(Denied) Amethyst/Prettysmitten /earth genasi
So instead of bringing Jenny back, hubby and I thought we would just make new characters. Can I post the app here?
Note: This is a Co-Concept with SamB12345, and we plan to join the Precept.
Topic: Account name: Prettysmitten/Character Name: Amethyst/ What are you applying for: Earth Genasi
Race/Class/Alignment/Level/Name of Character Earth Genasi/NE/Level 4/AmethystWhat specific perk(s) (faction, special background, etc) N/A
A few sentences on how you plan to make the server more fun to play on for everyone, through your characters actions/story. Gather people together to wipe out the beholder hive. Hunt strays down, and get aid when necessary (likely often). Come against the Crown Guard and prove that they are not as competent as they try to appear. Protect the True Bloods at all costs.
If you're not applying on your normal log-in or handle, what accounts have you played under? N/A
Brief background as relevant to the application. Amethyst and Atreon met in an alley. At either end, getting beaten up. Amethyst could take a beating as her skin was hard like granite. The bullies decided to have her fight Atreon, and after looking at his pitiful weak state, decided to try and fight back. They still took a beating, but it wasn’t long before the bullies moved on to the next victim.
After Amethyst and Atreon were beat up, they figured it was to their benefit to stick together, seeing as they were labeled “freaks” by everyone else. They would do what they had to, in order to survive. Amethyst doing her best to protect Atreon. Until one fateful day when they had to flee Watergate for their safety. Together they traveled to Arabel, where they were hoping to find a fresh start.Other- A few examples of how you plan to portray the subrace. (Features, traits, noticeable differences through role-play) Her skin has a texture similar to granite to the touch. When not looked at directly, her eyes seem to glitter like gems. However when you look directly at her, her eyes have a purplish color to them. She enjoys the tastes of metals, stones, and soils- nothing like a little sand to spice up your meal.
@puffy today 09:13 Might need some more examples of what you'll do with the pc ig without the need for dm support etc regarding the beholders and how you plan to best the crown guards
@puffy yep
Prettysmitten — Today at 04:32
Goals: Mainly being a martial person, her job would be to protect the True Bloods as they seek beholder stalks and knowledge about them. Seeing as she is just a mundane, she wouldn't know anything about anything magical.Her goal with the crown guard is to basically try to show that they are incapable of investigations. So if they plan to investigate a matter of "magical means" mainly, she will fight them with it. Prevent them from looking into something that in her mind, "You don't have the knowledge" to accurately investigate those matters, so best leave it to the professionals.
(Note: I do expect more goals to happen as I play her, and I will admit that I haven't kept up with the happenings of COA while we have been moving. So let me know if I'm missing something.)
Puffy — Today at 18:18
What about her genasi heritage and how she plans that to influence her ambition and goals in the Precept?
I dont see any earth genasi themed goals per say -
Pretty shit, sadly
Prettysmitten — Today at 19:38
In my research it seems that earth genasi are very tied into the earth, which makes sense. But it seems like they make excellent smiths or working with gems, but I'm not sure that would really tie into the Precept, would it?
Prettysmitten — Today at 22:46
Amethyst has always been interested in smithing, and multiple techniques in weapon and armor crafting. She plans to work to study and understand these techniques more. She is curious if spellcasters in the Precept could help her learn more about the Plane of Earth, so she can understand her heritage more. -
I am smelling I just want +2 str/con concept.
@spiffymeister said in Amethyst/Prettysmitten /earth genasi:
I am smelling I just want +2 str/con concept.
And that sweet 6 Cha since Genasi get -2.....
Puffy today Currently as it stands the app is unlikely to pass as it doesn't explore any overall interesting stories about the earth genasi subrace. I would recommend making a human and join the Precept the eig way
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on
@puffy said in (Denied) Amethyst/Prettysmitten /earth genasi:
Puffy today Currently as it stands the app is unlikely to pass as it doesn't explore any overall interesting stories about the earth genasi subrace. I would recommend making a human and join the Precept the eig way
@puffy said in (Denied) Amethyst/Prettysmitten /earth genasi:
Currently as it stands the app is unlikely to pass as it doesn't explore any overall interesting stories
No need for the rest of the sentence tbh