Investigation: Beholder Hive
I have summoned members of the Precept, Wild Walkers and House of Morning, to take up the mantle left by Maire, and uniting all for common cause against the beholders.
My proposal was for the House of Morning to stay their hand, and allow the druids the first attack. If they win, good. If they must retreat, we coordinate so they can, and the Order of Aster move in to take another swing.
By coordinating, we may stop them all from killing one another, minimizing our chances against Izereth and the beholders further.
@V-Rage @SpiffyMeister @DracoS
Lord Immerdusk, Crownguard
We are at a crossroad, and it is time we stop sitting on the fence like so many others.
I have been informed by the House of Morning, that if we combine our forces with theirs, we will have sufficient numbers to both cull the werewolves, giants and more, and take on the beholder hive.But we cannot be divided in this regard. I for one, would rather we unite with Eveningstar, and through that strengthen our bonds, than continue to barter with the druids, who care little for loyalty to the crown or the land.
If we are frightened that we may alienate the Wild Walkers, we make a note to subdue any actual humans fighting for them, rather than put them to the sword. But we eradicate the monsters, and stand with the Order of Aster.
In the long run, we have more to gain by closer ties with Eveningstar, than we do with trying to barter with the druids, who hold no loyalty, and likely will not in the future.
S. Florent
I've made my views on this known and whilst I oppose the monsters naturally and have told the druids such and advised them to send the monsters away and accept the Asters funding to hire other mercenaries they refuse.
however I have been informed that the King is permitting them to use these beasts, We can of course, and should slay the damn monsters after the conflict but if the Aster march on the druids even though the druids show no loyalty they may well be going against the Kings wishes
There is a stark difference between ignoring a lesser evil, and having an alternative to its continued existance.
I imagine our King sees the druids efforts as the best alternative, when not having another.
How can we, the representatives of civilization, stand with the druids when they take the field, alongside giant kin and werewolves. And of course we must be present, the glory of this victory should be reason enough alone.Therefore, if the Order of Aster can supply the necessary forces to replace the beasts, if we offer a united front and stand with them, then I shall argue that such would be the best alternative, and ask that Lord Immerdusk relay our arguments to the King.
The Kings banner cannot ever, be raised alongside monsters. It will undermine his rule. I propose we stand with the Aster, fight with them, and if we succeed, then have the best possible opportunity to bring the Aster and Eveningstar closer to the kingdom.
I for one, shall stand with them, and I invite all Crownguard members to join me in this regard.
S. Florent
I expect the King will support the druids however.
It seems he may be partly under the sway of the Spirit known as The Lady which maintains the seal over Tethgard.
I would also remind you that the Order of the Aster and House of the Morning are -not- loyal to their majesties, The Church is currently under control of Belon who refused to send any aid to supress the Lower Houses rebellion, In fact one of the Dawnbrothers even hosted the Lower House in Eveningstar once.
Do not worry about the King.
His objective is to remove the Hive, and if his vassals raise the banners to do so, he will no doubt prefer that men do so instead of monsters.
Sir Everduke
Then I propose we do so, unless someone has a better alternative.SF
Get an agreement on paper.
Count Immerdusk
It shall be done, Lord Immerdusk.
-S.FlorentAnother letter is left for Dominic
Mr. Swift,
While you and I may be at odds, in this particular case, I propose we provide a united front. You are by far the better swordsman of the both of us. But when it comes to rallying forces and inspiring courage, and I would imagine in general acts of diplomacy, I am you superior.I shall bring you in, regarding any tactical discussions with the House of Morning. And when we commit to the field of battle, there is more than enough glory in such a battle, for you to bath in it. But if we bicker when negotiating this, we will only weaken the potential outcome.
I will hammer out the agreement with the House of Morning on the Crowns behalf. Then I shall make room for you, to take the lead in planning the actual battle.Notify me of your agreement in this, should you find the terms acceptable.
S. Florent
Miss Florent
I find such acceptable, to ensure we appear fully unified for once I would ask you take down your poster slandering me, Something you should know and perhaps we can plan for and if we can find them first turn them to our cause. At the last battle where the druids took the grove their camp is based at they mentioned seeking out a mage called the Auspicious One supposedly skilled at wild magic and might be able to calm it in the Helmlands .
This would be a boon for us should we be able to locate them
The masssive beholder in the chasm is dead
The druids found this Auspicious One whose tower was in the forest of eyes and went in themselves and activated a weapon that crashed the floating island into the maw and emitted a blinding light that slew many beholders including the one at the maw
This appears to have been powered by the sacrifice of Dawnherald Tass, I suspect this was willing as from sendings a few days before her body was found she hinted she would die to bring the light.
Does this mean that the beholder Hive is no more, and that there is no need to mobilize our forces?S. F
Miss Florent
The hive I expect is severely damaged but remains, along with their enthralled forces, We may do better and win more glory if we hunt for the thrall camps and raid them or lure out the leaders of the druids monstrous hordes and slay them so they scatter.
I have ideas on how Smash Nose the leader of the giants may be lured out.
The issue of the Blue Eyed Man remains as well and he may seek to try and control the hive or infest others with parasites.
I shall hear your idea, it could definitely hold merit. And killing off the commanders of the druid forces, will most likely cause them to turn into a chaotic madness, which will be much easier to defeat on the field.
I am still trying to locate a dawnsquire to get our plans in motion, it is my top priority.S. F
Duke Misrim has designs on the Helmlands and seeks to claim them for himself.
He currently has a minor camp outside the Temple of the Orbulent masters which was made possible by yesterdays assualt on the blasted lands and the chasm
New information gained yesterday indicates that there is a beholder libary, Most likely in the chasm.
It is likely the Black Tower and Seekers sought this.
Should we recover what is in we can work with Fye and others to better combat the threat, Knowing your enemy after all does aid
That is a good idea. The more knowledge we have the better equipped we shall be in destroying the rest of the Hive.
Of note it also seems visting libary can send you insane.