The Plague of the Murrain
Give them one week to turn themselves in. Any members of the Murrain are to foreswear their allegiance to their 'plague.'
Otherwise, kill them like rabid dogs.
- King Matrim Goldfeather
- Dictated and Not Read
It seems I've talked Jenny into handing herself in so I like a full house in the Palace for interrogation and showmanship purposes at this time.
She will be called by sending to come to the Palace alone. Make sure all our various keepers of the peace know she isn't to be harmed.. through letting the people vent angry words is more than fine.
Once she arrives at the Palace she will be taken inside and grilled on the magic rites nature. I handle that unless someone else thinks there better suited for the role.
After this she will be taken outside and made to swear oaths before Torm and Talona to do the following:
To do all in her power to end the magic plague released by the Murrain
To defend the people of Arabel from the monster released and empowered by the plague with all her power.
To swear allegiance to the King Matrim and Queen Kestrel Goldfeather.
To forever forswear allegiance to the Murrain.
I rather not make any drastic changes to events, but we have a few hours to fine tune any details before she is called. The obvous aim here is to make sure she has to very publicly submit to Crown authority and to help clean up the mess her fellows started. Making her swear it on her own goddess name should make sure she's not inclinded to tell us lie after lie.
Jenny is a citizen of Tilverton now
I am afraid this won't be happening Toussaint.
We are not in the buisness of letting you punish our citizens with your clear bias towards Tilverton, Including trying to hire the Murrain to kidnap our Dukes serfs.
Perhaps if the courts were to punish Arianna for her attacks on my Dukes caravans this could be looked at.
But until then no.
She was not involved in any crimes against the city and has nothing to answer for
In the case of Jenny, it doesn't matter if she wishes to join Tilverton or not. What is important is that she foreswears her allegiance to the Murrain and this "plague" of theirs. She doesn't associate with them or aid them in any way. This includes her twin, Adam, if Adam chooses to stay with the Murrain after this grace period is up. As a citizen, Jenny will be Tilverton's responsibility. That includes if she goes against the King's direct order.
Tilverton will, of course, be expected to disassociate themselves with the remaining members of the Murrain as well.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
Just to be clear.
The Murrain are citizens of Tilverton now.
You can issue bounties of Arabel for those guilty of crimes. Though in the case of this plague golem thing it seems from Jennys testimony yesterday it was Jim acting alone and the plague has passed.
But we will not extradite them to Arabel nor will bounty hunters be allowed to make attempts on the Dukes lands.
Should you wish us to consider extraditing criminals to Arabel we request you send the Bloody Baker to be punished for hiring adventurers to raid our caravans.
Pierre of the Black Chalice
This is not acceptable Pierre, the King asked for them to turn themselves in, he is King of the whole kingdom, not just the city of Arabel. The Murrian must answer as he commands, or his justice is upon them.
Then if you want them to answer feel free to go and convince the Bloody Baker to face Tilvertons justice.
Until then we are not extraditing anyone.
You'll also notice Tilverton has it's own lawbook
Pierre of the Black Chalice
Tilverton's lawbook applies in ADDITION to the King's Law, not instead of. Unless the Duke is declaring he is no longer a vassal of the Crown?
In the lands of the Duke, Tilvertons lawbook applies instead of Arabels.
Much like in Eveningstar theirs applies instead of Arabels
Pierre of the Black Chalice
Eveingstar, Arabel, and Tilverton all have their own laws set and made by their rulers. His majesty, the King, is naturally the highest authority in the Kingdom, and has entrusted Duke Obyn to rule over Tilverton and has entrusted High Dawnlord Belon to rule over Eveingstar. While inside the lands of Tilverton, it is Tilverton's laws that apply, speaking from a strictly lawful point of view.
That said, the King has given us specific orders. He did not make a new law, he made a directive. And that directive is to hunt down the remainder of the Murrain after this week is up. It does not matter if they hide within Eveingstar, Tilverton, Arabel, the forests, or the mountains.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
Of course if you hunt Tilvertons citizens in Tilvertons lands you'll face our punishment for breaking our laws.
If you want the Murrain that badly either convince Arianna to turn herself over or I don't know walk into the temple and drag her to Tilverton.
You'll likely irritate Arabels most prominent faith in doing so though
Pierre of the Black Chalice
@spiffymeister said in The Plague of the Murrain:
Give them one week to turn themselves in. Any members of the Murrain are to foreswear their allegiance to their 'plague.'
Otherwise, kill them like rabid dogs.
- King Matrim Goldfeather
- Dictated and Not Read
A directive was given by our King, Cambrian. Ignoring it is not an option. If those of the Murrain find themselves innocent in this matter, they can do as the King demanded.
Urge them to renounce the Murrain and their leader. He has attacked the Capitol and he will drag them down with him into this folly. Surely a number of them wish to put an end to this madness and return to their servitude of Talona and contribute to the well-being of their new home in Tilverton.
True Bloodhound Ydira
Treason is treason Pirere. The Duke does not have authority to protect foes of the King.
Will the lot of you kindly stop spouting the word treason without knowing what it means.
Considering Charisbonde and Arianna can't be charged with treason for provoking and declaring war upon my Duke against the wishes of the King then what the Murrain have done isn't treason either.
Pierre of the Black Chalice
The law:
-Treason- The Act of Aiding the Enemies of Arabel, and its Leader, or its People. Concealing the actions of foreign agents, their locations, or otherwise siding with opposing national powers over Kingdom of Arabel.
Our orders:
Give them one week to turn themselves in. Any members of the Murrain are to foreswear their allegiance to their 'plague.'
Otherwise, kill them like rabid dogs.
King Matrim Goldfeather
Are you planning a self imposed exile to protect the people who just did the biggest magic attack on the city since the White Witch?
Rethink your actions before you start a war or get yourself hanged Pierre.
To be clear...
Pierre is acting on his Grace's wishes. If anything, any fault lies with his Master.
Arianna -is- responsible for a few attacks on his lands, it is a fair trade...
Clerk Robinson
Nobody plague cultists versus the priestess of the most powerful religion in Arabel.
Did you lose some bets recently, Robinson?
Clerk Johnson
I am just pointing out objectively, Arianna is on the record for sponsoring bandit attacks on his Grace's lands.
Well, "Bandits."
A far cry from creating a miasma that spread illness and terror, Robinson.
My poor boy has a cough and it won't go away now.
For the last time, Johnson.
It's my boy.