Hostile glitch
Area name: Blisterfoot Inn
Issue Location:
Quest Name:
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Time: https: 08/09/23 -09/09/23 approximately 11pm - midnight. 10hrs prior to this postIssue Description:
Used the hostile all command prior to PvP. One PC though showing as being disliked in player list still said they were neutral/ PC was blue.
All other opponents showed as red/hostile.
Checked with Minion (their PC was red for me), I was red for them but another in our group, CrusaderK, stayed blue to them.
Checked with Lunatic (their PC stayed blue for me) and they said my summons and I were red for them, though they didn't see me at first, but both my summon and PC were invisible at the start of the encounter.
I tried resetting command to non-hostile midnight, switching back to hostile with command a second time.
When that didn't work, used the un-hostile command again and tried clicking to dislike via player list manually. The issue persisted.
If the player list hostile button isn't working there's nothing we can do with a scripted solution like the hostile all comma d to fix that, the script just does the same as that button. This is a game bug
Try reloggin is all I can suggest.
Also, hostile all hostiles all characters currently logged in.if someone logs in after you did the command, they won't be hostiles
Thanks @Zool
Player list half worked. Showed dislike,but also listed that PC as still neutral.
Will try it later when I'm on. Didn't have presence of mind to get a screenshot mid fight, whilst trying to fix.
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