Custom Classes for v5- Vital Statistics
Mol mentioned a generic 'Knight' class might be better. Its easy enough to just change the title "Thayan_Knight" to just Knight. I've been focusing on the warlock class, and its finished, all i need to do is finish one or two scripts.
I can't wait to get stuck into the monk ones personally. I'm busy creating the ones listed just now- But yes. feats like "Crane Style", "Drunken Boxer" - should be in there, I'm taking creative liberties with those ones, and attaching them to monk orders such as "Dark moon" etc.. The addition of deity specific classes will be added too, like "Favored Soul", so A chanteaun with a sycthe will recieve benefits. that kind of thing.
I think I'm in love with you, man.
Will these custom classes be available by default, or app thing?
I'm mostly looking at the whole knight thing and thinking, finally something besides fighter or paladin for my Helmite warrior!
Also is there a place to suggest custom classes? Or is this the place for that?
Make a separate thread, just in case. I'm not sure where NBane ran off to.
Just heard him a few days ago, hes been extremely busy with RL. I will tell him to email what he was able to get done as soon as possible but it looks like some else is going to have pick up where he left off.
He's been working on other projects and getting his ass handed to him. Be patient. :)
Knock, knock. Going to see if I can't get NBane to come back and maybe work with this if it's something the DMs still desire.
We'd be much more interested in more options for existing classes if he can do that.