JoeKickAss / Tobur Khazadamon / Senior Retainer
App for Senior RetainerTobur Khazadamon
Position: Senior Retainer
In-Game Achievements: Veteran of Battle of Collinwood, Battle of Arabel
Plots: Attempting to "Dwarfify" Arabel and House Misrim. That is introduce Dwarven traditions, legal codes, and gods into Arabel. As an enchantment wizard, I will likely try and magically enchant someone to do my bidding at some point, but not really thought about who. Maybe Islyn? Or maybe someone else senior in House Misrim
My question would be what has he done to earn the trust of the Steward/Islyn? I don't know anything about this character so am holding off on a vote until someone fills me in or I have time to read up on what Tobur is all about.
@Prof-Misclick said in JoeKickAss / Tobur Khazadamon / Senior Retainer:
what has he done to earn the trust of the Steward/Islyn?
Other than fighting in the event last night, I have no idea what he has done.
- - supposedly anonymous but it's pretty obvious it's him :P
- Been pushing for dwarf-misrim relantionships, actively recruiting into House Misrim
- Balancing between working with/against the Sembian Embassy
- Done a lot of recording and pushing around for house Misrim
Yeah since I'm playing I dont read the faction posts, so I was unaware of all this stuff. Yes, he's doing stuff, but what of it has earned Islyn's/the Steward's trust? There is a difference between being active and being trustworthy.
I'm indifferent mostly because I still dont know what he's done to earn trust. Busy is not always trust-worthy.
Let's just move this into confirmation to let @Strife-and-Discord and any Storytellers to weigh in.
No from me. Just dont see how Islyn can trust him personally.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on