Halfhap (Tilverton Druid Quest) spawning 3x mobs?
I did Half-hap on a level 5 character and got what I think was 3-4X the usual mobs spawned on me, including at least three of the "Angered Druid" bosses.
I did the other lowbies on the same character and same reset and did not notice any issue, so maybe a fluke.
Quest Giver: Micka Cooper (Tilverton)
Module Version 221008 Echo 7691
Oct 10 in the GMT-5 late night -
Well damn. I was trying to make it so that there were 3 varieties of quest with different spawn types. Looks like I screwed up.
What kind of spawns did you get? -
Well at least that bit worked :)
Resolved (maybe) 7702
E Echo moved this topic from Bug Reports on