Sticky Situation Missing Loot
You can see the loot container that spawns the loot but there is nothing in the quest area that you can get the loot from.
Sticky Situation (4-6)
Party Size: 1-10
Quest Giver: Lady Kraliqh, located in Arabel, King's Plaza -
Weird, I e tested this with a PC and there was a wardrobe of something
Its there this time.
I guess it doesn't reset between quests if someone destroys it.
I've found it hit and miss whenever I've done it. Gone through it twice this week and no containers or loot, however on other attempts when I was playing regularly last year, I got a wardrobe (sometimes two in different rooms) and boss loot drop.
One of two things.
The QS_Reset device isn't set up properly, or, there is a chance set to spawn the loot containers- but there should always be at least one chest with a 100% chance so...
(tbh that system needs a rework but as it stands, looks like thats the issue(s))
Just did the quest again and it didn't spawn the wardrobe.
Well, there has been no update on the bug yet, so that would make sense.
% Chance is set at 100
QS Device tag matches quest name
should be working
Test again and report -
I just tested and got loot.
New loot added
Two versions of mobs/bosses added
New "décor" added.Any further suggestions for this quest?
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