• Regarding a letter that was recieved

    2 Posts

    I've already made that clear to Soppi.

    She doesnt seem to grasp that fact though and has hinted at forming more seditious groups,


  • File: Jafur of the Stonelands

    14 Posts

    The wanted criminal Myschanta the Sorceress is the wife of Nazim. Last I tried to apprehend her she made camp near the oasis in the Stonelands.


  • Council Meetings

    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Case File: Black Dragon

    37 Posts

    Do cease your complaining Naresh and stop trying to blame me for everything.

    The votes to remove you were for the simple fact you knew Nethki had stolen the headpiece and made no effort to return it or punish her as you clearly think your members above the law and they can rob councillors whenever they want.

    The vote to remove Ivo was because he refused to answer who held the stolen item even though he knew.

    As to who is to blame for Adrienne even getting on the council. Well that would be Soppi. If she hadn't decided to turn the Scarlets crimes of assualt into a dead or alive bounty for being beholder cultists or something and then attacked the Greywatch when Greg and Lucy were being arrested she wouldn't have been removed from the council and Adrienne wouldn't have gotten the seat of the Wildwalkers on account of being the only adventuring one who'd yet to take it as Greg had previously stood down and given the seat to Soppi.

    I know it may be hard for you to comprehend but a vote to remove Adrienne was not started because letting a criminal know you are onto them when they may well be executed means they tend to flee. I had planned to call her to the palace and arrest her but she had not been in the city for a few days.

    Now it seems she has left the region due to Bron so justice will be hard to serve on her.


  • File: Infernal activity and the "Three Pieces of a hellish artifact"

    30 Posts

    The demon inside the staff allowed for Lawrence to return infinitely from death as Lawrence Thorn was the sole remaining member of the Thorn family, Mandy's death allowed him to begin piecing the staff together and transferring the demon from the staff to a new vassal allowed us not only to slay the Infernalist, his apprentice and have the Demon moved to a safer location, but ended Lawrence's several centuries of infernal activity.

    The demon is now housed safely, where it can never be freed.

    Mandy Thorn prepared for the moment she'd be killed by putting her soul into the rod she'd made, sacrificing her ability travel beyond the fugue so that we had a way to defeat Lawrence by housing the demon within it.

    With that, I think that concludes the report on the matter.

    -Blood Dragon, Naresh Sabzvari

  • Peer Review: Naresh the Blooddragon

    15 Posts

    I will back this, Whilst I am willing to accept the threats were made against the Black Dragon the other accusations are valid

    So far he has refused to offer any remedy for the actions of Nethki in stealing from a councillor and member of the Greywatch and is refusing to co-operate in dealing with this infernal threat


  • The lawlessness of Arabel must stop: Council members making death threats

    10 Posts

    I looked over the "investigation" of my person. The title I use is one gifted to me by the spirits, who happen to take home in the Kings Forest, a forest I treat as being part of the Kingdom. I take the matter of keeping order in the woods very seriously, as that is the charges that go along with my title of Squire. Which I believe Soppi explained in the files at the time.

    If my character has been suspicious in other matters, it was removed from these files before I entered the council.

    I can quite honestly say, that I am no spy on behalf of Cormyr, never have. I have never had any contact with the Kingdom of Cormyr since Gondegal took over, except when Mikul, Jadzia, Ezri and I had to kill a division of soldiers sent for Mikul in the tunnels under Kings Forest.

    Why would I have issues with the Precept Arcanum? Have I ever treated you, your fellow Precepts, Levi Drago or his Black Clovers, with anything but respect and courtesy? Have I not countless times stated that I sit on this council representing the Wild Walkers, that I do our best to stay out of politics of the City, and out of your business, to the best of my ability?

    You shame my reputation with unsupported accusations. And your tongue seems to become bundled by all the inconsistencies and lies you tell or write.

    You threatened the Black Dragon in my presence, state I was not the target, yet state I have been under investigation since before joining this council? You make it clear to all that you care not for justice, for laws, that the Black Dragon will be killed under torture in the wilds, and left for the wild beasts to eat, to never utter a word of his passing. Yet at the same time state you will not harm me, until your investigation if finished?

    You speak with two tongues, Naresh. Such is the actions of snakes, not dragons.

    And I am not the one charged with finding out who murdered Mandy Thorne. That is Precept or Greywatch business. I do not expect you to help me plant trees cut down by the local villages, keep the population of deer in check with the population of wolves, or exterminate the slugs of the Kings Forest for me. It was an example. It may take you 20 minutes to travel from the bridge to the city, but it takes me a bit longer to travel the 10 or so miles.


  • Peer Review: Levi Drago

    10 Posts

    @HellzYeah said in Peer Review: Levi Drago:

    I simply absolutely refuse to allow that incompetent fool of a Greywatch hold the lives of my Crew in his hands.

    Then remove yourself from the council. Because as long as you sit on it with him, you're going to have to work with him.
    I've made Bryce incredibly aware of my issues with him at every given opportunity. And I have watched him make many mistakes.

    But right now, I trust his ability to be a functional member of this council more than I trust that of You or Naresh. And that is quite frankly the most damning condemnation I can give of either of you.

  • Defending the surrounding villages

    4 Posts

    It'd be incorrect to say the outlying villages are defenseless. They often have retired veterans in the Militia or the occasional patrol of the army that meanders through the countryside to exterminate the small goblin or kobold party. A skilled huntsman is as useful targeting deer as they are such monstrous pests. Even orcs in small groups don't pose much of a threat to a small village, as they are often poorly equipped, poorly trained, and lack discipline in order to keep their efforts hidden.

    Now, an organized army is something beyond a village is capable of repelling without immediate reinforcement or high walls. Eveningstar is close enough to Arabel that it can rely on the former, Tilverton is content with its latter.

    The villages of Bospir are unique in the sense that they are often unharassed by the monstrous tribes of the Hullack (or the constant festering of undead- which they claim to deal with by their own means and traditions of offering herbal incense and others to appease the angry dead.) Such villages often simply bribe their problems away- and the wiser, older monstrous groups know that we'd exterminate them if they orchestrated a raid, thus giving us a tenuous day to day balance...

    Now, if you are proposing we garrison troops in every village and town in the realm, we cannot afford to do so, it is not in the budget, and will never be lest we are forced to raise taxes to a painful level- which is something a country in desperate need of trade after a civil war and a massive invasion by monstrous creatures can afford.

    It is a tenuous balance- but it is why we loosened the restrictions of local nobles and fiefs to raise whatever armed forces they deem necessary to defend their own land and protect their own interests. A poor fief is a poor target, and thus, does not need as many troops, whereas a rich fief requires many soldiers to protect it, thus, it is well defended.

    Clerk Boris

  • Report: Expedition Under

    4 Posts

    If this matter was actually concerning then it wouldn't have taken two tenday for any response to be made.

    --Councilor Grurec, son of Torunden

  • Letter: Jazdia and Adrienne

    3 Posts

    I will find you as soon as I am Able Bryce.

    Dawnlord Jadzia Sunguard

  • The Scarlet Syndicate & The Greywatch

    10 Posts

    A few days prior to the attack on Eveningstar, Clark sought out the vampires fighting the Emerald lord, and sought to forge an alliance between the two organizations. I believe Levi on the same mission, but he and Mikul were hindered from finding out this information by others present.

    Clark has also tried to make Mikul burn down an Arabellan barrack, so that Mikul could impress the Black Dragon, and get closer to revealing its identity.

    It took me all of 30 minutes asking around to find this out. I am no spymaster, and use very little time on politics. But if thirty minutes revealed this, I imagine it is only the tip of the iceberg on what kind of shit Clark was really up to.

    As to the attack, the only thing left to note, is that the charge on the undead forces was the key to our success. When I suggested it, some hesitated. But I am glad the Council of 12 could finally show its worth, by taking on such a monstrous enemy together. Except Ezri who was occupied elsewhere, the entire Council fought as brothers and sisters against a common foe. We let the Lathanderites protect the town, while we focused on finding a way to defeat the source.


  • Open note left in the Council chamber: Threats to the Realm

    6 Posts

    To move this forward I would say the most pressing threats are the Infernalists and fiendish orcs,. The Emerald Lord and shadowy undead and The Rogue Legion which is blockading trade routes.


  • Case file: Strange Orcs

    5 Posts

    Soppi made a sending calling for aid asOrcs attempted a ritual on Calantars way that summoned more of these fiendish orcs.

    After killing them we pressed on and through Immersea into the Queens Abyss.

    There we found several orcish Infernalists performing rituals and pillars of Onyx, Flesh and Sulfur with Abyssal Runes on them.

    Emeraude said it was safe to pass the pillars so we did, some of the group got their minds affected.

    Shortly after a male demon appeared and offered food. Likely planning to use us for it. When he went to prepare Soppi passed out some wisdom potions which cleared our heads.

    We saw a stone emitting magics, likely the mind effecting ones and Emeraude was able to dispel it.

    We went after the demon and tried to bring it down but it was able to flee into a portal whilst some of us fought it's half fiend guards.

    After this the cave began to collapse so we had to flee.

    We should consider the Queens Abyss extremely dangerous and advise adventurers to not go there for the time being.


  • Case File: Emerald Lord of the North

    4 Posts

    There was certainly a shadowy figure just before the cave that leads to the ruins.

    It cast a few spells at Taymont before just fading into the shadow.


  • File: The Shield

    16 Posts

    Marshal Drakesbane's exact words were "If you find yourself agreeing with the words of this group then you are confronted with working with the council to reclaim the trust and love of the people or you must leave."

    I myself have informed Soppi that she cannot bring slander of that nature upon the council, and so she has ceased to do so.

    Marshal Drakesbane also said that to be a part of the council is to prioritize service to the realm above any other Agenda.
    While the Shield can be disagreeable, and the nature of the founding having cast a shadow upon us, they stand to defend Arabel. We don't have to like them, or agree with them, and we certainly don't have to give them recognition. But, you would try to wield Marshal Drakesbane's authority to deprive Arabel of defenders.

    Perhaps you'd prefer to give more work to the Scarlet Syndicate? You seem very fond of them, calling on their aid wherever you can. Do you just choose to forget that they serve as Ravens of Tilverton? That they have sworn loyalty to someone who until very recently was actively seeking to take arabel for himself, having previously tried to sell their services to him in time of war against him while acting on behalf of this very council, and that every item of note they carry back to their nest adds funding to their efforts to capture the trade routes for their own and deprive Arabel of Much needed Supplies?

    The Council of Twelve does not Approve of the Shield. Their words have caused damage to it's reputation and the faith the people hold in us.

    But, the damage to our reputation that would come of you telling adventures proclaiming themselves as Defenders of the City that they cannot do so will be entirely on your head. How will the common folk speak of the council that stripped Arabel of it's shield?

    Either learn diplomacy, or leave it to those better suited to the task.

  • Case File: Rot the half orc

    36 Posts

    You’re all so kind in assuming this orc can read.

    -Clerk Johnson

  • Case File: The Black Tower Hydra

    3 Posts

    Speaking honestly, we used Enervation and Ternivev root. Beyond that, it was combat prowess. Myself and Mikul held the line and forced the creature on the back foot while Nethki managed our enchantments. It delved into the water on occasions, but the vomiting kept the creature from fully utilizing it's acid breath. The creature's corpse is being taken apart by the Bloodhounds as we speak and being brought back to the Sanctum for further research it's lair is in the caverns only ten meters from the West gate. I can show you if you've the time to for it.

    -Blood Dragon, Naresh Sabzvari

  • Case file: Demonic circles

    18 Posts

    Encountered another ritual, Infernal Ogres, and a Maggot grown to the size of a cottage. The matter was handled by Councilor Drago, Brother Shadow and myself. The ritual itself was fairly mundane, a binding to keep the massive maggot in place while it's size was augmented. The creature was not summoned, and did not fade after death.

    It did appear to be breeding a fairly large stock of infernal maggots however, and the battle itself was time consuming if only that we had to kill everything at least twice over. If I had to make a guess on the purpose, I believe it was being raised as fodder for a larger beast of which I have no knowledge of.

    I've spoken with Clark on the matter, and we've agreed that there is likely a "Infernal Broker" offering out pacts and rituals wholesale to anyone that asks, how they come in contact and where this broker is siphoning this power will require capturing the infernalist we encounter alive. The Precept Arcanum can handle dampening their magic once they are in custody to prevent another incident like the Jester.

    -Blood Dragon, Naresh Sabzvari

  • News from the Wilderness

    2 Posts


    Perhaps this is connected to the undead north of the city, It seems Palus has left the region though

    Greg the druid has reported to me that the Malarite Sergi has been asked to provide the bones and flesh of White Stags by Marcus, a tiefling said to be in the service of Tilverton, It is also reported that Marcus has been seeking other blood and reagents, potentially for necromantic rituals.

    It is also said that that Palus, a priest of Cyric is seeking bones. Possibly for animation.

    It appears Sergi owes Marcus a debt for saving his life, quite what this is since I understand the tiefling claimed a bounty on the Malarite in Eveningstar


    Marcus is also known to keep the company of the Precept
