Game Mechanics Changes
Spell and Domain Changes
An undead creature will join your party as henchman until destroyed. If cast on a player corpse of a player that is online at the casting time, the power of the creature will depend on level and class of the deceased. If you have spell focus necromancy, the creature created will be a duplicate of the PC you animated, but undead, complete with equipment, feats, skills, and spells. While animated, the PC cannot be raised or respawn. A True Ressurrection cast on the PC will destroy the summon. Additionnaly, animating a corpse dispels invisibility on the caster. It is possible to have many undead minions at the same time.
99% movement speed reduction, but attacks each round instead of once
Bigby spells: instead of knockdowns, most implement movement speed decreases.
Per PHB, except, sword no longer visible. Attacks enemy nearest to the caster automatically. Still requires concentration.
Blindness now lasts one hour per level.
All damaging cantrips do 1d4+1 damage.
Does 1d10 electrical damage per caster level, up to 10d10. It strikes every creature within a set radius of the target excluding the caster. It will only work outdoors and in rainy or snowy weather.
First target is affected by full damage, modified by reflex saving throw. Any other targets are affected by 1/2 damage, modified by reflex saving throw.
To enhance the usefulness of this spell, duration and skill increases have been doubled.
The duration of this spell has been increased to 20 rounds + (1 round / level) to increase its usefulness in CoA's low-level setting.
The power of the summon has been reduced to better match Arabel, casting these spells will shift a non-evil caster towards evil.
Both of these are changed to 1d4 fire damage with a duration of 1 minute/level.
Additionally, the elemental damage type can now be modified with reagents.
Darkness grants 50% concealment to everyone inside. Additionally PCs inside are blinded and receive the temporary feat Hide In Plain Sight while they are inside the darkness area of effect. NPCs inside suffer from a 50% miss chance, -4 to AB and -2 to AC if they are not immune to blindness (this simulates a blindness effect without completely blowing up their AI).
Note: A blinded creature is subject to sneak attacks, this means you will be able to sneak attack PCs and DMPossessed NPCs in darkness. You'll have to take advantage of HIPS to get sneak attacks on NPCs in darkness.
Ultravision is only usable in non-magical darkness (and thus does not negate the effects of this spell). True seeing will not see through this spell either.
This spell affects only a single target creature, as per PHB.
Drown is magical, not bludgeoning, damage
Lasts as per endure and protection from.
Firebrand is now very isaac's missile storm like – basically it is like that, but 15 missile limit.
The spell "Firebrand" now grants the target the same Reflex save as does a Fireball. A successful save halves the damage.
The Flare spell now causes the target to suffer -2 AB instead of -1 AB
Stun increased to 2 rounds
Duration extended from 1d6+2 rounds to 1d8+3
The duration of this spell has been doubled.
Enhancement bonus of +1/4 caster levels rounding down. Duration 1 hour/level.
Due to several possible exploits, Greater sanctuary has been changed. It will work now like an invisibility spell, but with 100% concealment and the ability to pass through other creatures. See Invisible, True Seeing and related spells will be able to counter this spell now.
To make up for the losses, the duration is 1.5 turns per level.
At the request of our higher monsters, the Harm spell has been changed. It will now damage the target for ten points per level of the caster, up to 150 points. A successful Will save will halve that amount.
The target will never go lower than one hit point.@Holy:
The Holy Aura spell now casts Holy Aura or Unholy Aura, depending on the alignment of the cleric. Neutral clerics cannot cast this spell.
No saving throw. Deafness for 2d4 rounds
Fort save vs slow for 1d4 rounds
This spell has been altered to more closely match the PHB. 3d6 impact damage + 2d6 cold damage. The spell also have a chance to stun and slow those who are hit if they fail extra saving throws.
Missile Storm: never does more than 1d6 per missile. Missiles count only once against SR or mantles, and are more evenly distributed.
ILMS bug should be fixed, Damage at 1d4 per missile.
Duration now 2 minute/level
Blunt weapons can have 'keen' spell applied to them, this is to simulate the 'impact' spell from NWN2@Lesser:
The duration of this spell has been set to last twice your caster level in rounds.
If the victim takes damage and fails a fortitude save they will be dazed for one round.
Mage armor is now a +4 armor bonus, per the PHB.
Your animal companion will receive bonuses or penalties based on your character's base charisma. This does not currently work with subraces. Table below. Subject to change in the future since we expect some animals will be horribly overpowered for a level 9 druid with awaken and 18 Cha.
6 Charsima: -2 Con, -2 Dex, -2 Str, -2 Wis
7 Charsima: -2 Dex, -2 Str, -2 Wis
8 Charsima: -2 Str, -2 Wis
9 Charsima: -2 Wis
10 Charisma: No change
11 Charisma: +2 Wis
12 Charisma: +2 Wis, +2 Dex
13 Charisma: +2 Wis, +2 Dex, +2 Str
14 Charisma: +2 Wis, +2 Dex, +2 Str, +2 Con
Every level over 14: An additional +1 Str/Dex/Con/Wis@Magic:
Enhancement bonus of +1/4 levels rounding down
The duration of this spell has been doubled
per PHB; except, sword no longer visible. Attacks enemy nearest to the caster automatically. Does not count as a summon
PhK should properly register as Fear and Mind-Affecting, not mind-affecting solely.
The clerical "Planar Ally" spell now behaves like the arcane version, meaning the summoned ally needs to be convinced to stay and fight for the caster.
The Planar Ally spell now requires a gold donation for the summoned creature (100gp per hit die) that can be reduced with a sucessful CHA check.
This spell now works with chat commands and allows a much wider variety of forms than the original NWN version of the spell. If you do not use a chat command to cast it, the default form is a pixy.
The chat command to choose the form is .ps The chat command to choose the form and cast the spell is .ps !
A list of available forms and additional informations can be found here.
Some forms require that you have the feat spell focus transmutation or greater spell focus transmutation to be taken. You can find which by reading the script (look for the nFeatTier variable) or by trying out IG.
There is a mangled corpse which represents any form of non-whole body. Death spells and PCs taking heavy damage upon death will produce this type of corpse instead of a standard player corpse. Lost corpses due to crashes, restarts, and logging out while holding a PCT will also be recreated as mangled corpses. This represents the passage of time and decay of the body. Raise dead spells will not work on these corpses - only resurrection or true resurrection.
Raise dead now requires a small diamond as a material component when cast on another PC. Resurrection requires a large diamond. When the deceased and the raising cleric have more than one step difference in alignment, there is a chance for failure. Failure is guaranteed for opposing alignments.
Raise Dead/Resurection cast from a scroll nolonger checks for alignment and needs no component.
True resurrection, castable by certain NPC clerics, no longer requires a corpse.
This spell has been altered to more closely match the PHB. It now requires a ranged touch attack rather than automatically hitting.
This spell now lasts for one round for every caster level plus three. IE a level 4 caster will have this spell last for 7 rounds.
This spell lasts now 1 turn per level.
Summon Monster Spells have been over hauled. There are now several Themes of Summon Monster spells. You can find them all!
Themes exist based on certain dieties, certain feats, certain items, certain races.
All Themes have an order of precedent, so do be careful if you find an item that overwrites your current Theme. It may not work, depending on the order of precedence. IE Themes based on gods should have precedent over Themes based on your race.
If you notice any problems with any of the Summons send a bug report immediately. This is especially true if you notice a Summons that is far too strong for its level or far too weak. For the most part, I nerfed nothing except the Celestial Direbear since it was as strong as a Summon Monster 8 spell is suppose to be.
The Default Theme will now summon only Infernal and Celestial animals. No outsiders. So if you see someone cast a spell and summon a demon, he summoned a demon.
Finally, there are special "regeants" in game. These are items that interact with your ability to cast a Summon Monster Spell. All regeants take precedent over everything else. They are used automatically, and taken from your inventory based on which one is found first by the script. They are followed by an emote so you know what happens an dyour caster acts it out.
The big use I see, is 1) wizards can roleplay researching regeants now 2) necromancers can carry regeants to hide what they normally summon in case "guests" are around 3) it adds an air of total randomness and shock when you cast Summon Monster I expecting a celestial badger and you get a ghost.
Again, any bugs at all, post a report ASAP. I will fix it as quickly as I can. There are a few bonus Easter Eggs too involving certain items that can change your Theme that are DM given, and one item in game will allow you to increase the duration and number of summons you can have out at one time.
Finally, Spell Focus Conj and Greater Focus Conj will now increase duration and max summons. So have fun!
I revamped the Summon reagents to allow the caster more control over what gets used up. Now, you can target the reagent you want to use with the PC mode toggle. If it is a reagent suitable to change your summon theme, it will get used up during the next casting of a summon spell.
What reagent has which result is something best asked in game.
These do not only last 1 min/level, but they also grant damage reductions of 10/+5, 15/+5, 20/+5 instead of 10/+5, 20/+5, 30/+5 like the game description says. And they ALL can absorb up to 150 damage (10 damage/lvl).
Duration extended from 1d3 rounds to 2d3 rounds.
Tenser's Transfomation now functions without a polymorph effect. You still fail all spells and all activated items while under the effect.
This spell now conveys see invisibility, ultravision, immunity to phantasmal killer and weird, and the ability to see magically-hidden secret doors. Also grants a +15 bonus to spot.
The trickery domain has been adjusted to reflect PnP a bit more and now boosts Bluff, not Persuade.
This spell has been altered to more closely match the PHB. The area of effect is a 30 foot radius. Outsiders are banished. All enemy creatures and all PCs of the opposing alignment are affected. The individual effects depend upon the HD of the creatures. There is no saving through, but spell resistance applies. Good/Evil take precedence over Law/Chaos. True Neutral priests cannot cast this spell.
Holy Word [Good]
- 12+ HD: Deafened
- 8-11 HD: Blinded, Deafened
- 4-7 HD: Paralyzed, Blinded, Deafened
- 1-3 HD: Killed, Undead Destroyed
Blasphemy [Evil]
- 12+ HD: Dazed
- 8-11 HD: Weakened, Dazed
- 4-7 HD: Paralyzed, Wakened, Dazed
- 1-3 HD: Killed
Dictum [Lawful]
- 12+ HD: Deafened
- 8-11 HD: Deafened, Slow
- 4-7 HD: Paralyzed, Deafened, Slow
- 1-3 HD: Killed
Chaos Word [Chaotic]
- 12+ HD: Deafened
- 8-11 HD: Deafened, Stunned
- 4-7 HD: Confused, Deafened, Stunned
- 1-3 HD: Killed
Favoured Weapons
Due to the unfortunate limitations of NwN's weapons list some deitys favoured weapons can't be found in game. We have put together a list of replacements for these deitys.
The list is only of any real importance to the Divine Champion PrC and Druids, but it is nice for people to have the choice.
Major Pantheon
Azuth - Quarterstaff
Bane - Morningstar
Chauntea - Scythe
Cyric - Longsword
Eilistraee - Bastard Sword
Gond - Warhammer
Helm - Bastard Sword
Ilmater - Unarmed Strike, Quarterstaff (DC)
Kelemvor - Bastard Sword
Kossuth - Spiked Chain -> Heavy Flail
Lathander - Mace
Lloth/Lolth - Dagger
Malar - Claw Bracer/Unarmed, Spear (DC)
Mask - Longsword
Mielikki - Scimitar
Mystra - Shuriken, Dagger (DC)
Oghma - Longsword
Selune - Mace
Shar - Chakram -> Shuriken, Short Sword (DC)
Shaundaukul - Greatsword
Silvanus - Maul -> Warhammer
Sune - Whip
Talos - Spear
Tempus - Battleaxe
Torm - Greatsword
Tymora - Shuriken, Longsword (DC)
Tyr - Longsword
Umberlee - Trident, Spear(Champion)
Uthgar - Battleaxe
Waukeen - Nunchaku -> Light FlailMinor Pantheon
Akadi - Heavy Flail
Auril - Battleaxe
Beshaba - Scourge -> Whip
Deneir - Dagger
Edath - Net(unarmed Strke), Quarterstaff (DC)
Finder Wyvernspur - Bastard Sword
Garagos - Double-sword
Gargauth - Dagger
Grumbar - Warhammer
Gwaeron Windstrom - Greatsword
Hoar - Javelin -> Spear
Ishtishia - Warhammer
Jergal - Scythe
Llira - Shuriken, Rapier (DC)
Loviatar - Scourge -> Whip
Lurue - Spear
Milil - Rapier
Nobanion - Heavy Pick -> Battleaxe
Red Knight - Longsword
Savras - Dagger
Sharess - Claw Bracer/Unarmed, Dagger(DC)
Shiallia - Quarterstaff
Siamorphe - Mace
Talona - Unarmed, Dagger (DC)
Tiamat - Heavy Pick -> Battleaxe
Ubtao - Heavy Pick -> Battleaxe
Ulutiu - Spear
Valkur - Cutlass -> Rapier
Velsharoon - QuarterstaffDwarven Pantheon
Abbathor - Dagger
Berronar - Mace
Clangeddin - Battleaxe
Duerra - Battleaxe
Dugmaren - Short Sword
Dumathoin - Maul -> Warhammer
Gorm - Battleaxe
Haela - Greatsword
Laduguer - Warhammer
Marthammor - Mace
Moradin - Warhammer
Sharindlar - Whip
Thard Harr - Spiked Gauntlet/Unarmed, Spear (DC)
Vergadain - LongswordElven Pantheon
Aerdrie - Quarterstaff
Angharradh - Spear
Corellon - Longsword
Deep Sashelas - Trident, Spear(DC)
Erevan - Short Sword
Fenmarel - Dagger
Hanali - Dagger
Labelas - Quarterstaff
Rillifane - Quarterstaff
Sehanine - Quarterstaff
Sheverash - Longbow, Longsword(DC)
Solonor - Longbow, Dagger (DC)Gnome Pantheon
Baervan - Spear -> Handaxe (spears aren't usable by gnomes in NWN)
Baravar - Dagger
Callarduran - Battleaxe
Flandal - Warhammer
Gaerdal - Warhammer
Garl - Battleaxe
Segojan - Mace
Urdlen - Claw Bracer/Unarmed, Sickle (DC)Halfling Pantheon
Arvoreen - Short Sword
Brandobaris - Dagger
Cyrrollalee - Quarterstaff .> Club (NWN size thing again)
Sheela - Sickle
Urogalan - Light Flail
Yondalla - Short SwordMulhorandi Pantheon
Anhur - Falchion -> Scimitar
Geb - Quarterstaff
Hathor - Short Sword
Horus Re - Ankh -> Mace
Isis - Punch Dagger, Dagger (DC)
Nephthys - Whip
Osiris - Light Flail
Sebek - Spear
Set - Spear
Thoth - Quarterstaff -
Barbarian rage has been changed slightly from the standard Bioware rage. The changes are as follow (everything not mentionned here is still standard):
Barbarian Rage duration: 5 rounds / Barbarian level
Additional bonus: 25% Damage Immunity Bludgeoning ( at level 4 )
[Only works in Light or Medium Armor]Additional bonus: 25% Damage Immunity Slashing ( at level 6 )
[Only works in Light or Medium Armor]Additional bonus: 25% Damage Immunity Piercing ( at level 8 )
[Only works in Light or Medium Armor]Note: Additional bonuses are cumulative
Barbarian Rage was further improved with the addition of Totem Animals.
The Ranger Favored Enemy has been changed slightly from the standard Bioware Favored Enemey. The changes are as follow (everything else not mentionned here is still standard):
Dodge AC Bonus against favored enemy: +2 Dodge AC for each of the ranger's favored enemy.
[Only applies if the person is Pure Ranger (Not multiclassed)] -
Paladin Summon Mount
This ability no longer summons a mount due to the module's inability to handle mounts. Instead, you summon creature based on your alignment with half your Hit Dice as a companion. For companion info, see Paladin page: viewtopic.php?t=77525
Bard Song/Curse Song
Many bard songs and curse songs with new effects are now available. To use those new songs, you need to acquire scrolls that lets you learn those songs. Those scrolls lets you switch between the standard bard/curse song and the song written on them.
Pure Class Bonuses
Ranger - reflex save increased to high progression, tumble and disable traps ranks doubled to simulate class skill. +1 bonus to spot, listen and search increasing to +2 at level 5 and +3 at level 10.
Monk - can now select a style that will give various bonuses. Multiclass needed in some cases. viewtopic.php?t=153329
Fighter - can select a kit that gives different bonuses per kit. Only 1 kit per fighter and must be pure class. See Fighter class page for info viewtopic.php?t=152755
Pure Class Items
Several items in Game are Pure Class Only. It should be noted in the description of the item. These items are to be used by Pure Class characters only. -
You get a dodge AC bonus from tumble only if your modified tumble is at least as high as your trained ranks in tumble.
Example: If you invest five skill points in the tumble skill on a 12 Dexterity character, you will have a modified tumble of 6 (Higher than 5), and gain +1 AC from the tumble in a robe. But if you put on fullplate, your armor check penalty will reduce your modified tumble to -2 (Lower than 5) and you will no longer receive an AC bonus.
Abjuration School
Having "Spell focus: Abjuration" and "Greater spell focus: Abjuration" will allow the following spells to be casted as if 2 and 4 levels higher, respectively:-
Lesser Dispel (only +1/+2 for this spell)
Dispel Magic
Minor Globe of invulnerability
Greater dispelling
Lesser Spell Mantle
Globe of Invulnerability
These caster levels are added after the caster'cap for the dispels is calculated allowing you to go over it, i.e. a level 4 wizard with greater spell focus abjuration will have a +6 on his roll when casting lesser dispel.
Prestige Classes
From now pretty much all PrC's requirements were removed, meaning, if you have a roleplay that fits and earns a determined PrC, you may be able to level up on that at early levels without the crazy requirements that were standart. Concept away!
Druid Wildshape
Upon gaining the wildshape ability at level 5 Druid, you can now set custom shapes to the 5 shapes available with the ability by using the craft menu.
- Craft menu
– Set Custom Wildshape (or something similar)
-- Set Bear shape
---- choose from the list of animals. Some more powerful shapes are only available at level 8 druid or higher. Currently, beetles and giant spider shape are application only.
Repeat for badger, wolf, boar and panther shape.
For more information, see the Wiki Page.
- Craft menu
Animate Undead
As some of you may have noticed, animate undead has been modified.
It will now allow the creation of a single undead.
Having Spell focus: necromancy will allow special undead through the use of common reagents.
Having Greater spell focus: necromancy will allow a second undead.
There are ten new powerful undead that can be created from rare reagents.
New recipes have been introduced, especially divine, like cures, divine favor, divine shielding and so on, and prices have been adjusted, making a divine brewer very viable.
The levels of some potions have been modified despite what the description says. This only applies to potions created by a brewer:
Bless - caster level 8.
Aid - caster level 5.
Divine favor - caster level 6.
Divine shielding (aka shield of faith) - caster level is 5, but the bonus AC is fixed at 4, instead of 2.
The following spells have been modified:
Aid - +2 to ab and 3d8 temporary hit points.
Resistance - +2 to universal saves, and duration of 4 turns.
Deafening Clang - Duration at 1 turn/level instead of 1 round/level
As always, if you encounter a bug, let us know.
Change to Animate dead.
Animating player corpses now makes exact (undead) copies of the character animated, complete with levels (multiclasses included) gear, feats, skills, spells, etc. It doesn't copy their consumables though. You need spell focus necromancy to achieve this however.
Animated dead can now be left behind using a dot command
They will be removed from your party and then essentially be 'monster's like the random spawns you find around the server.
By targeting an item with your PC Mode switch, then using the dot command .equipsummon while near them, you can now give any item you like to animated dead, (armour and weapons will be equipped if possible) and it will not be lost when they die, or if they are removed from your party. I don't advice using .staydead with this unless you don't care about the items you gave them (OR, if the items you gave them are say, notes, or other interesting or plot related items you want other people to find on their body -though I am not 100% sure this will work, feel free to test it). If you use the leave party command on them they will de-summon leaving the items you gave them on the floor, same if they die.
Sorceror Bloodlines are in the making. We will keep you updated on this.
Lycanthropy no-longer offers Regeneration.
Cat familiars have been disabled for balance reasons.
This is a temporary fix. We may or may not introduce a new familiar system, at some point.
I wrote in a major rehaul of the Squiggles/Parasite system about six months ago. Now that I'm back and have time, I put the changes in the module.
Squiggles are no longer No Drop items. Meaning, you can find them on quests or purchase them from shops, once in your inventory you can trade them or sell them as you wish. The first time you use them though, they are going to INFEST you, and at that point will become No Drop and a permanent part of your inventory.
Search devices should no longer detect if you have squiggles.
You can buy/find Psionic Leeches that reduce some of the effects of having too many parasites (which can still be lethal in some cases as before though one or two should still not run a chance of killing your character). These leeches aren't a great means of protection, but they're there!
If you want a better form of protection from the harm the parasites/squiggles do–well there are certainly some foul and nasty NPCs in the world who just may know a way or two if you're willing to pay their prices.
You want a squiggle removed or are afraid your best friend sold his body to nasty creatures of foul realms in return for the power of a parasite, you can find (and later buy once they're added to some shops) a Chirurgery Knife. Use this knife on a PC and pass a Heal check to determine if they have a parasite, if they do you have 12 seconds to use the knife on them again to try to cut it out. This is a horrible and painful and barbaric process, it will hurt the target and can even kill them if you aren't a skilled healer. There are no other known means to remove a parasite/squiggle.
Discuss changes here if you feel like it.
Report bugs in the proper forum though.
Change to Animate dead.
Animating player corpses now makes exact (undead) copies of the character animated, complete with levels (multiclasses included) gear, feats, skills, spells, etc. It doesn't copy their consumables though. You need spell focus necromancy to achieve this however.
Alchemist Fire recipe should be working for alchemy after v1977
Some changes to Dark Moon monk style, and the Bravo fighter kit. Check the relevant pages in the player resources>Classes section for further information.
Magical spells which can be used to enchant weapons can now be used on gloves and gauntlets. Let me know if you run across any problems with it.
The spell negative energy burst is being changed from CL + d8 damage to d4 damage per CL capping at 10d4 at lvl 10. Should be in the mod starting next reset.