Changes to the module
Final tweaks have been made to Hanse tree
New gems made available for crafting amongst various merchants
Crafting gems and flowers now can also drop on some quests -
Blacksmithing is now possible to craft IG with the new balanced stats
To see the stats, go here! viewtopic.php?t=171751&p=983461
Mithril crafting coming soon -
The Effluvial lake has been updated after recent events -
.hrt has been added, further details look: viewtopic.php?t=91123&p=985046
Clar Banda's tomb once more spawn creatures -
Hanse Quest balanced a bit
Wood items in Lumberjack now can be used by druids(lul)
Pyramid in Stonelands has more lore/stuff inside it, along with better placed traps/spawns -
Castle Assault has had it's loot and AI looked at
Castle Assault now "only" need 5 people minimum in party
Whetstone merchant remove temporarily whilst I smash the toolset apart -
New dye merchant is in Old Town
Aunkspear Quest has had update to it's loot and spawns, bit more exciting now. Still ugly quest sadly
Couple of tweaks to CARES spawns there spawned too often.Note, rushing over the trigger spamming them do not make things appear more. Come back another day or later, don't run around in circles looking dumb(or smart if you think you do)! Thanks
Eveningstar has been updated, along with NPC convos in regards of its story -
Fixes to spell failures and deity field
If you suddenly cannot cast spells, this is why!
Always make sure to put a proper deity in the field if you are a divine caster -
Baths should be back in Fine Hells, Ilmater shrines (both) should allow free resting for the destitute and faithful, construction workers are all over the Citadel doing work (feel free to talk to them for more information, maybe have to ask a few different workers for all their viewpoints).
New Spell Alteration for Wizards and Sorcerers, Baleful Polymorph.
Beastmaster kit no longer gives Skill Focus Animal Empathy, this is partially done to make multiclassing into the kit less OP. More nerfs may need to come, make suggestions or the nerf train may run you down.
The following should be in effect after the next reset:
King's Swamp: Afad plants should be reachable. A few extras were added.
Hardcastle Items (weapons and armor): should now work as intended.
Frost Giant Quest: transition bug should be fixed.
A few "behind the scenes" changes that you guys probably won't notice but the DMs will.
Maybe fixed the issue with the Cold Dead quest.
Maybe fixed the Haunted Painting issue.
Dorf Fortress in Old Town's Deschurr estate
Dracohorn and dorf fortresses should both be working
Fixed a bug that didn't allow sorcerers to use spell alteration scrolls. -
v2916 Moloch Ruins
I've rehauled the Ancient Ruins below Arabel. IC: they've always been like this even if OOC they're not quite as sprawling and empty.
The new, improved ruins will have tons of plot hooks, lore, mysteries, and more.
They may also have several dead transitions (some old transitions I had no idea where they pointed or if they even worked anymore at all). If you encounter bugs, please say specifically what area, try to screenshot the transition if it is a transition, or just give me as MUCH information as feasible since I fixed up not just the main "ruins" but also the Apostle's Garden and Bherskan Point.
v2920: You can now buy portal passes from Vixen in the Spire, they let you use the Arabel portals without consuming one of your gemstones randomly. (Hopefully!) Once I know its working correctly, I'll have other NPCs selling them here and there too in case you got kicked out of the city.
Finally got around to making the PD barracks, grab a DM to get your keys.
V2922 will fix the githyanki quest. Due to an unforeseen series of bugs, the NPCs on the quest were made extraordinarly difficult to kill.
I have fixed that bug, restoring NPCs to previous difficulty of about six months ago.
Githyanki will also now show a little more variety and intelligence when using their dimensional door power. I will welcome suggestions to improve it more if needed.
Fixed Silent Song quest too, needs a bit more adjustment but should be more worthwhile now and NPCs act like bizarrely.