Game Mechanics Changes
Prestige Classes
From now pretty much all PrC's requirements were removed, meaning, if you have a roleplay that fits and earns a determined PrC, you may be able to level up on that at early levels without the crazy requirements that were standart. Concept away!
Druid Wildshape
Upon gaining the wildshape ability at level 5 Druid, you can now set custom shapes to the 5 shapes available with the ability by using the craft menu.
- Craft menu
– Set Custom Wildshape (or something similar)
-- Set Bear shape
---- choose from the list of animals. Some more powerful shapes are only available at level 8 druid or higher. Currently, beetles and giant spider shape are application only.
Repeat for badger, wolf, boar and panther shape.
For more information, see the Wiki Page.
- Craft menu
Animate Undead
As some of you may have noticed, animate undead has been modified.
It will now allow the creation of a single undead.
Having Spell focus: necromancy will allow special undead through the use of common reagents.
Having Greater spell focus: necromancy will allow a second undead.
There are ten new powerful undead that can be created from rare reagents.
New recipes have been introduced, especially divine, like cures, divine favor, divine shielding and so on, and prices have been adjusted, making a divine brewer very viable.
The levels of some potions have been modified despite what the description says. This only applies to potions created by a brewer:
Bless - caster level 8.
Aid - caster level 5.
Divine favor - caster level 6.
Divine shielding (aka shield of faith) - caster level is 5, but the bonus AC is fixed at 4, instead of 2.
The following spells have been modified:
Aid - +2 to ab and 3d8 temporary hit points.
Resistance - +2 to universal saves, and duration of 4 turns.
Deafening Clang - Duration at 1 turn/level instead of 1 round/level
As always, if you encounter a bug, let us know.
Change to Animate dead.
Animating player corpses now makes exact (undead) copies of the character animated, complete with levels (multiclasses included) gear, feats, skills, spells, etc. It doesn't copy their consumables though. You need spell focus necromancy to achieve this however.
Animated dead can now be left behind using a dot command
They will be removed from your party and then essentially be 'monster's like the random spawns you find around the server.
By targeting an item with your PC Mode switch, then using the dot command .equipsummon while near them, you can now give any item you like to animated dead, (armour and weapons will be equipped if possible) and it will not be lost when they die, or if they are removed from your party. I don't advice using .staydead with this unless you don't care about the items you gave them (OR, if the items you gave them are say, notes, or other interesting or plot related items you want other people to find on their body -though I am not 100% sure this will work, feel free to test it). If you use the leave party command on them they will de-summon leaving the items you gave them on the floor, same if they die.
Sorceror Bloodlines are in the making. We will keep you updated on this.
Lycanthropy no-longer offers Regeneration.
Cat familiars have been disabled for balance reasons.
This is a temporary fix. We may or may not introduce a new familiar system, at some point.
I wrote in a major rehaul of the Squiggles/Parasite system about six months ago. Now that I'm back and have time, I put the changes in the module.
Squiggles are no longer No Drop items. Meaning, you can find them on quests or purchase them from shops, once in your inventory you can trade them or sell them as you wish. The first time you use them though, they are going to INFEST you, and at that point will become No Drop and a permanent part of your inventory.
Search devices should no longer detect if you have squiggles.
You can buy/find Psionic Leeches that reduce some of the effects of having too many parasites (which can still be lethal in some cases as before though one or two should still not run a chance of killing your character). These leeches aren't a great means of protection, but they're there!
If you want a better form of protection from the harm the parasites/squiggles do–well there are certainly some foul and nasty NPCs in the world who just may know a way or two if you're willing to pay their prices.
You want a squiggle removed or are afraid your best friend sold his body to nasty creatures of foul realms in return for the power of a parasite, you can find (and later buy once they're added to some shops) a Chirurgery Knife. Use this knife on a PC and pass a Heal check to determine if they have a parasite, if they do you have 12 seconds to use the knife on them again to try to cut it out. This is a horrible and painful and barbaric process, it will hurt the target and can even kill them if you aren't a skilled healer. There are no other known means to remove a parasite/squiggle.
Discuss changes here if you feel like it.
Report bugs in the proper forum though.
Change to Animate dead.
Animating player corpses now makes exact (undead) copies of the character animated, complete with levels (multiclasses included) gear, feats, skills, spells, etc. It doesn't copy their consumables though. You need spell focus necromancy to achieve this however.
Alchemist Fire recipe should be working for alchemy after v1977
Some changes to Dark Moon monk style, and the Bravo fighter kit. Check the relevant pages in the player resources>Classes section for further information.
Magical spells which can be used to enchant weapons can now be used on gloves and gauntlets. Let me know if you run across any problems with it.
The spell negative energy burst is being changed from CL + d8 damage to d4 damage per CL capping at 10d4 at lvl 10. Should be in the mod starting next reset.
Animated dead can now be left behind using a dot command
They will be removed from your party and then essentially be 'monster's like the random spawns you find around the server.
Blunt weapons can have 'keen' spell applied to them, this is to simulate the 'impact' spell from NWN2
By targeting an item with your PC Mode switch, then using the dot command .equipsummon while near them, you can now give any item you like to animated dead, (armour and weapons will be equipped if possible) and it will not be lost when they die, or if they are removed from your party. I don't advice using .staydead with this unless you don't care about the items you gave them (OR, if the items you gave them are say, notes, or other interesting or plot related items you want other people to find on their body -though I am not 100% sure this will work, feel free to test it). If you use the leave party command on them they will de-summon leaving the items you gave them on the floor, same if they die.
Arrows, Bolts, and bullets can now be enchanted with all the magic/flame/bless/etc type spells.
(all after next reset, anyway.)
Further clarification on the above changes:
When giving items to animated undead, they will equip weapons, armour, and shields (which they have the proficiencies for, you can check on their character sheet if they do have them) If they cant equip it, it will simply go into their inventory. They will take any item you give them. When they die, or leave the party, they drop the items (except in the case of .staydead, they will keep the items then, until killed, where they will drop into their corpse 'bag' (remains)
As for arrows etc enchanting. Magic weapon and great magic weapon is currently not working yet. Flame weapon and other things like deafening clang and bless weapon do work.
You need to target the person, not the item (mostly…) and the priority for enchanting an item goes as follows:
Weapon, Gloves, Arrows, Bolts, Bullets.
If you want to enchant bullets, you need to unequip melee weapons, gloves, arrows, and bolts.
To enchant bolts, you need to un-equip melee weapons, gloves, and arrows.
Animal Companions
The charisma of your character will make your animal companion stronger/weaker as follows:This only counts for BASE stats, not from buffs.
added info on Magic Fang and Greater Magic Fang.
this is no longer relevant. Back to NWN default.
@Displacement:This spell now grants 70% concealment instead of 50%.
Removed this as it is obsolete. keeping here for reference.
@Automatic:Since it is aparently possible that players can stay in the server although they have logged out, I added a function that will track where a player is and will boot him automatically. This will prevent players from starving to death while they are in reality logged out.
Every 15 minutes, the position of all players will be checked against the last location the player was in. If, after three checks, the player is still at the same location, two warnings will be issued. After the second warning the player will be booted. If you are role-playing, move around a bit once you get a warning.
This will mostly be a problem when you are sitting on a chair. Every RL hour or so, you have to change it once and move to another chair.
There is no timer or temporary ban associated with it - if you are booted by mistake simply log in again.Removed this as we now have 4 corners Paladin:
Paladins that are not of Lawful Good alignment will lose all paladin abilities, including the aura of courage, detect evil, all paladin feats, and even the paladin Divine Grace saving throw bonus. Fallen paladins do not add their paladin levels to turn undead checks if multiclassed, and straight class fallen paladins cannot turn undead at all. Portray your paladin as Lawful Good and this will not be an issue for you.
removed this, added in HAK warning.
Other features:
Empty potions and blank scrolls have been added, so craft away on those. Many merchant changes. A few skyboxes as a test run (East Gate Road to Eastway). Additional, secret DM features to make your experience more enjoyable. Two new quests.
Don't ask me where anything is; go look in game.
added respawn options info
removed this that was with pure class info. I want to keep the posts clean as possible not to confuse anyone.
Low cost items are available from merchants in game to give bonuses to pure class rangers, monks, barbarians and fighters. Current bonuses are as detailed below. The items must be used to apply the bonuses. Bonuses are intended to be permanent however some known bugs exist and bonuses may be lost. They should be reapplied after a reset.
The above items are no longer needed.
added quick info on pure class items
Pure Class Items
Several items in Game are Pure Class Only. It should be noted in the description of the item. These items are to be used by Pure Class characters only.copied animate dead info all in same post.
added new keen info to the spell list.
At some point I may make a new thread for the Custom Mechanical Changes to keep things more organized. Eventually. Someday… maybe? >_>
Paladin Summon Mount
This ability no longer summons a mount due to the module's inability to handle mounts. Instead, you summon a celestial squire with half your Hit Dice as a companion.
updated to reflect new alignments
Barbarian - damage resistance 1/- at level 1 increasing to 2/- at level 4, 3/- at level 7 and 4/- at level 10. +1 damage bonus increasing to +2 at level 5 and +3 at level 9.
was removed at some point
Fighter - +1 discipline and will save increasing to +2 at level 5 and +3 at level 10. +1 dodge AC at level 6
updated to mention kits
Monk - spell resistance - 8 + monk level. 10% concealment.
mentioning styles now.
Some tentative changes to some sorceror theme spells. These may change.
Shadow Defence now gives caster level + 5 SR instead of caster level +12
Blazing lance now lasts an hour per level.
Brilliant Gaze now lasts 24 hours.
updated Rope.
Old info: Owning Rope will now give a +2 bonus to climb checks, similar to a PnP Climber's Kit.
We have altered offensive cantrips so they are unlimited for wizards, sorcerers and bards, this way our lovely casters won't be so useless in quests. When playing a bard or sorcerer, make sure to reserve one remaining spell slot to one of those spells, because if you cast a spell that is not unlimited, reducing your remaining spell slot uses to zero, you'll need to rest to replenish your powers once more.
The complete list of unlimited cantrips are:
- Ray of Frost
- Acid Splash
- Electric Jolt
- Daze
- Flare
Traps now can only subdue players, no longer kill them.
This will be in beta testing, please report directly to me if something spooky happens.