Valkyre/Jadzia/Special Theme: Celestial Summoning/OC
She found a pure white stag, did a lathander ritual with muric to kill it and use it as a reagent. She asked me earlier last week if she could do a ritual/communion to speak with a representative of Lathander regarding the Neogi (abberations i've been spawning IG)
After the ritual, I spawned a "ghostly paladin" who asked why it was summoned (the group was now Tiatus, Muric, and Jadzia)
Jadzia turned the conversation toward her application, and asked about the summoning book she applied for. She requested the location, or method to summon celestial help when she needs it to defeat her enemies with Lathanders Might.
the "being" told her she already had what she desired, and she needed to look inwards, and find the "Shrine of the Light" (spoken in netherese) then faded away quite quickly.
the 'being' turned to Tiatus Thornwind and Muric Welten and said "your brothers know where I speak of" as it faded away.
section 3 of her goals-
She has already accomplished the goal to enter the Aster
As well as aiding Sir Nicholas with his Weapon crafting of the crown bladeTo eig official clergy within the Aster. -Done
Be a beacon of light to hopefully bring others within the fold of Lathanders church. -DONE, Jadzia is the first to bring forward her faith, and has even clashed with her superiors regarding doctrine, seeing herself as the true strength of the House of the Morning, and although she may be outranked technically, she has not allowed that to stop her.- Eig a summons theme more suited to a clergy of Lathander eg: Celestial book of summons - the root of this application. Jadzia two weeks ago attempted to summon angels atop the House of the Morning to obtain answers regarding several on-going plots. She succeeded to an extend, but not knowing she was also bringing the gaze of several other Outsiders. - I argue this is achieved, and has been well earned by the player.
Since her attempt at summoning an "Angel" I've hosted several "responses"
- An attack from a Shadowy Cult on Eveningstar, begining with a Man in Black entering the town, asking for "Jadzia of the Order of Aster" and then cutting his own throat in front of her. I put out several shouts regarding the wards around Eveningstar fighting back against "A force" and began to spawn undead, and walk them into Eveningstar from the South Horns.
The South Horns had hundreds of undead in them, and a ritual near the entrance to the South Horns from Eveningstar, at the center of which was a human baby. Tiatus, Jadzia, and about 8 other players entered the area and began battling the waves of undead, Jadzia and Jess began to mess around with the ritual. The Ritual was a trap, and when Jadzia attempted to cut it off, she triggered a trap which spawned a LARGE shadow that began strangling her. She failed an initial will roll, and 2 consecutive con rolls. Jess picked up the baby, tried to continue to dispel the ritual when Tiatus and Co. showed up, and began attacking the shadow.
They killed it, and Jadzia disappeared. - I teleported her to the Ruins of Amazander, then the Kings Abyss, saying she woke unconscious. I made a copy of her, and wandered into Eveningstar as Jadzia, and began talking to her pals.
Eventually, the real Jadzia showed up, I started speaking in Abyssal with the fake, and they killed the fake.
- Jadzias player was afking, "Falling asleep" atop the temple of Evennigstar, I emoted she fell into a deep sleep. Meanwhile, Jack Wild was investigating how to enter the Ruins of Amazander with an NPC who sacrificed a random gypsy bandit. Jack Wild fell into a 'deep sleep" and ported both characters, at opposite ends, into the shrine hidden within the Ruins of Amazander. I spawned a "Ghostly Paladin" who said "The Shrine of the Light" in Netherese, and immediately woke up Jadzia and Jack in their respective locations.
Last 2 entries are regarding the above: I'd like to play this: Jadzia has succeeded in gaining this power to bring outsiders to this world, however in doing so, she has "Marked" herself as a target. Belon will issue her a book that will aid her with summoning Celestial forces, and warn her that shes walking a dangerous path, and that she should only summon them under dire circumstances.
TL/DR: Jadzia is a doorway capable of summoning outsiders. Belon sees the potential in this and promotes her to OC, and gives her a Summoning Theme to keep her aspirations Lathander-related. Other Outsiders will continue to flock toward her to try and sway her away from the light, or use her for their own nefarious gains.
Let me read up some on Lathander and how the church views such things.
I'm really not trying to be a buzz kill or anything, but, can we see what they've done in game to earn this?
I see so far.
- An in game ritual using a white stag performed with her allies in safety.
- Talked to an NPC about it.
- Aided another characters story arc.
- "Be a beacon of light to hopefully bring others within the fold of Lathanders church" (this says done, but I'm not sure how it was done, something about standing up to NPCs?)
- Attempted to summon angels while on top of her faction base
- Participated in some DM events set up to further this goal (shadowy cult attack, etc)
At the moment, this is kinda a no for me, but that's probly because I just don't know what they've been doing in game?
My current issue is mostly, they did some rituals (cool!) but they were in safety, with their allies (not... quite as cool?)
And then been at DM events.I don't know what kind of requirements we normally put on these summoning books or anything though. I'm just not personally seeing all that much from the current description.
Err, the summoning of said celestial/ritual with a white stag was against the wishes of her comrades, yes it was from the safety of her faction base, yes they watched on, but she was informed ahead of time the consequences would be her responsibility.
Since then, she's also met with Jack Wild, a closet necromancer, to discuss the plot itself as well as reach out to him for help learning Netherese, so she is taking risks.
During the beforementioned dm event, Tiatus made her responsible for the doppleganger Jadzia, and although it was easy to kill, she had to fight it on her own. Spawned a few fiends afterwards which obviously her team helped with, though.
Well that sounds better.
Fine by me
Just confirming, is this approved?
@Lord_Acererak said in Valkyre/Jadzia/Special Theme: Celestial Summoning/OC:
Just confirming, is this approved?
I edited the summons today.
Need an Admin to look over them for final approval before giving her the book.
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