Module Changes
- Blisterfoot Inn has been updated to reflect recent IG events
This is actually now true - you can now gain elemental essence from elementals.
I wonder what use they can be....
(There is still one more part of this to do - but you can get essence with this spell now)
- New 6-9 quest added to Calantar's Road, Blisterfoot Inn, themed after local lore and events
- High Road, Haunted Halls updated for more visible storytelling
- Blisterfoot Inn quest updated after feedback
- High Road, Stonecliffs updated
- Calanatar's Road, Aunkspear updated
- Several bugs tweaked
- New quests tweaked according to player feedback
Modified mage alarm to give a VFX feedback effect when you place it, and also fixed it to use the target location rather than the PC itself (it used to be an alteration of identify, so that's why it used to use the PC itself, since it was changed to a real spell, and given targeting ability, it was confusing especially with no visual feedback)
Hillmarch updated to reflect recent events
Added bags of spider silk (10 ct) to palette, wood/tailor shop, precept craft shop, druid/ranger shop
fixed leather pouch spawning issue
Added more pear trees
Added cow milk to general store
flours & meals are now stackable
figured out why wooden shields werent showing up in the crafting menu.
Gorgon's Bane in palette was stacked to 10. Updated this to 1. Should fix the stacks of 10 bug.
Changed FtS to StF on Redwood pipes in all the prestige shops
Adjusted price of Greywatch Helm
edited many of the sEnterMessages for areas starting with letters A-D
edited Description Triggers in the same areas
added iAreaInfo variable and sEnterMessage to areas that were missing it
added sEnterMessage to Calantar's Way: Aunkspear, Deadwell, Deadwell: Mausoleum7452
Added Shark's amended bardsong fixes.
Added Fargle's animal traits spell fixes
Re-Added Puffy's Hillmarch/Dragontrail from 7450
Added Sharks's hak update
Re-Added Deth's script changes from v7451
Bug fixes in craftingScribing of Mage Armor and Scare scrolls via crafting
Added missing recipe for copper-shod club (please let me know if it still doesnt work)
Fixed recipes for iron-shod club and bronze-shod club
Fixed recipes for two of the druid staves (Staff of the Wanderer and Staff of the Prophet please let me know if it still doesnt work)
Fixed typo in bone glue recipe
Kukris can now be recycled due to fixing a typoMinor update to Tilverton to reflect recent events
Found the issue in the hidden door in the Sahuagin quest
Added some more stuff to the treasure chests table -
Tilverton Interiors have had major updates -
Protection from Chaos and Protection from Law should now exist.
They should be accessed from the radial menu of protection from alignment.
New player tool added:
CounterspellClick on a creature to instantly enter counter spell mode vs them.
New custom spell added:
Least Spell Breach
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer /Bard 2 Innate Level: 1 School: Abjuration Descriptor(s): Component(s): Verbal Range: Medium Area of Effect / Target: Single Duration: Instant Additional Counter Spells: Save: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: Yes Description: If the target fails a fortitude save, this spell strips an enemy of one magical defense, including Mage Armor, Shield, Endure elements, Ironguts, or Protection from alignment. This spell will also reduce the target creature's SR by 2 for ten rounds.
This is also a universal counter spell for level 1 spells.
Counter spelling modified to use as universal counters for the following levels:
- Least Spell Breach
- Lesser Dispel
- Dispel Magic
- Lesser Spell Breach
Toad leap and Spider climb should now work as touch spells on others.
Least Spell Breach scroll added to random 1st level scroll container (which can spawn on quests)
A load of technical stuff to make all of that work.
You may find that if you have quick-slotted any of the counter spelling spells listed above - your quickslots for those spells look weird, just remove and re quick-slot them, no biggie.
Professor v7462Shield Spell default 1 turn/level
- Wizard(Abjuration)- Increases duration 50%
- SF: Abjuration- Increases duration 25%
- GSF: Abjuration- Increases duration 25% (50% combined with SF: Abjuration)
Variable Duration AC Bonus Caster Level 8 8 turns +4 Deflection w/ SF: Abjuration 10 turns +4 Deflection, +2 Armour w/GSF: Abjuration 12 turns +4 Deflection,+4 Armour
Abjuration Level 8 12 turns +4 Deflection, +2 Armour w/SF: Abjuration 14 turns +4 Deflection, +4 Armour w/GSF: Abjuration 16 turns +4 Deflection, +6 Armour Change to Mage Armour
- Removed 3/+1 from the spell with GSF: Abjuratio
Added new temple stores
Helm (Greywatch must have 500 prestige)
Tempus/Red Knight (Arabel must have 500 prestige)
Lathander (Eveningstar must have 500 prestige)
New dungeon areas made available
Updates to various prestige items
Lore added to the module here and there
New dot commands:
-- # means any number - like 1, 2, 3, 4. You know, numbers?
.qs save #
.qs load #Use these to save and load quickslot sets.
Set up your quick slots, then use .qs save 1
This will save those quick slots to quickslot set 1.
Now set up more, and save with .qs save 2
You can now use .qs load 1 and .qs load 2 to swap sets.
You can have an infinite amount of sets, just ... because that's how the code works, not because you need that many.
Loading a quickslot set you haven't saved will just load a blank set of quickslots - so, probly best to save your current ones in slot one first thing if you ever plan to use this.
Fixed a portal destination in the Temple of a Thousand Faces.
Enjoy being able to access the part that was blocking.
Further to the above...
Sorry, but we've blocked access to the Temple of a Thousand Faces for now. After testing, It was decided it just needed too much of a rework to leave open as it was.
If you manage to gain access, please report how in bug reports.
HalfHap quest has had it's monsters changed to new ones.
This was due to the old monsters actually being either from the standard pallette (which we tend not to use) or from the player useable summons (which have the wrong scripts)
The balance may be different now.
Manticore had some updates/fixes.
Same with sanctum of the precept -
Fixed some chairs in the manticore basement.
Implemented player suggestion -
They regen at the same speed as level 1 spells -
* Find Traps: Range changed to 15 - No longer disarms traps; SF Divination range is 30; GSF Divination range is 30, shows found traps to the party.