Darlene for Dragontouched- discussion only
Just putting this convo here for reference. She wants to be a DT but has zero idea of a story or even the colour. "Wants to be special"
Convo below.
read it, would have the character be CG a goodly kind, she was raised by humans, so did not have any information on her real parents, she thinks she is just a ordinary elf, can understand the elf language but struggles speaking it, as was taught it by human, who merely said she was rescued from some massacre (the story of what really happened could be touched upon in game, but she has no idea, she has red hair, and gold eyes, being part of her bloodline) her adopted parents would have passed on by now of old age, so what ever secrets they had were never shared with her, her setting out shortly after the last surviving adopted parents passing from old age, aside from the tragic start which is unknown, the formative years were happy and almost idelic making her a bit ..naive at times
i like making my characters generous, so her only flaw would be to try and accumulate rings and gems
Darlene Te'len
1). Race/Class/Alignment/Level/Name of Character elf/CG/starting level/Raev Kettu
2). What specific perk(s) (subrace, faction, etc) dragontouched (good)
3). A general outline of goals, plans, or storylines to pursue/ my basic, the story would write itself, based on the previous notes which outline her background
4). If you're not applying on your normal log-in or handle, what accounts have you played under? Darlene te'len here and i will ne using lesley on the game proper now, game times are when i am free, which varies cause of my rolling shifts that work on a 8 day rotation and not a 7 day, which means my start day changes week by weekDarlene Te'len
she was raised in isolation from elves, so if she has any physical differences that are manifest she will wonder why the otehr normal elves do not have themProf. Misclick
This is not really enough. What makes this character a Dragontouched and of what colour? Why was this elf raised by humans? Where is the dragonblood coming from?Humans would have tried to find elves and elves would have demanded that the child be returned.
For a subrace you need to have an idea of a story to tell. The story can be and should be influenced by IC stuff but having nothing at the start is not alright for a subrace
Darlene Te'len
a totally wiped out village, no family, a good kind, silver, bronze, gold, which ever is goodProf. Misclick
I think you should just focus on a non-app subrace for now. When you have a fun idea that has some focus and direction then re explore this?Darlene Te'len
not going to happen now, i have played non app for a long time, want something a bit special'Prof. Misclick
Ok. Subraces don't make a character special. They are a platform to help tell and enchance a story.Darlene Te'len
i always feel i build good stories once the character is in the gameProf. Misclick
Sure. That's fine. But we want to know you have a plan for a subrace prior to the organic modification of a story.Darlene Te'len
raposa was a non app character,hoped that would be the prerequisite to the app onesProf. Misclick
Nope. Pick a subrace and then explain what makes this subrace different or your take on the subrace. A good place to start is figuring out which colour dragontouched you want. And what the colour might mean. And why you'd be in arabel etc.Darlene Te'len
i will put it on the back burner till i can figure out something to write, till then i will be sitting in the start areasilver sound reasonable?
will be a good character
Prof. Misclick
Up to you. -
I've had a chat with them, will post some stuff up from the conversation in a bit.
From Darlene
caravan lone survivor, but outlived parents as humans have limited lifespans, she eventually set off to find others, after taking care of her parents in their twilight years, her nature as a brass dragon will make her talkative, eventually she will lose her shyness as all my characters tend to do
Due to having been in a secluded environment while growing up, and Brass Dragons being such talkative and sociable creatures-some of this personality trait is within the character, and so, they will attempt to find allies, and "test" them.
Through conversations about ongoing events, to learn their personalities and if they are a potential ally or threat - as well, they will offer any evil magical items (which they will attempt to collect) to find out if other characters have alterior motives
They will attempt to find the most populous/useful group of good aligned characters, and keep them up to date with regular (potentially -too- regular... she is very talkative..) updates on various adventurers, acting as an information conduit within the city.Due to the Brass dragon nature however... they may not be able to help themselves talking to even the most evil ones they find, and potentially spilling information that perhaps would have been better kept to themselves... (not a stretch for me as a player really)
She would like to join a (player) faction, finding the major factions within the city too oppressive with their rules and restrictions, and concrete plans, wants and needs (The CG part of her in play) - And once within the group, to stay there so long as it feels like a new family - moving on if they ever feel it has lost it's lustre.
Further background info:
on a journey of discovery, wanting to learn about elves, thinking that is what she is exclusively, (brass dragon lineage as that suits me perfectly) would have as i said raised by humans, because village or caravan of elves, only survivor, a toddler who had no formative skills, ie:language or racial history, would have learned all she had from family, commoner farmers, happy family life after being rescued.
Since the family and her would have no contact with many elves, farm commoners would live a very secluded life not travelling far from home, as per real middle ages type of life.
We’ll have to decide if that’s enough. By the measure we have for applications it’s a rambling mess that tells us very little.
I'm gonna pick out the bits that I think are actually relevant to help with that then.
Brass Dragons from Forgotten Realms wiki:
They loved to talk, to the exclusion of most else. They loved to engage friends and foes alike in hours of long-winded conversation.
Brass dragons very rarely engaged in combat, preferring to talk rather than fight.They talked constantly about anything and everything, and they would talk to anybody: friends, family, enemies and small creatures that could not talk back, or even to itself if nobody else was near.
@Prof-Misclick said in Applications:
Application -lite-
For Subraces this means we'd like to know how being descended from a being like a celestial/elemental/dragon influences your actions/character and how you will represent the subrace as more than a human with with glowy eyes for example.
How the subrace influences their actions:
her nature as a brass dragon will make her talkative.
Brass Dragons being such talkative and sociable creatures-some of this personality trait is within the character, and so, they will attempt to find allies, and "test" them.
acting as an information conduit within the city.
Due to the Brass dragon nature however... they may not be able to help themselves talking to even the most evil ones they find, and potentially spilling information that perhaps would have been better kept to themselves...
Stuff they will do which is based on this:
- attempt to find allies, and "test" them -learn their personalities and if they are a potential ally or threat - as well, they will offer any evil magical items (which they will attempt to collect) to find out if other characters have alterior motives.
Actively seek out magical artifacts on quests/exploration/etc, and then use this as ways to test people's true character kinda gathering a weird magical artifact horde.
- They will attempt to find the most populous/useful group of good aligned characters, and keep them up to date with regular (potentially -too- regular... she is very talkative..) updates on various adventurers, acting as an information conduit within the city.
Become a sort of "spy" for the good guys but -
- Due to the Brass dragon nature however... they may not be able to help themselves talking to even the most evil ones they find, and potentially spilling information that perhaps would have been better kept to themselves... (not a stretch for me as a player really)
Also "Accidentally" be a spy for the bad guys too, potentially sparking conflicts, or spreading plot information that might otherwise be kept behind closed doors/within cliques.
- She would like to join a (player) faction, finding the major factions within the city too oppressive with their rules and restrictions, and concrete plans, wants and needs (The CG part of her in play) - And once within the group, to stay there so long as it feels like a new family - moving on if they ever feel it has lost it's lustre.
Keeps them out of major DM factions, while being active within the playerbase and possibly joining new groups as time passes by (darlene tends to have long lasting characters)
Sure. It’s just an ECL 1 race.
Sure, but make sure they don't name them something silly.
@Puffy said in Darlene for Dragontouched- discussion only:
Sure, but make sure they don't name them something silly.
@Prof-Misclick said in Darlene for Dragontouched- discussion only:
Raev Kettu
If she was found as an infant, and raised by human parents, I doubt she'd have a name like this (not even sure what language this is supposed to be or what it means.
@Echo said in Darlene for Dragontouched- discussion only:
@Puffy said in Darlene for Dragontouched- discussion only:
Sure, but make sure they don't name them something silly.
@Prof-Misclick said in Darlene for Dragontouched- discussion only:
Raev Kettu
If she was found as an infant, and raised by human parents, I doubt she'd have a name like this (not even sure what language this is supposed to be or what it means.
I agree with the above. I’d not even give her the subrace but Zool wore a decent lite app that meets the requirements so I’ve no choice. If she’s done with Raposa, time to nerf the reptile theme.
Darlene being Darlene, it means Fox Fox.
If you ever wonder... pretty much most if not all her characters are named fox.
https://thedifferentlanguages.com/how-to-say-fox/ -
Look, I'm tired of arguing over a dumb thing, but if we're going to have standards, we need to enforce them. Otherwise, why have them?
Just let her make the damned foxdragon already
@Echo said in Darlene for Dragontouched- discussion only:
Look, I'm tired of arguing over a dumb thing, but if we're going to have standards, we need to enforce them. Otherwise, why have them?
Just let her make the damned foxdragon already
I agree.
The app meets the standards though.
(The name is debatable because those standards haven't been breached, technically, but may come under "DM discretion to cover things we can't possibly put into the naming rules") -
I told them they are approved, but need to use a different name.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on