Cpt Elrad/Stilmyst/Aasimar
cpt_elrad/Ardryll Stilmyst/ Aasimar Subrace**
1). Elf/Fighter, Ranger/CG/1,3/Ardryll Stilmyst
2). Aasimar
3). He will be an undead hunter and rely adventures to strike down undead menace.
4). His celestial blood always made hime feel like an outcast but motivated him to to prove himself a true hero. He has silvery eyes and hair.FYI - Asked for more details on how they will RP the subrace and create fun for others.
Got this app outa nowhere. until i have more info imma be a no. I didnt like the ooc bit with Elrads last PCs sign out on Zenni, an aasimar will face more difficult RP challenges than a halfling sailor.
@lord_acererak said in Cpt Elrad/Stilmyst/Aasimar:
Got this app outa nowhere. until i have more info imma be a no. I didnt like the ooc bit with Elrads last PCs sign out on Zenni, an aasimar will face more difficult RP challenges than a halfling sailor.
Forget it. He was completely uncool with the PvP and ending to last character. I had to delete a couple things from discord when he basically outed some stuff. And then when I left him a gentle reminder to please not post IC stuff like he did on Discord, left in a huff.
(a reply to what I sent over a day ago)
Hey budcan i get some additional details? How you intend to RP the subrace to represent the various flaws an aasimar might have in our world? also what you intend to do to create fun for other players with the subrace?
Cpt_Elrad Cpt_Elrad
I was maybe thinking instead of going CG maybe go NG instead and have them join The House of the Morning and trying to starts a celestial blood unit of knights. Well he also struggles with people seeing him as a freak he will push himself to prove his with and protect the weak and defenseless showing the realm the greatness of the Morninglord. Try to play up his bravado will around the masses and his insecurities of being a planetouched when lone with those he truly trust. I can also see very special interaction with the ravens where they are also an elf planetouched Ashers. -
I don't think this is a good fit. An order of purely Aasimar-blood focused knights is ... interesting conceptually ... But realistically there shouldn't be enough of such a rare creature in one place to actually accomplish this.
Sticking with my no, I agree with what Professor said.
Did we ever redo the "app lite" to "full app" thing?
This isnt even app lite. this is .. just ... lite. -
@echo said in Cpt Elrad/Stilmyst/Aasimar:
Did we ever redo the "app lite" to "full app" thing?
This isnt even app lite. this is .. just ... lite.App lite is already crossed over for subraces, but the template hadnt been updated. Just removed lite from the template
maybe make an announcement that subraces need full app again? Just so people know and don't learn about it out of the blue?
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on