FlockOfOwls (Hominid) / Elaine Keaton / Official Clergy
1). Human / Cleric (Ilmater, Healing and Good)/ NG / 7 / Elaine Keaton
2). What specific perk(s): Clergy of Ilmater
3). A general outline of goals, plans, or storylines to pursue
Elaine is cleric of Ilmater, who I have been portraying more like a modern doctor and therapist.
So far in her story, she has focused much more heavily on being a healer than priest. For example, she has been treating Aric Polk - coordinating a means to cure him of his rot maggot - and also with the elves to cure the paralysis in Kirin’s left arm.Though normally calm and scientific, I have played her as having a zealous streak – performing a ritual of sympathetic suffering, where she (with no armor or supplies) asked the elves to lead her into the Stonelands to the site of Kirins injury, demanding they offer her no healing or supplies regardless of what happened, and then stabbed herself in the shoulder at the the site during a ritual to better understand Kirin’s pain, and gain Ilmater’s blessing for the eventual surgery.
With the rise of the various plague plots/characters/etc, I thought a fun direction to take her would be away from the life of a travelling physician, where she can only help a few patients, towards a leadership position in the Church of Ilmater, where she will work to shape it to her liking (emphasis on care of the city, tending the poor and injured over politics, church standing, etc).
She will:
Work with her allies to protect the city from the various plague plots and PCs. (Were-rats, the Rot Maggots, etc)
Continue working with House Misrim to found a city hospital
Work with her player faction (The Red Knight thing) to help end the White Hoarde conflict
Work with her allies to keep the Baneite Merc Company out of the city.
I am planning for her to take a vow of pacifism at some point in her story, when it makes sense. Likely soon.
I’m not sure if this perk has been earned yet, so I am happy to treat this as “pending” her earning the position.
4). If you're not applying on your normal log-in or handle, what accounts have you played under?
I am Hominid
My play time is likely to be somewhat limited, but I’m going to do my best. I’m happy to also do some storytelling in parallel.
Official clergy is a position that wields political influence and for it to mean anything has to have NPC backing. Ilmater does not have a church/shrine in Arabel currently so the path to official clergy is much more difficult than one of the established faiths. The good new is that a heretical faith/cult of a deity has an easier time.
To earn OC would mean gaining enough influence that a small shrine was earned.
- Gain influence with PCs and NPC( like a sponsor)
- Involve players in developing a faith/church
- Do things that are fun and adventure worthy with player who recognize it was all because of Ilmater.
Sounds good then, will work on that!
It would make sense for a major city to have a shrine to Ilmater.
@SpiffyMeister said in FlockOfOwls (Hominid) / Elaine Keaton / Official Clergy:
It would make sense for a major city to have a shrine to Ilmater.
I agree. But currently it does not. Fun goal for a PC anyhow. And frankly because it is Ilmater, it would be much easier to get council "approval" or acceptance than many others
Hey Hom.
Just be aware, "surgery" and such like, would be viewed as totally nuts crazy cultist shit by 99% of the NPCs.
"Why ... are you cutting them open! Gods?! they don't follow Ilmater! they must be a Cyricist!"
Depends on where in the setting you are really. Adventurers can afford potions, most people cannot. But yes they would go to the temple first and beg for miracles, sooner than trust anyone calling themselves a surgeon.
@Zool said in FlockOfOwls (Hominid) / Elaine Keaton / Official Clergy:
Just be aware, "surgery" and such like, would be viewed as totally nuts crazy cultist shit by 99% of the NPCs.
I have tried to portray this in character/in game to little effect. Ah well :)
I did say NPCs!
PC's will probly be fine with it- hell adventurers see all kinds of mad stuff so... sure
Sounds good to me =) I have been trying to come off as pretty extreme in methods. I use the term "physician", which I think is a real FR term (I found a college of physicians reference on the interweb), but I have been doing pretty weird stuff like using poisons medicinally, centrifuging trolls blood with slings, etc. I'm happy with whatever happens, no kid gloves neccesary.
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