[set]ACEMW / Unamed / Ghost of Cormyr
New application:
Human or Half-Elf, Neutral Evil, 1, unnamed
Ghosts of CormyrCharacter is a former Purple Dragon Scout who comes from a military family. Joined the Purple Dragons as soon as possible, was stationed in Arabel. Not long after Gondegal besieged the city and eventually he watched his compatriots get slaughtered by the rebels. Managed to evade capture by feigning death under their corpses. Fled into the Hullack Forest where he found a new home among the Ghosts. Has sworn revenge and holds almost no compassion to the people of Arabel for accepting Gondegal's rule.
Main goal: draw out Gondegal from hiding and assassinate him by causing mayhem in Arabel via acts of guerilla warfare, not unlike his rebels prior to the siege
Secondary goal: punish the houses and other allies of Gondegal who supported his takeover by undermining their operationsTertiary goal: establish a foothold for an eventual Cormyrian recapture of the city, assemble a cell of co-conspirators
Let's see if he wants to do ghost like stuff but with the Whitehoard, Obyn and Talentra(sp?)
@Prof-Misclick Good idea!
@Echo said in ACEMW / Unamed / Ghost of Cormyr:
@Prof-Misclick Good idea!
Ace is down with the Whitehoard, Obyn, Talentra angle. He is going to re spec the goals and send them to me.
Updated application:
2. Ghosts of Cormyr/White Horde
3. Added to background: Joined the White Horde alongside Lady Talantra Bowgentle as a Ghost of Cormyr. Is planning on using them to exact revenge on Gondegal before betraying them in turn for the benefit of Cormyr.Main goal: Join House Misrim as a double agent for Lord Obyn Misrim. In truth will be a triple agent for Lady Talantra Bowgentle and the Ghosts of Cormyr. Rise up the ranks in House Misrim, get closer to Lord Islyn Misrim, and utilize their position as a trusted retainer to undermine efforts to reclaim Tilverton. Will eventually attempt to lead House Misrim into ruin, likely through a failed attempt to reclaim Tilverton, thereby eliminating one of Gondegal's co-conspirators.
Secondary goal: Stir up tensions between Arabel's DM and PC factions to cause infighting so the city is weakened against the White Horde and Cormyr.
Example: Inflame tensions between the Crimson Guards and Vigilant Sun by creating a situation where there's a clash over jurisdictions. Encourage the Crimson Guards to go after Malarites and vice versa.
Tertiary goal: Force Gondegal to make a public appearance in order to quell discontent and fear among the populace by causing mayhem within the city (blow up buildings, assassinate political figures, etc). Attempt to assassinate him when he does so.
Quaternary goal: Assemble a cell of co-conspirators to join the White Horde, and hopefully the Ghosts as well. -
Sounds awesome, I'm game
Someone set him, dunno who
No idea but he is asking me about the connections with the ghosts.
AcemvToday at 08:22
Sorry to bother, I just had a question about my PC and his app/background. Receiving some mixed info and I wanted to clarify a few things before delving too deeply into certain plots
PuffyToday at 09:52
AcemvToday at 09:53
did my app actually pass? >_>
PuffyToday at 09:54
Lol yes did you just make without confirming that?
AcemvToday at 09:54
I made it after you said "Ace I'm pretty sure it passed"
PuffyToday at 09:55
I'm not the head dm we don't have one
AcemvToday at 09:55
oh I assumed
you seemed to be calling the shots around here
PuffyToday at 09:55
But lol you need it confirmed by a DM proper not just a guess
Not at all
AcemvToday at 09:55
...wait, but you're saying it did pass
PuffyToday at 09:56
It did but no one told you probably cause you were already IG playing
I assumed prof or someone else told you
AcemvToday at 09:57
oh well damn, that's my bad then
Prof and I were talking and he seemed to have forgotten I apped for a Ghost background
so I got confused/worried that shit, maybe I was playing a PC I shouldn't be atm
PuffyToday at 09:57
It's not a huge deal since it's more background than anything
AcemvToday at 09:58
yeah that's kinda what I figured
PuffyToday at 09:58
But it's not the smoothest thing to do either
AcemvToday at 09:58
welp, better to find out later than never
sorry about that
PuffyToday at 09:59
Np should had asked anyway
AcemvToday at 09:59
uh oh
I know that tone
PuffyToday at 09:59
Did prof tell you what he wrote?
AcemvToday at 09:59
N... o?
Iirc when we were hashing it out
he suggested I integrate the idea with the current WH plot
which I thought was a good idea
given Talantra is already a Ghost
PuffyToday at 10:00
So you didn't write the 2nd app write up
AcemvToday at 10:00
uh... I resubmitted it to Prof via chat after discussing it with him
PuffyToday at 10:00
Okay good then that's what he posted
AcemvToday at 10:00
You're talking about this one, right:
"Updated application:
2. Ghosts of Cormyr/White Horde
3. Added to background: Joined the White Horde alongside Lady Talantra Bowgentle as a Ghost of Cormyr. Is planning on using them to exact revenge on Gondegal before betraying them in turn for the benefit of Cormyr.Main goal: Join House Misrim as a double agent for Lord Obyn Misrim. In truth will be a triple agent for Lady Talantra Bowgentle and the Ghosts of Cormyr. Rise up the ranks in House Misrim, get closer to Lord Islyn Misrim, and utilize their position as a trusted retainer to undermine efforts to reclaim Tilverton. Will eventually attempt to lead House Misrim into ruin, likely through a failed attempt to reclaim Tilverton, thereby eliminating one of Gondegal's co-conspirators.
Secondary goal: Stir up tensions between Arabel's DM and PC factions to cause infighting so the city is weakened against the White Horde and Cormyr.
Example: Inflame tensions between the Crimson Guards and Vigilant Sun by creating a situation where there's a clash over jurisdictions. Encourage the Crimson Guards to go after Malarites and vice versa.
Tertiary goal: Force Gondegal to make a public appearance in order to quell discontent and fear among the populace by causing mayhem within the city (blow up buildings, assassinate political figures, etc). Attempt to assassinate him when he does so.
Quaternary goal: Assemble a cell of co-conspirators to join the White Horde, and hopefully the Ghosts as well."
PuffyToday at 10:00
Yep that's what was approved
So all good
AcemvToday at 10:01
okay, whew
this all sort of stemmed from a convo today where I asked Prof how I might contact the WH/Ghosts w/o tipping anyone off OOCly
PuffyToday at 10:01
You had questions based of this?
AcemvToday at 10:02
and he went "wait you're a Ghost?"
and I went "...am I not?"
PuffyToday at 10:02
AcemvToday at 10:02
so yes, just wanted to clarify lol
PuffyToday at 10:03
There are a lot of ghosts in the city. So I'll pick a Npc for you
They all have codenames
So you need a codename and secret account
For example the elf who attacked the faceless recently was a ghost but no one has solid proof yet
AcemvToday at 10:04
Yeah I guessed so
Been trying to suss out potential PCs
PuffyToday at 10:05
The hunters union just said he was an elf and tried to punish all elves
But he was the recruiter for the hunters union
So ;)
AcemvToday at 10:05
Lol right
I’m trying to play up the innocent country boy angle
PuffyToday at 10:06
I like it
AcemvToday at 10:06
Seems to be working alright so far
PuffyToday at 10:06
I saw you were speaking with Silas about gambling
AcemvToday at 10:06
I’m planning to host a gambling festival
And then rig it in favor of the nobles or commoners
And cause a fight to break out
Escalating tensions -
- Acemv misunderstood my "I am pretty sure you have passed" and took that as he had passed and starting playing IG
- No big issue, it's a background app and it was approved
- Told Ace he needs a codename and secret account, I'm picking Amadeus to be his contact NPC. His codename is Greenhorn/Green and he's the cute guy hanging out in the Hunters Union
Nice. Puffy is head dm.
refers everything to her
@Prof-Misclick said in [set]ACEMW / Unamed / Ghost of Cormyr:
Nice. Puffy is head dm.
refers everything to her
fuck off xD
AcemvYesterday at 23:40
Codename: Scar, forum account is rangerdanger
PuffyToday at 00:15
AcemvToday at 00:17
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on