Obyn Spy in our ranks?
Council decides matters of war, the crown guard decided matters of law.
Do as you see fit and make what arrest you see fit, however, keep in mind, faith is not a crime in this kingdom.
So if you make a spurious arrest and it comes to blowing your face off, it is on you.
Dame Drakesbane
Thank you Dame Drakesbane.
I propose Volkov is permanently removed from the council, or at least a pause is placed on his involvement whilst the matter is settled. I will not be voting on matters whilst he is present.
Religion is not under question here - it is a simple fact that Obyn created this church to serve his own ends. He chooses the bishops, he set the direction of the faith. It is therefore also fact that the bishops and preachers must have direct communication with Obyn.
That alone should preclude Volkov and all worshipers of the Black Chalice from being part of our planning. My personal belief is that this places them squarely at odds with our war efforts entirely and they should be cast out as enemies.
Crown Guard -
I confirm that Ash of the Crown Guard apprehended Volklov of the Skulls.
He was found to have incriminating papers on him including copies of council files on him when searched by me
However his guilt must be determined in a trial.
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//OOC, I made a mistake, it's hard to keep names straight when you need to keep a million of them in your head. So, sincere apologies for the misunderstanding Verk