Seeking Suggestions: Brewing
@Echo Derp i did not see that was a link
Add a "First-Among-Equals Imperial Stout" to your list to commemorate the foundation of the Kingdom of Arabel under our glorious despot Gondegal. First released this year after seven years maturation. Maybe give it an effect like blood frenzy or divine power.
Just a suggestion. (A really good one).
Is it possible to have brewable ales that require fort save Vs sleep, hold, blindness etc? It would be good for when I start having drinking competitions.
It would be better yet if the fort save DC's were progressively higher the more you drank.. if that's possible.
@Gloomy_Sunday I would love this
@Vrugor-the-Great said in Seeking Suggestions: Brewing:
Just a suggestion
It is a suggestion.. but does not help me any.
@Gloomy_Sunday said in Seeking Suggestions: Brewing:
Is it possible to have brewable ales that require fort save Vs sleep, hold, blindness etc?
This is possible but how does this encourage players to brew ales?
@Gloomy_Sunday said in Seeking Suggestions: Brewing:
It would be better yet if the fort save DC's were progressively higher the more you drank.. if that's possible
Not likely possible without scripting that I'm not looking to do.
Thanks for the suggestions, guys, but they're not what I was asking in the OP. Hominid was closest, but still no points for Gryffindor.
Do they have to be spells or are more complicated options on the table?
If spells, could they be a %chance to take effect? If so, I would consider making these cheaper/more available than potions, but perhaps something like 50% chance to actually cast spell. Maybe that's a terrible idea.
If spells:
Iron Hammer Bock / Alcohol + Balgarn's Iron Horn (maybe risky near NPCs...)
Pigs Ear Pilsener / Alcohol + Remove Disease
Will-o-Whiskey / Alcohol + Remove Blindness/Deafness
Silver Buckle Gin / Alcohol + Eadgles Splendor
Dwarf's Head Ale / Alcohol Effect + Iron Guts
Black Knight Malt / Alcohol + Prot v Good
Blue Sword Swill / Alcohol + Prot v Evil
Cherry River Lambic / Alcohol + Barkskin
Jumpin' Juniper Brau / Alcohol Effect + Expeditious Retreat
Broken Knuckle Beer/ Alcohol Effect + Endurance
Wizard's Wheat Ale / Alcohol Effect + Mage Armor
Red Bull / Haste (seriously we should add an energy drink) -
Could do these, Hominid, but they would need to be priced to be cheaper than potions but not excessively free. These recipes all make 4 of each alcohol, whereas potion brewing only makes 2 potions. (I could edit either one, though). Does the alcohol effect actually do any negatives in game or just make you swoon a little?
Maybe they could have pros/cons, like -1 wis but +2 cha (because alcohol leads to bad decisions but you're more charming/funny?)
According to the NWN Wiki:
Alcohol is an item that reduces intelligence for 1 turn when used. This represents drinks such as beer, wine, or spirits, which reduce intelligence by 1, 2, and 3 points respectively.
So this seems like an option if the script can be repurposed. I like custom stats more (-1 wisdom or -1 cha or -1 int for a few rounds) if that's an option.
@Echo said in Seeking Suggestions: Brewing:
@Gloomy_Sunday said in Seeking Suggestions: Brewing:
Is it possible to have brewable ales that require fort save Vs sleep, hold, blindness etc?
This is possible but how does this encourage players to brew ales?
It would be fun for doing drinking competitions, which would be more interesting than just having potion brewing under another name.
@Gloomy_Sunday said in Seeking Suggestions: Brewing:
It would be better yet if the fort save DC's were progressively higher the more you drank.. if that's possible
Not likely possible without scripting that I'm not looking to do.
Fair enough. I'd do it but I don't know scripting.
Dwarven black brew
With the consistency of syrup and the taste of a burned log that someone pissed on, this comes from the very bottom of the barrel in the strongest of ales. Many less sane Dwarves prize these dregs over the finest of brews.Effect:
Alcohol effect
Fort save Vs sleep -
@Gloomy_Sunday said in Seeking Suggestions: Brewing:
Dwarven black brew
With the consistency of syrup and the taste of a burned log that someone pissed on, this comes from the very bottom of the barrel in the strongest of ales. Many less sane Dwarves prize these dregs over the finest of brews.
Alcohol effect
Fort save Vs sleepPERFECT. This is the kind of stuff I was looking for!
Carling Artois
Nicknamed wife beater by the shirtless idiots that drink it, this is mass produced in some soulless factory in Cormyr, and is celebrated as a national treasure by many toothless buffoons.
Fort save Vs d10 int drainShrimpy Jack's
People only ever pretend to like this, it's made from apples they say, however it tastes more like floor cleaner.Effect:
Fort save Vs blindness -
Gloomy isnt following the list either, but I will steal the ideas.
Name Recipe Level Ingredients Wine 3 8 Grapes, 1 Bucket of Water Iron Hammer Bock 3 1 Barley Wort, 2 Hops Flowers, 2 Hazelnut Fruit Pigs Ear Pilsener 3 1 Oat Wort, 2 Hops Flower Will-o-Whiskey 3 1 Corn Wort, 2 Hops Flower Silver Buckle Gin 3 1 Rice Wort, 2 Hops Flower Dwarf's Head Ale 3 1 Wheat Wort, 2 Hops Flower, 1 Chestnut Fruit Black Knight Malt 4 1 Barley Wort, 2 Hops Flower, 3 Blackberry Fruit Blue Sword Swill 4 1 Rye Wort, 2 Hops Flower 3 Blueberry Fruit Cherry River Lambic 4 1 Corn Wort, 2 Hops Flower, 1 Cherry Juice Jumpin' Juniper Brau 4 1 Wheat Wort, 2 Hops Flower, 2 Juniper Fruit Broken Knuckle Beer 5 1 Rye Wort, 2 Hops Flower, 1 Skeleton Knuckle Wizard's Wheat Ale 5 1 Wheat Wort, 2 Hops Flower, Potion of Cure Light Wounds -
Suggestions and feedback reviewed, with changes implemented.