[Set]Marcus Baker/Wizard 4/Tiefling/LE/RabbleRouser
Marcus Baker/Wizard 4/Tiefling/LE/RabbleRouser
Applying for: Tiefling, Tiefling appearances: Tail, horns, and firey eyes. & starter loot.
Background: Though his fiendish deformities were obvious he was not casted aside. It was not easy but it was a life. Young Marcus took
joy in the studies of the arcane while being a recluse within his household. To not catch the eyes of the public. His parents scrapping by
to provide what studies they could for the young boy.. Until a terrible evil swept the land they called home.
His family lost, he had noone to turn to other than his fiendish tendencies. He has continued to seek the power of the arcane
and to most of all seek evil. Not for "justice" but for.. Pleasure. To cause them suffering. To suffer as he did.-
Cause great suffering of evil for his own pleasure. To torture at his leisure. Embracing the monster he is
A) Claim a base, create a pocket plane, find somewhere safe to keep them in cages.
B) Torment and experiment with them. Have them lose limbs gradually he indulges in.
C) Seek out villain pcs. Stir conflict and see them answer for their "sins".
Ex: He and the adventurers detain a villain, he rips out the villains eye and gulps it down without pause.
Ex: He crosses the lines others would not when it comes to interrogation and promises. -
Study ancient netherese texts and search for artifacts to obtain unknown power to help his cause
A) Gather adventurers for exploring the smuggling tunnels and the stonelands
B) Learn about the dynamics between all the forces involved
C) Learn netherese through great dedication
D) Withhold what he learns from the ancient texts. -
Join the council
A) First, acquire citizenship on the basis of his "deeds".
B) Use his record of handling evil to join the council.
C) Call for a vote to be granted the title "Council Magus". His decision final on all matters arcane involved with the council.
D) Use his rank to aid him and to push the plots of others with an evil yet lawful twist of the arcane and personality. -
Explore the falling of the black tower
A) Use his new rank as council magus to get the interest and permission to investigate what remains.
B) Any findings are to be kept by him. To be "studied"
Flaws: Must pleasure himself with the mutilation of evil beings in the presence of others or not. He will cave in doing so. Not
only will he have the appearence of tiefling, he will cary questionable items. A necklance of eyeballs to chew on at his convenience
for one.Strengths: Clever with a charm about him. He knows his place as a monster and he knows he is useful. He believes his life may
be worth far more than it really is. -
Sounds perfect for the Greywatch
Greywatch, and later perhaps Mossmere support. Thats the feeling i'm getting anyhow.
Satisfies the app lite requirement of explaining how they'll be roleplayed as more than a human with tail.
Openly evil
mutilating victims
cause great suffering
tortureNot sure how this fits with Greywatch OR Mossmere unless I've grossly misunderstood those two factions.
It's all well and fine for a tiefling app (and for that I will vote yet since that's what the app is for), but someone show me how it fits with either of those factions.
I also kinda thought this.
Greywatch are vigilantes, yes, but not brutal sickos (though their vigilante'ism may be brutal in itself)
1 C does fit, and part of 1A (find cages to keep villains, Greywatch have cells)
Eating eyes is probly a bit much for the Greywatch, brutal interrogation may work (but this should really only be done on NPC's if it's going to be tortury, and even then, other players should be warned beforehand, and toned down if they aren't ok with it)
Mossmere... are... not evil at all so far as I understand it. They would not like a guy torturing people for sure. his goals in 2 and 4 would perhaps fit with them.
Well either he ends up in the Greywatch, or he is hunted by them
Hunted by them.
I dont see them allowing him in.Besides, that's not what this app is for.
It's for a tiefling, for which I vote yes. He's not applying for a faction. If he were, I'd say "tiefling yes, faction, no".
Approved, half set since subraces dont work atm. Tried setting as tiefling, dotcommand did the message but not race
All those 8s..... power-gamer.
can we slowly take turns shrinking his pc by 1% every other day over the next 2 months? We can work in something about his demon parents siphoning off his life force.
@Lord_Acererak said in Marcus Baker/Wizard 4/Tiefling/LE/RabbleRouser:
can we slowly take turns shrinking his pc by 1% every other day over the next 2 months? We can work in something about his demon parents siphoning off his life force.
lol no
Granted forum access based of the report sent in by ruler, needs to have wages set.
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