Orin/Mac/High Druid (Wild Walkers Rank 2)
I would like to promote Mac to the second Wild Walker's rank of High Druid.
Mac has been very active on the server, leading patrols of the forests, hunts of undead in Deadwell, pushing Strawman's vampire plot.
He has also claimed the Wyvernwood Grove, and fought of challengers.
I would be willing to run some manner of the event where his dedication to druidic oaths is tested, and if he passes he gets promoted. (Although I think he's done plenty to earn Rank 2). I would also set him up with loot comparable to Nan's staff (Maybe not quite as good and he can work further on upgrading it).
Sure, done enough. He has earned one loot item I think.
Maybe its just timezones but I rarely see him and when I do see him, he's wandering alone (except the one time I dragged him to Immersea). Maybe what he is doing is not in my knowing, and that's fine. If you think he's earned it, then I wont object
He definitely does do that a lot, I usually see it when player numbers are either very low or he is alone on the server.
I have also seen him make a lot of sendings to go explore/patrol with people.
I'll watch over the next few days.
From what I have seen, he is often calling for patrols of the tunnels or undead hunts. He's been looking into any undead pot that crops up.
He's technically approved, but I'd like to hold off on this for a bit, since I've noticed more of what Echo was saying lately. I'd like to see him take a bit more initiative to bring folks along with him (when he he can), and then will handle his promotion
Not voting only because I am out of the loop. That being said I think Orin is solid as a player so would usually default to a yes for him.
Set and all I assume, note that the position is called "Great Druid" just so it's clear he and Nan are on equal level.
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