
- Immersea has been cured of its curse, and the sickly people have been updated
- People can be turned into frogs
- All 4-6 loot rebalanced
- Some exploration areas have been updated with new Points of Interest and lore
- Bospir, Immersea, and Collinwood now have prestige stores that can spawn once the each area has earned at least 1000pp. These stores are thematic to the areas, and more items will be added
- House Cormaeril now has a uniform prestige store tied to the Immersea prestige system, members only
- Deset CARES have been updated to mostly resolve the issue of casters in dead magiczones, but its not flawless
- Immersea updated to reflect recent events
- Gnolls quest improved with more lore and decoration
- Downtown quest updated to reflect recent events