New creature ideas
Blob of Pure Filth
Huge ooze creature with on hit wounding, disease and posions of the high dc stacking sort. Lots of hp and and maybe a bit of DR, but make it slow as hell.
Shadow of Suffering
A slow moving patch of darkness that has on hit negtive energy, a fear aura and fairly high stats in general including DR, but a real weakness to fire and divine energy. Outsider or undead.
Murder Hobo
Rogue type foe with a pair of handaxes, a pot helmet and generic robes. Low CR, but decent stealth and duel handaxes should make them plenty dangrous.
Shambling Mound- Hullack/Kings Forrest/Redwood
Giant killer bushes, that shamble around during storms
Fire elementals in some of the Stonelands caverns (you know the ones).
Exiled frost giants in the Stormhorns (especially that long stretch that leads to the Frozen Throne quest).
Air elementals in the Stormhorns as well.
Small water elementals by the shipwreck near Immersea.
Cool thread.
Bandits themed to an area (Hullack Scavengers, High road Highwaymen, Southhorn Stranglers, Eddies East way boys etc)
Cultists, more cultists. Again could be themed to areas.
(The above stuff could just be renaming, maybe modifying the equipment, based on the area, so, one pallette creature, but get's renamed/modded a bit by a script)
Basically, more "civilised race" enemies.
I created a whole new line of undead for the Haunted Halls.
Some of them may pop up in other areas as well.I will look into creating more 'new' creatures after I get back in town next week.
PD deserters near the King's Forest (think Brotherhood Without Banners types)
Gondegal deserters in... somewhere, I don't know. The roads toward Tilverton, perhaps. Or the Storm Horns.
The occasional Cyric cultist on the road to Immersea (it would be really cool if random spawns could also be spawned with little... placeables like a makeshift shrine/murder scene but I imagine that's a lot of work).
Things like that.
new stuff added v7311
but remember, CARES is random, so you might not see stuff right away -
new monsters added v3718
assassin vines
shambling/tumbling mounds
topiary creatures -
Need more humanoid bandits, Hullack Forest Bandit would be nice. Heavy archer/ranger/rogue theme
Need more bandit "companies" like "The Brotherhood," Jake's Five Fingers, The Bloody Few - that sort of thing.
Abberrations! Moar!
Ice Spiders.
Mountain Hobgoblins in the storm horns complimented by bugbear tribes.
Gibberlings in the sewers!
I am but one simple human being. I will work as fast as I can.
Thank you for input :)Edit: how would these suggested bandits be different from the other bandits we've added to CARES other than just the name?
Half orc bandit?
@Ethika You don't want this.
Some new surprises on quests that involve elementals. (except Earth because I'm not done with those yet)
New surprises in swamp areas v7328
edit: also new stuff in the desert
Oh please tell me the terrifying dire gators are back :P
E Echo moved this topic from Suggestions on