• Wanted Criminals

    6 Posts

    Scratch another wererat.

    Dario is dead.

  • Proposal: Lawbook of Arabel, 2nd edition - Civil Courts

    8 Posts

    I think I understand now, it wasn’t brought to us in some odd belief we would vote on this but instead in an inane attempt by someone not on the council to use the standing of the council as a tool for their own selfish political gain and roped you into helping them with such.

    If you are going to attempt to abuse the Council’s unique position of influence in Arabel for someone else’s profit at least try to be clever about it, Appleberry.

  • Demonic Cage

    2 Posts

    Let not temptation lead you a stray, for infernal sources seeks you to slay.
    Your soul is not for play, so keep the cage at bay, for its hidden price far too high to pay.
    Turn away and live another day, let not evil cause the gods dismay.
    With demons there is no midway.

    I hope this poster is enough to sway some adventurers away from the temptations of the demonic cage.
    Edits are welcome, I aim to publish it later today.


  • An Oath of Office

    10 Posts

    I quite like Polk's question, it does not complicate external oaths, but ensures the heart is right.


  • Mercenary Funds

    22 Posts

    Their knowledge of the terrain and local area could be invaluable, perhaps we ought to search the Stonelands for sign of their whereabouts.


  • A Morale Booster

    7 Posts
    Dire RabbitD

    Fair and done.


  • Marshal Saga Drakesbane – A Crisp Sealed Letter

    2 Posts

    [Reading over the letter in between meetings, Saga has the first tome of The Tales and Fables of the Crimson Lady delivered to Keline's room with a simple to the point letter.]

    Poppy, was a pet name first coined by the late king, after the First Peer rose from battle soaked in her enemies blood, at an all too young age.
    Once you have read the tome, let us meet to discuss this further. You may bring your pupil as well.

    Saga Drakebane.

  • Membership review

    6 Posts

    I hereby nominate Octavia to take Polk's seat on the Council.


  • Brief report on the marriage ‘proposal’ by ‘The Bastard’

    14 Posts

    King Gondegal issued strict orders for Sir Matrim Kingsley to be brought before the Palace alive.

    He is guilty. There is no questioning that.

    What needs to be determined is the severity of his punishment.

    Osco, it would not be called mercy at the court without the possibility of condemnation, or death.

    I believe the council of twelve should, after hearing Sir Matrim Kingsley speak, determine the severity of his punishment as a council of twelve. This suggestion would then be pushed up to the Council of Peers.

    This is after all the primary function of the Twelve.

    Clerk Robinson -

    Was a body for the great King, Gondegal, ever recovered? I would say a few words to honor his passing, and perhaps we can have Gondegals funeral during the winter festival. I find it oddly fitting, the end of one cycle, the beginning of a new cycle.

    -Dawnknight Nicholas Alwin Appleberry

  • Dossier on 'The Houndmaster' Hobgoblin

    5 Posts

    I would like to preface this by apologizing the delay on this report. The first hand account has plagued my dreams, leaving me unable to speak at length on the event. However given the importance of the new development I have decided to put words to paper.

    Additional Threat, "Warlords' Favorite"

    Involved parties:
    Emissary Selifrey, her guardsmen Kirin, Viper Martaen of the Crimson Guard, Senior Retainer Aric Polk, Senior Retainer Rismente, Retainer Octavia of House Misrim, Jericho the Undead Hunter, Elaine of Illmater, Nicholas Alwin Appleberry of the Aster Knights.

    Four days ago ((1/7/2021)) a party consisting of the above left Arabel to confirm the status of the device known as the Hullack Shards. Midway through our investigation, around 2300 hrs, a series of howls were heard. Kirin immediately identified them as a threat, and familiar. We were already discussing the capture of his Infernal Worg, and so the sound to him was familiar.

    Along our way we found a massive "feeding area" of some recent creature. Kirin began to openly speculate that a Man-Eater was in the area.

    The group decided to depart from the Hullack Shards when a massive worg, some ten feet in length, emerged between us and our path to Arabel. As we were already in the Hullack, the party was prepared with defensive spells, and we immediately gave chase.

    This. Was. Foolish.

    Our party became divided. Rismente and Elaine became priority targets of the worgs. As Kirin, Martaen and I would engage one, another would come into view behind us. We downed a total of three, narrowly saving Elaine and Rismente.

    We called it quits with the device and decided to best to head back to Arabel.

    around midnight, the witching hour, we were crossing a narrow gap of trees leaving the Hullack. Polk was scouting ahead with Octavia and Rismente. That is when we saw it... I have never seen a worg so large.. It had to be some kind of nightmarish demon-creature. No natural born thing could... Look like that... I'll try and formulate a proper description of "It" at a later time. I will say this, I have seen smaller brown bears. if you encounter the creature, you will know it.

    It appeared behind us, like a proper hunter. It was stalking us, I believe it was testing us with its smaller kin. And of course, this is when events get complicated. Earlier in the day the known criminals Paul, and Zurask had made inflammatory sendings. Senior Retainer Aric Polk spotted them entering the Hullack and sent retainer Octavia to warn us as he engaged him in combat. It seems, Dario was in fact the Talonite wererat this whole time. There was a feud between Dario and Aric, and Dario wasted no time in ending it.

    Meanwhile, myself, Martaen, Jericho and Kirin moved to engage the massive worg, the Warlords Favorite. Though it was no longer alone. As it passed behind us, it walked down a narrow path to where -dozens- of eyes waited. There were too many to deal with in the open, so we closed the gap, fighting them three abreast to better our odds.

    A voice came behind us, Octavia telling Selifrey that Zurask was blocking our escape, and on his way here. We were about to be overwhelmed from both sides. Rismente was already down, she said.

    Martaen and I both ordered Kirin to evacuate Selifrey to safety.. But it was too late. "They're here!" shouted Selifery. "Get her out!" I shouted to Kirin. Thats when the Warlords Favorite entered the frey. It rolled off my swordblows like water on a mountain. Nothing could slow it. In a snap of its massive teeth, it took Martaens sword-arm whole, and cast him behind enemy lines. He was still getting to his feet when the swarmed him. I've never seen a man shrug off an attack like that. Without a sword, without his arm, he rose to his feet to meet the enemy as they swarmed like hungry vultures.

    They ate him.

    I was soon to fall next, along with Elaine who was doing all she could to maintain our wounds. Jericho the Undead Hunter was able to down a invisibility potion and get us to safety before the feeding frenzy could start. We were spirited deeper into the Hullack and found safety by fortress called "Summerstar" which appeared abandoned. After a brief recovery, we collected our wits and made for Arabel.

    All I know is Martaen died holding the line as any good soldier would. He is a shining example of the strength of the Crimson Legion. He was my friend.

    I have only hearsay on the following events, though I hear Selifrey, Rismente, Kirin, and Octavia were all put on the ground and infected by the Talonite Wererat Dario, who used a maggot to infect them. Senior Retainer Aric Polk was slain without hesitation.

    Kill the hellish monster.

    -Dawnknight Nicholas Alwin Appleberry


  • Discussion: Necromancers in the City

    11 Posts

    I'll compile whatever scraps we can find into a novella to keep on hand. Perhaps it will teach us of other nefarious reagents.

    Once all the pieces we can muster are together, we will donate it on behalf of the council to the Arabel library.

    Are there any objections to this?

    -Dawnknight Appleberry

  • Senior Retainer Polk

    2 Posts

    There will be hell to pay and blood shall be spilled. I will not rest until he is avenged.

  • Report from the Luck Bringer

    6 Posts


    Vote here

  • Index of Council Records

    2 Posts

    Incident Reports

    list item list item

    Discussions: Issues

    list item list item

    Discussions: Nominations

    list item list item

    Discussions: Code of Conduct

    list item list item

    //wip Orin. will complete as I wait for work tasks to complete.

  • discussion: Code of Conduct Review: Dawn Squire Aritan

    35 Posts

    Let's start a new discussion, here.

  • Incident Report – Beholder Hive Under Helmlands

    3 Posts

    Brief Update - Paul has joined forces with the Rotting One halforc. Seeing as he was researching Minatours and saw this dead beholder sent down into the abyss, he might endeavor to find a new beholder and raise its corpse.

    This would be quite the threat were he to simply put two and two together.

    -Dawnknight Appleberry

  • Identical Private letters to Sara and Nicholas

    5 Posts

    //Polk can be seen crumpling the reply and dropping it in the waste bin while being heard saying "I didn't do it? It's your fault? But Keline was doing it too?" Followed by him shaking his head in disappointment. "I had better hopes for them both"

  • Aritian

    14 Posts

    To rekindle an old argument in the name of mine fallen brother, dead at the hands of some unseen assassin's,

    I ask this council to once again brand the Onyx which plagues this land a reagent of Necromancy, and call it for what it is, contraband.

    Already the citizens of Eveningstar have done their part, destroying jewelery that could be repurposed for evil. I urge you all to follow their good example. The light in the west burns bright, I caution this council to follow their example.

    In the past three days, I have found with mine own eyes three separate acts of ritual based Necromancy corrupting the Hullack, Moonsea, and the western road. Undead wolves, deer, Badgers, goblins, and yes, trees, sent upon the Free Peoples. Each site, a piece of Onyx was used to cause this unholy blight.

    Stop this mess, I hear from Senior Retainer Polk that he has the name of a man who stockpiled, and continues to stockpile -cart loads- of this substance which has been used to create a spire of unholy conflagration which might be released ANY DAY now.

    I urge you all to reopen this discussion before things grow well beyond our control.

    I propose an immediate change to the law, Aritians Amendment, a ban on the purchase, sale, and transport on Onyx within the city of Arabel.

    -Dawnknight Appleberry.

  • Battle for the Redwood.

    22 Posts

    [A copy of an incident report is delivered to the Council of Twelve written on an orange paper with fine black ink.]

    A strategy was formed by Commander Keline prior to the defense, involving only the Dolmen which we believed was the primary target of the Black Tribe Warlord. This strategy involved a set up of summons in the field with invisible support of soldiers, knights, and wizards. This stategy was never implemented, as on the day of the battle, new information lead us to believe there were two other targets - the Dead Tree, and Cracked Runestone. This new information rendered all prior battle planning inert, so much so that House Misrim advocated we not deploy.

    I had given an oath to defend the Dolmen no matter the odds. Dawnknight Aritian and Awakened Kora supported us on this. I slept against the Dolmen prior to the day of battle after spending some time warding the place with Sacred Dawn markings.

    12/18/2020 22:00 hrs, Pre Battle Movements:
    The Arabellan Warhorns began at precisely 22:00hrs. I began patrolling the greater Redwood area at this time, alone. Aritian and Kora were known to be preparing the troops of Eveningstar and assisting villiagers with moving into the House of the Morning for protection. A report I received later stated they then moved to Arabel to rally troops.

    Several Trees sprung to life cracking down old dead trees, and spreading them like barricades. Shrubberies rose from the ground spreading thorn-walls along the barricades and forming massive funnels of spikes and thorns for the onslaught of orcs to die upon.

    The forest was building barricades in one direction, and this direction lead us to know where the Orcs would come from.

    At 22:30hrs, Senior Retainer of House Misrim Aric Polk arrived on scene with several druids, woodland rangers, and elves in tow. The druids began raising massive guardians near the Dead Tree, Runestone, and Dolmen.

    At 23:00hrs, A large contingent of Arabellan troops arrived on scene. They were lead by Commander Keline. Dawnknight Aritian and Awakened Kora were with them, as well as a contingent of Free People mercenaries, House Misirm Retainers, Elven Embassy warriors, more folk than I know the names of. I spoke to one - a mercenary named Sybil, and commanded that she stay at my side if she wishes to earn Lathanders favor. For the following battle she did just that, and proved herself worthy of praise.

    The Battle of Redwood:
    At 23:15hrs, We received our first assault of Black Tribe warriors-orcs, shaman, and spellslingers. They were far stronger than the previous reports indicated, and nearly annihilated our vanguard of Druids, Elves, and Guardians (NPCs). They broke through, slew Great Druid Nanthleenee immediately, and scattered our forward line.

    At 23:54hrs, Aritian, Kora, myself, and Sybil, along with the Embassy elves, were trapped across the bridge surrounded by orcs. Keline called to hold the bridge, from the other side. This was a good call by any commander, as any attempt to reach us would have seen our second line shattered, something we could not recover from. Aritian and I carved our way to the bridge, we were slammed against our own barricades - again, from the wrong side. I watched in horror as a great axe carved into Awakened Koras very fist - yet by Lathanders Light - she caught it, and broke the beasts neck. Dawnknight Aritian - fighting like Lathander himself, took on six orcs at a time. Bashing them with shield, broadsword, and the will of a hundred men. We somehow fought our way back to the second line, and then across the bridge. the elven warrior Felaern stood shield to shield with Aritian holding it against all- everything.

    At 3:00hrs, A small contigent of orcs were seen breaking through the fringes of the second line.. It was then that I realized to my horror - not one adventurer, not a single soldier, knight, or warrior, not even myself were at the Dolmen, or the Runestone. We were distracted.. Completely focused on the forward assault. It was here that I broke rank, and with Retainer Aric Polk, and another druid assisting me, we ran to check the Dolmen and cracked Runestone.

    To my horror, we found a contigent of orcs exiting the Runestone, having alread corrupted it. Yet we stopped them in time to save the Dolmen. I commanded Retainer Polk and the druid to run back for re-inforcements... Polk, up to his shoulders in orcish corpses, attempted to break off, however when he turned a greataxe caught his shoulder, and he was slain instantly. The Druid, however, heeded my command, and ran for reinforcements.

    Keline, Aritian, the Embassy elves, and the remaining Free People arrived on scene rescuing me from several orcs attempting to reach the Dolmen. There was a narrow passage - the same passage Commander Keline and Nanthleenee discussed holding before a last stand effort... This was where we planned to make our last stand.

    At 05:00hrs, For two grueling hours we fought here. The battle was thick, orc and adventurers each covered in gore, leaves, and sheered hatred for one another stood shoulder to shield pushing back and forth. Aritian, our center and strongest shieldman, as struck in the head and unconscious for a short time. To our relief, the orc which put him down was also the final orc of a long wave. However it was here that the Free People began to lose hope. Nanthleenee, Aritian, Falaern, Polk, and many others I cannot name lay down or worse. We needed to make a decision. Keline, the commander of the Free People, needed to make a decision. All eyes were on her for direction.. Though Aritian, Kora and I had made our choice the day we made our oaths to Lathander. We were here to see the Dolmen kept safe, at any cost...

    Nanthleenee was laid down as we awaited the decision of Commander Keline. The grass she laid beneath immediately began to grow.. and indeed revived her, as if the Redwood itself refused to surrender against our enemy, the Black Tribe.

    A warhorn sung out in the distance. The adventurers looked to one another and felt the kiss of Cyric closer than ever before.

    At 0600hrs, A New Dawn: Aritian, Kora, and myself knew the battle was won the moment the hour struck Lathanders Dawn, 6:00AM. We had won, we merely needed to hold on to hope. We needed to pull together. Nanthleenee had been revived by the will of Chauntea, and the Light of Lathander was breaking through the darkness which orcish shamans cast upon the land. All we needed was to hold for one more hour and the day would be hours.

    We fell back to the Dolmen itself, Nanthleenee merged with - what I can only assume was the Redwoods heart, and large plantile fortifications surrounded us. What little remained of our defenses stuck shoulder to shoulder - and became enriched by Light and Wood. Chauntea herself - along with her lover Lathander, would not abandon us. The battle was thick - harder than ever before. Orcs rushed us from all sides and the darkness clouded them. They began climbing the barricades of plant matter and dead orcs. Yes, orcs climbing over the corpses of their fallen companions - diving down from utop the barricades attempting to reach Nanthleenee, or the Dolmen. We knew not at this point.

    Then suddenly, like a... A ... A bright light.. Perhaps the fire of the sun.. perhaps an ocean of heat... Fire made water.. Light made flesh.. it fell from the heavens and cracked open the horde of Black Tribe orcs. Earth rose from the ground encompassing everything - us included - though I recevied no bodily harm I could hear through the rock and dirt orcs screaming in agony. The Fire rose higher and higher, eating away at the darkness - the sky itself. I was released - all of us free people were.. Hundreds of dead orcs lay everywhere. Crushed, burned, drowned, suffocated, torn to shreds..

    Yet still - through the trees.. More came. Chauntea had broken the hordes body.. Now it was up to the Light to break their spirit.

    Dozens poured from the trees, the looked on in horror as their brothers and comrades fell into ruin. We slew as many as we could - and indeed, we saw their Black Tribe warchief himself, sneak from the shadows and attempt to make contact with the Dolmen. I commanded Kora to take him down. Awakened Kora performed a feat of grace I did not think possible by mortal men. She lept to the top of the barricade - and ran from shoulder to shoulder -atop- the orcs. She dove for the Warchief himself, striking him in the face. The craven then enspelled himself with invisibility, and ran,

    At 0700hrs, We found ourselves looking up at a new day. The Light of Lathander shining brighter than I had seen him in many days. A fine rain fell upon our armor, and the clinking of steel, the squealing of orcs, had ceased. We won a great victory.

    Commander Keline informed us much later that the strength of Arabel was sent against a flank of the Black Tribe supply lines, this contributed to why we only received -half- their number. The Legionnaires are commended for their efforts in this.

    -Dawnknight Nicholas Alwin Appleberry

  • A Sealed Letter for Aric

    4 Posts

    So much to update you with.
