Sharkinajar / Eris Ratcatcher / Tiefling AND Were-Rat
[12:55 PM] sharkinajar: Name: Eris Ratcatcher
Race: Wererat Wispling (Tieflling halfling)
Gender: Female
Alignment: NE
Background: Usually, a halfling wants to hide away. Blend into the shadows. You’d think the same with someone that had demonic heritage. Yet, Eris had a penchant for showing off with bright outfits and the like. She’d never been one for subtlety, nor sneaking about. Which perhaps has led to more than a few troublesome issues. Eris had spent her time as a bandit, plundering and pillaging. Delving into sewers to scavenge away. It led to an accident in her efforts, getting infected and turned into a lycan. It only encouraged her habits, however. Making her obsession with gold and shiny things such as gems all the more intense. And in the land of Arabel? Such a lawless place was ripe for Eris to strike it rich, and possibly survive given her new ratty habits.Goals:
- Fun conflict and PvP. I plan on being quite respectful given this, and bring in some fun villainy into the server. Robbing people, ambushing them without being a stealthganker. Should be real fun. Basically a total klepto bandit that has a strong craving for cheese, without being cheesy.
- Organically grow. I want to leave Eris’ goals fairly open, to see where she might head, where the server might lead her. While she’s going to be a fun bandit, who knows how the others will end up shaping her.
- DMless encounters: one of my previous issues was that I banked too much on having dm presence for my goals. Thus, with Eris, I simply plan on following wherever her feet takes her in efforts to get more shiny things and cheese. It’ll be fun, calm, and a whirlwind of a ride. I don’t want to put too much here as it would shackle me, instead of help. And something like this isn’t a concept I’d get bored of. Or get FD’d long before that.
- Face the challenge of ECL 3. Bring it.
[12:55 PM] sharkinajar: Tell me whatcha think.
[12:55 PM] Professor Misclick: I think you will quit this character in 4 days because of the ECL.
[12:56 PM] Professor Misclick: I’ll read the rest once that is sorted.
[12:56 PM] sharkinajar: I won't.
[12:57 PM] Professor Misclick: Tiefling and Halfling dex does not stack FYI b
[12:57 PM] sharkinajar: tiefling doesn't give dex?(edited)
[12:58 PM] Professor Misclick: Right. We changed that.
[12:58 PM] sharkinajar: or am i trippin
[12:58 PM] sharkinajar: yeah
[12:58 PM] sharkinajar: it's also more for flavor
[12:58 PM] sharkinajar: for why i'm not being a sneeeky rat
[12:58 PM] sharkinajar: because wisplings don't like being sneeky
[12:58 PM] Professor Misclick: This is a rogue then?
[12:58 PM] sharkinajar: and I've never quit a pc from- nope!
[12:58 PM] sharkinajar: going barb for funzies.
[12:58 PM] Professor Misclick: Not a barb...
[12:58 PM] sharkinajar: since they're, you know. Fixed now.
[12:59 PM] Professor Misclick: Well frankly I like the concept. It seems a min max powebuild though.
[12:59 PM] sharkinajar: Well, I plan on basically being vs the entire server.
[12:59 PM] sharkinajar: So kinda has to be >.>
[12:59 PM] sharkinajar: plus never played a lycan before
[1:00 PM] sharkinajar: so should be a lotta fun in that regard
[1:00 PM] Professor Misclick: Alright. If you are determined to try this I can post it for discussion.
[1:00 PM] sharkinajar: yeah!
[1:00 PM] sharkinajar: ty
[1:01 PM] sharkinajar: far more up my alley than pally. Shame things didn't really work out in that regard, but i had my fun with it
[1:03 PM] Professor Misclick: But I don’t think this is going to be fun for you. Lycan power curve gets very fun at level 7. But you will from day one be getting less quest turn in expertise and less to no spawn xp fairly quickly.
[1:04 PM] sharkinajar: I don't mind it
[1:04 PM] sharkinajar: Questgrind is fine. -
One or the other but not both.
Tell him to pick.
Open Enrollment has ended so he cannot claim that as his way in. -
@Echo said in Sharkinajar / Eris Ratcatcher / Tiefling AND Were-Rat:
One or the other but not both.
Tell him to pick.
Open Enrollment has ended so he cannot claim that as his way in. -
I'm good with the one or the other. Voted Lycan since that's likely which one he will pick.
Doesn't really sound like a wererat to me to be honest, more a werewolf on the prowl. But I am not gonna vote against it
Confirmation for Lycan only
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