Warrant Request: Sabriel Florent
Feel free to issue the fine.
Sabriel approached me, and I thought it best if I deal with this noble to noble.
As discussed with Dominic, in lieu of a fine, I have given Sabriel the option to perform a service on my behalf - and for the Crown Guard. It seems highly unlikely she will pass over a single coin to Dominic, but he is still more than welcome to try - she will likely attempt to duel him for the thrill of a show.
~Ilselore Montfaucon
Service is fine, As long as it is something of use to us.
Disrupting the cyricist thugs that now seem to think they decide what is contraband and that they can issue fines would be beneficial and she seems on decent terms with them, so she can work against them for her service
The game is set. Sabriel has her part to play. If all goes well, we claim the glory of providing the direction. If not, her name is forgotten.
Ilesore, what was Florent tasked to do and has she even attempted it?
I see posters from her continuing to slander the crown guard and sendings hurling insults
If she hasn't even begun her service perhaps something to correct her behaviour is needed
The first part of her task is complete, as I dictated.
@greenlung said in House Florent - Intended Execution:
Have it know that the remnants of House Florent and any who harbour these fiends shall be hunted and executed for crimes against the Crown, including and not limited to:
The soiling and sullying of the pure image of the nobility
Mass murder of innocentsTheir lands, titles and holdings are forfeit and are hereby claimed for the Crown in the name of the King
Information as to the whereabouts of this filth shall be forwarded to the barracks and reward issued should it be used in their capture.
The First Great Hunt of Man begins
Francis of the Great House Sallvara, and the other Agents of the Crown
A notice attached indicating a final purge against this fallen House for the crimes committed in what was Eveningstar.
The Hunt, in the name of mine own House, shall be glorious and the punishment just.
There is sign outside an estate in the King’s Plaza which reads:
“The Order of the Illuminated Blade and House Florent”
Is this a House Florent building or the other one? If it is the former I shall have the lodgers evicted as this now belongs to us
@greenlung officially it belonged to house florent, then the deed was transferred some odd weeks to The Order of the Blade.
clerk Robertson
I have spoken to the Iluminated Blade about this, and they claim it was bequeathed to them by one 'Johan Faust' upon the death of Sabriel Florent.